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I Called In Sick Today

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What are you doing up this late?Get fired/quit/lonely?
no/no/alwaysNo idea, catching up I suppose.
Shane: "From when your face caught fire and someone put it out with a rake...."
I've used this line for years, never directly to someone's face though.pretty cool week at work. Nothing interesting. Working at corporate, which is in the same building as your girl, my recent crush. I had drinks with her after work. She digs me, but no sparks. Oh well, I'll keep chipping away.Just call global warming and her a polar ice cap. I'm gonna wear her down eventually. Maybe not, but I'll certainly try to get her drunk. She seems like the type to do some inappropriate stuff when bombed. We'll see.Another girl seems to be into me. She asked me to lunch on Friday. We've had some seriously flirty emails. I'd stick it in her, but i like the other one. Um, what else? Nothing really. My good knee feels like crap after bball on Saturday, which is reaaaaaal good. Ya'll be cool.
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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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That was by far the worst two page ketchup I've ever done.
Somebody just knocked on my door. It's very strange when you're high and somebody knocks on your door when you don't expect it. It's like you just got out of the shower and you're only wearing a towel and your hair is still kind of wet. You're still pretty much naked, but you have to answer the door. (today it was the UPS lesbian.)
Shane started opening his front door in the nude when the Jehovah Witnesses showed up a while back. He would just stand there until they left, drinking a beer and smoking a Camel.I was there one day when he saw two dressed-up women pull up in a grey mini van. He stripped down and answered the door, only to find that they were from the local Toys for Tots and was seeking donations for the Christmas holiday season.I laughed for weeks about that one...
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We don't get Jehovah's Witnesses around here really. Had some Presbyterians a while back, but we ran them out of town.Just got an email turning me down for the job I recently applied for at a far better company with far better pay. Now I'm slightly depressed as that was my easiest way out of my current hell of an existence. There's still a few other possibilities out there, but nothing for a while, so I may be getting continually more depressed as the months go on. I'll probably drink a lot more too. I'm thinking about getting into land development so to speak, but that won't be for a year or two until I can get my debt to income ratio to a degree that wouldn't make a Rent-A-Center rep nervous. Possibly apartments, maybe town homes, probably nothing since I won't be able to get the loan, but I'll keep looking into it anyways. We can always hope.Don't you need a driver or foreman or a bodyguard or something beans?

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when I was younger, my dad got on a religious kick. Ughh. Anyway, some guy with a collar comes to the house, talks to us about religion, whatever. Anyway, he stands us all up, puts us in a circle, we bow our heads to pray, my dog, a young doberman pincher who I absolutely loved and was the best pet I ever had squated down and started pissing right on the priest/pastors foot during the prayer. No lie. We laughed for...well, I still laugh about it.SHe was the best pet I ever had. Babe Ruff was her name. We called her Babe.later all.

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Weird day today guys. Yeah, I loved it. Ron, glad to see you pop in. Dog, I hope No Neck Dolittle gets canned on AI shortly. Yeah, I used to play the Neg Open but now that i'm ***** whipped I watch that chit. I do enjoy the time with Debbi, but every week I feel a little bit of old Randy slip away. It makes me want to throw twenties at someone, only really hard. Scary thing is, I actually look forward to the show and have opinions on it. Kinda a like loogie limping with AQo OOP and complaing when he lost 1/3 of his stack even though he made a good read that saved his but. Oh well, BTW, I did read the scram thread on Falwell and it made my head asplode too. Have fun tonight kids.

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Okay, to be fair here, I hadn't read your thread. I just went and read it, and here is the post I would make if I was posting in that thread-The problem with playing the hand in this fashion is that you invested 35% of your stack preflop with AQo OOP against a preflop raiser. You only have a smidgeon of FE against his range (I would guess the range of calling the 3bet looks something like AA-99) and you are basically forced to shove any flop, regardless of whether or not you hit it. I could justify limp-calling here, but limp-raising-shoving means that you are going to get your money in bad fairly often.And limp-raising-folding if he shoves is "ewww" worthy. If you start investing 1/3 of your stack preflop and then folding, you really should step back and take a look at how you're playing the game.
Here's why I limp/reraised, Bizzle. He's been raising a lot of pots and I want to see where I'm at with this hand. If he pushes all-in preflop after my raise, then I'm putting him on AK, AA, KK, or maybe QQ. This is why I'm folding to his push. I don't care that I risked 35% of my stack. That means nothing to me at this point in the tourney. I'll still have enough chips to be effective, and I consider my short stack game to be top notch. If he folds, then he was probably raising with lower suited connectors and just trying to run over the table. If he calls (like he did), then I feel that he's got an Ace weaker than mine (or AQ as well) or a pocket pair lower than QQ. I'm pushing any flop for sure. He'll fold a lot of hands that are still beating me (mid pockets) and if he does call, then I'm at least drawing live to my six outs.This play was about taking it to the guy that's immediately to my left. I need to show some aggression against him soon, because we'll most likely tangle a lot later.BTW - When you tell me to take a step back and look how I'm playing the game....well....it's makes me a little angry. I'm looking at my game right now. That's why I post these things. Do you look at your game? Or have you discovered THE WAY to play? I don't consider you an authority or a superior, so I have to politely ask you to not speak to me like you are. I already have dozens of bosses at work. I come here to talk with my peers and have fun. Being talked down to is not fun.
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I get the watch it but I don't get the piss boy.
I like Mel Brooks?Nice watch Matty. I didn't look, but as a rule, I like Tags.
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This is probably only a semi-brag because I'm sure a lot of you have much nicer watches than this, but I got this watch tonight:http://www.tagheuer.com/the-collection/aqu...=CAF1112.BA0803It looks really nice and I'm pretty excited about it. That's really it for me today, still not over my ex but w/e.
Congrats on the watch. It's usually preference, but when you continue to rake in the big bucks: Swiss movement in the future.Purchase a grill and that might push you over the girlfriend anguish hump. Probably not, but it would give you street cred.
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Congrats on the watch. It's usually preference, but when you continue to rake in the big bucks: Swiss movement in the future.Purchase a grill and that might push you over the girlfriend anguish hump. Probably not, but it would give you street cred.
I don't know what this means.
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Somebody just knocked on my door. It's very strange when you're high and somebody knocks on your door when you don't expect it. It's like you just got out of the shower and you're only wearing a towel and your hair is still kind of wet. You're still pretty much naked, but you have to answer the door. And then whoever is there (today it was the UPS lesbian.) is all uncomfortable unless you have a hot bod (you know I do). Anyway, being high and answering the door is kind of like that except you stare more.
I feel you. It was like the time I was in the laundry room of my new apartment building all high as hell, and Teck Money from Real World walked in and asked if I was using a certain dryer. This was my first time meeting him, and I had no idea he lived in the building. I totally froze, mumbled something about one dryer being broken, and stumbled out.When I saw him about ten minutes later, I apologized for being an awkward stoner.
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Im staying at my cabin this month by myself to "pretend I'm working".Im using my weedeater and shooting suppressed shots at bottles in the pond.That oughta do it.Oh, and screw all that poker talk. Im the King of AR, thats all you need to know.Carry on and good day to you all.-Beans
I've used this line for years, never directly to someone's face though.
Its quite disturbing to witness....
We don't get Jehovah's Witnesses around here really. Possibly apartments, maybe town homes, probably nothing since I won't be able to get the loan, but I'll keep looking into it anyways. We can always hope.Don't you need a driver or foreman or a bodyguard or something beans?
Theyve bothered me a few times, but since I installed the automatic gate up at the entrance they dont come down here anymore.Id look into smaller properties in the "fixer upper" category. Still good money in flipping those. Study up on electrical, plumbing, heating and air, and general repairs before you get too far into the building trade. At least you'll know when a tradesman is out of line with an estimate.Ive been seriously thinking of starting up a new enterprise in the last few weeks. Still in the research phase at the moment, but it looks very promising. Ill keep ya posted...
Anyway, some guy with a collar comes to the house....he stands us all up, puts us in a circle....squated down and started pissing....
Sometimes my speed reading messes with my mind....I put the beer down and went back thru it again....twice, just to be sureDont be such a stranger, dammit
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Hi sickies, this thread is going to hell holding a handbag todayRegards,
If this thread ever dies, i'll be the first to admit it, i'd die too. j/sOn a happier note, I'm gonna play pokah! And after reading the whole loogie Bizzle donk thread, I realize that I am a masterof this game. Look out $10 sng here I come!!
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I probably checked the thread at least 10 times today. I think I posted once. I'm just not very talkative these days.loogie,I don't agree with mixing things up in STTs. Ask anyone who used to post in tourney strat, I used to pretty much go out of my way to look for reasons to go with the creative plays. IMO, it just makes way too much sense to go straightforward in STT SNGs. I know I'm not adding much of anything to the discussion, but I just wanted to register my vote.bizzle,you sound like you need a drinkjeff

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Here's why I limp/reraised, Bizzle. He's been raising a lot of pots and I want to see where I'm at with this hand. If he pushes all-in preflop after my raise, then I'm putting him on AK, AA, KK, or maybe QQ. This is why I'm folding to his push. I don't care that I risked 35% of my stack. That means nothing to me at this point in the tourney. I'll still have enough chips to be effective, and I consider my short stack game to be top notch.
The fact that 400 chips means nothing to you at this point in the tourney seems kind of odd to me. These 400 chips represent such a significant portion of your stack that investing them preflop to not even get to the flop seems like it is quite a large spew. You have one of those awkward stack sizes-any preflop reraise should commit you to the pot, but you are too deep to jam and get calls from weaker hands. The levels you will notice that this most frequently occurs is the 75-150 and 100-200 levels, especially in MTTs. That's the spot where I find myself having like 4k chips and seeing raises to 600-I can't shove because it makes their range unbelievably narrow and I can't repop to 1800 because I'm committed.Also, if he is the tard you think he is, do you really think he doesn't shove JJ/TT/99/AQ here? The widened range and the over 2:1 odds would make that a very very easy call.
If he folds, then he was probably raising with lower suited connectors and just trying to run over the table. If he calls (like he did), then I feel that he's got an Ace weaker than mine (or AQ as well) or a pocket pair lower than QQ. I'm pushing any flop for sure. He'll fold a lot of hands that are still beating me (mid pockets) and if he does call, then I'm at least drawing live to my six outs.
I understand making 2 stage plays with hands, but doing so here seems spewy. A typical 2 stage play occurs when you are either shorter or deeper into the tourney, due to the fact that they are higher risk than a normal play.Also, if he is such a tard that he is calling the repop with a weaker ace, he isnt folding if he pairs that ace or if he has a pocket pair here. Be wary of creating fold equity in your mind.
This play was about taking it to the guy that's immediately to my left. I need to show some aggression against him soon, because we'll most likely tangle a lot later.
Tangling with the table bully in marginal spots is one of the weakest points in my game. I busted from the WSOP last year because I tangled with a bully with AJ oop because "I hadn't taken a stand". I lost a sizable chunk at the PCA because I repopped a bully oop with A8o because "I hadn't taken a stand". Avoiding the temptation to make plays on bullies because they are bullies is something I have been working on for months now. If he is as wild as you say he is, then there will be better spots to get it in the middle than this one.
BTW - When you tell me to take a step back and look how I'm playing the game....well....it's makes me a little angry. I'm looking at my game right now. That's why I post these things. Do you look at your game? Or have you discovered THE WAY to play? I don't consider you an authority or a superior, so I have to politely ask you to not speak to me like you are. I already have dozens of bosses at work. I come here to talk with my peers and have fun. Being talked down to is not fun.
The reason I said that was two-fold. One, you've shown something that both frustrates and annoys me-the inability to recognize that when you invest certain portions of your stack, you are essentially committed. In this circumstance it's probably more marginal than others, but if it leads to spots where you raise 40..45..50% of your stack and then muck to a repop, then it is a bad path to follow.Secondly, you complained about people dissing your play in tourney strat as well as in here. If the goal of posting it here was to have a bunch of people say "it looks good", then you are probably misguided. Myself, mk, andre, et. al aren't the types to come in and give anything less than our honest opinions of how we think a hand was played. I don't claim to be a be-all end-all greatest poker player ever (in fact I don't even think I am all that good, but don't tell anyone) but I do think that I have a decent enough handle that I can proffer advice in situations such as these. It's your choice as to whether or not you want to listen to us or not, but don't get mad when the advice that is offered doesn't perfectly coincide with how you played the hand.
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BizzleMcBizzle, Jazzy Jeff StratI intend on starting to grinding the $22 180 mans this weekend when I can finally get money back online. Do these differ much in play from the $4.40s, etc etcIra

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BizzleMcBizzle, Jazzy Jeff StratI intend on starting to grinding the $22 180 mans this weekend when I can finally get money back online. Do these differ much in play from the $4.40s, etc etcIra
The average player in these is probably like 10% stronger than the average player in a 4.40. The top 10 players in these are probably 3trillion% better than the top 10 players in 4.40s. Obviously I've written a fair amount in the 180s thread in tourney strat (which used to be stickied-wtf?) but therrinn has written the most on them, as well as the best.
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The average player in these is probably like 10% stronger than the average player in a 4.40. The top 10 players in these are probably 3trillion% better than the top 10 players in 4.40s. Obviously I've written a fair amount in the 180s thread in tourney strat (which used to be stickied-wtf?) but therrinn has written the most on them, as well as the best.
Zach put the 180s guide along with some other good threads into a super sticky at the top.Super Sticky Thread
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Hi Sickies,Since the subject of poker has been discussed way too much some in here today, I thought I'd give you guys the first glimpse of the new site thats coming soon!Our last poker "pro" has decided to jump ship and leave us holding on to the last shred of hope for early retirement in the tropics, so yours truly has stepped up to the plate to endorse our best promotion ever!I can't tell you all the details right now, LOL!, but in the coming days you'll have the chance to be a Charter Member* of Habadaba Poker!And as an extra added bonus to the first ten real money accounts, I'm offering a freeroll tourney, and the winner will get a one minute text message from me on poker strategy!**I promise on this dead goat that I will be a regular visitor to the site, play low limits with the regulars, give away everything on Closeout.com that we can afford, and promote the site with all my heart until it goes down the shitter like a salmonella infected prune. Stay tuned! LOL!newfcp.jpg*same program as before. still sucks but we have to do something**subject to cell service inside cave. standard text fees from Afghanistan apply. poorly translated recording released to CNN may be substituted

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Im going up to my cabin this weekend by myself to "clear my head".Im bringing my bag of weed and a container of jello shots.That oughta do it.
Good luck...sounds like an interesting way of clearing the ol melon
Ron, glad to see you pop in.
Yup - RM, I am clearing out my garage and do have some old wedges. You were serious about needing them.? Just PM a naked picture of yourself your contact info and they are yours. And no I won't stalk you.
This is probably only a semi-brag because I'm sure a lot of you have much nicer watches than this, but I got this watch tonight:
Nice purchase.
I probably checked the thread at least 10 times today. I think I posted once. I'm just not very talkative these days.
Problems with you and LG?
BizzleMcBizzle, Jazzy Jeff Strat, MK SLim Z, Grandmaster Andre
you thugs have any good info on short-handed ( 6 max) tourney info. Thanks.
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This is probably only a semi-brag because I'm sure a lot of you have much nicer watches than this, but I got this watch tonight:
you're an aquaracer? n1. i've had my eye on several so-called balla watches for a while...total vanity purchase. i'm sort of too much of a nit to pull the trigger.
Problems with you and LG?you thugs have any good info on short-handed ( 6 max) tourney info. Thanks.
evalandnot sure what you're lookin for. online/live schedule? strategy?
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