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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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yeah, if you aren't super transactional but more of a buy and hold person, it'll be fine in the long run as long as you're well diversified (or at least until the dollar collapses and the world economy implodes). just keep dollar cost averaging so you get value from the dips and aren't just buying new highs all the time.if you're looking for other things to get into, it wouldn't hurt to be long commodities (like oil, gold). i also like diversifying the currency portfolio. i've been short dollars in my own accounts for a while now. another way to mitigate dollar risk is to invest in foreign stocks which have done well.
You sir, are a sound advice giver. And for that I owe you one teabag session.
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That's too bad. It's really some of the coolest shit I've ever heard. Check out this one by Talib Kweli.
Has turd become part negrofied?Stay tuned for more as the story unfolds.
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That's too bad. It's really some of the coolest shit I've ever heard. Check out this one by Talib Kweli.
Good stuff.So hell is the ghetto...what's heaven? The Champagne Room?
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Good stuff.So hell is the ghetto...what's heaven? The Champagne Room?
I actually believe it is the East side, specifically the deluxe apartment in the sky.
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I actually believe it is the East side, specifically the deluxe apartment in the sky.
Point for Zim.BTW - The Tournament Forum pisses me off. I play tournies and sngs almost exclusively, but I cannot discuss strategy in this forum. They should change the title of it to the Tournament ABC Play forum. I posted a hand the other day that was read-dependent, creative, and aggressive...and got blasted by open limping with AQo in early position. Here's a direct quote, "Ewww!" I explain that I limp with this hand about 25% of the time to switch up my play. There's nothing wrong with that...in fact you SHOULD do this IMHO. I scrounged around for my copy of HOH Vol 1 and looked up AQo in early position. What's his suggestion? Limp 25% of the time.I think I may have to take over the Tournament Forum in a bloody coup.
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Point for Zim.BTW - The Tournament Forum pisses me off. I play tournies and sngs almost exclusively, but I cannot discuss strategy in this forum. They should change the title of it to the Tournament ABC Play forum. I posted a hand the other day that was read-dependent, creative, and aggressive...and got blasted by open limping with AQo in early position. Here's a direct quote, "Ewww!" I explain that I limp with this hand about 25% of the time to switch up my play. There's nothing wrong with that...in fact you SHOULD do this IMHO. I scrounged around for my copy of HOH Vol 1 and looked up AQo in early position. What's his suggestion? Limp 25% of the time.I think I may have to take over the Tournament Forum in a bloody coup.
Yeah, I saw that. Silly shit. Everybody is so afraid of giving the "wrong" answer that they can't think outside the box or consider specific situations. If you need any tourney advice there are a few very good people (Mk, bizzle, grinder, gobears) to send private messages to instead of talking to a bunch of numbnut strat posters.
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BTW - The Tournament Forum pisses me off. I think I may have to take over the Tournament Forum in a bloody coup.
it used to be better. you know, when good players posted there.
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Yeah, I saw that. Silly shit. Everybody is so afraid of giving the "wrong" answer that they can't think outside the box or consider specific situations. If you need any tourney advice there are a few very good people (Mk, bizzle, grinder, gobears) to send private messages to instead of talking to a bunch of numbnut strat posters.
Ahhh...that makes me feel better. I make plays in sngs that most posters in there would think are completely insane. I think I'll start posting the hand histories of these as they happen, but I won't write any explanation of my strategy. I'll just let them blast me. I'll title each hand as Loogie Is Better Than All Of You: Hand x.Soooo....What do you get when you shove a flagpole up a 10-yr-old Asian Boy's ass?
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Ahhh...that makes me feel better. I make plays in sngs that most posters in there would think are completely insane. I think I'll start posting the hand histories of these as they happen, but I won't write any explanation of my strategy. I'll just let them blast me. I'll title each hand as Loogie Is Better Than All Of You: Hand x.Soooo....What do you get when you shove a flagpole up a 10-yr-old Asian Boy's ass?
You just keep doing your thing man.A rearry pissed off young Chinaman?
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What do you get when you shove a flagpole up a 10-yr-old Asian Boy's ass?
I don't know about you, but I get a boner.
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Point for Zim.BTW - The Tournament Forum pisses me off. I play tournies and sngs almost exclusively, but I cannot discuss strategy in this forum. They should change the title of it to the Tournament ABC Play forum. I posted a hand the other day that was read-dependent, creative, and aggressive...and got blasted by open limping with AQo in early position. Here's a direct quote, "Ewww!" I explain that I limp with this hand about 25% of the time to switch up my play. There's nothing wrong with that...in fact you SHOULD do this IMHO. I scrounged around for my copy of HOH Vol 1 and looked up AQo in early position. What's his suggestion? Limp 25% of the time.I think I may have to take over the Tournament Forum in a bloody coup.
That wasn't very funny. Who are you and what have you done with Loogie?
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he's from the detroit area, so we have to give anyone who brags and celebrates that fact some leniency due to them live in the shithold of america (with cleveland and miluakee riding very close behind)
That's too bad. It's really some of the coolest shit I've ever heard. Check out this one by Talib Kweli.
Good shit.
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That wasn't very funny. Who are you and what have you done with Loogie?
Stop applying so much pressure! Look! I am who I am and that changes daily! Today, I am serious. Verrrry serious. Except for that boner joke. Now read this website and help save yourself!Please excuse me, I now have to deliver Dennis Hopper his birthday gift. Watch your step. Don't trip over the names.
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I read MrDannyG's post about catchup being boring, and I had a few thoughts:1) Shut the fuck up.2) Shut the fuck up.3) You ever read Ethan Frome? Well I have the same reaction when I read your dry, uninteresting, longwinded posts about you and your quasigirlfriend. (In case you're wondering, that reaction is "stupefied anger, combined with what looks like an epileptic seizure but is actually a physical manifestation of my blinding rage. Also, blindness. From the rage.)4) Shut the fuck up.On another note, I'm terrified the Pistons are going to end up losing this series to the Bulls. Even if they do win, I'm not very confident that they'll handle the Cavs, even though I think the Bulls match up much better with the Pistons than the Cavaliers. Then again, barely skating by the Bulls means the series price on the Cavs will probably be more favorable, and I plan on betting it anyway.Wang

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I read MrDannyG's post about catchup being boring, and I had a few thoughts:1) Shut the fuck up.2) Shut the fuck up.3) You ever read Ethan Frome? Well I have the same reaction when I read your dry, uninteresting, longwinded posts about you and your quasigirlfriend. (In case you're wondering, that reaction is "stupefied anger, combined with what looks like an epileptic seizure but is actually a physical manifestation of my blinding rage. Also, blindness. From the rage.)4) Shut the fuck up.
Serious business.
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If I ever make it to final table of a major poker event I swear I am going to wear one of those alien abduction helmets. In fact, I think I am going to make one and wear it when I play online as well. He.ll $35 is a bargain to keep aliens from invading your mind. Isn't it?

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Stop applying so much pressure! Look! I am who I am and that changes daily! Today, I am serious. Verrrry serious. Except for that boner joke. Now read this website and help save yourself!Please excuse me, I now have to deliver Dennis Hopper his birthday gift. Watch your step. Don't trip over the names.
Hopefully his gift issss an alien abduction helmet. I mean it is Dennis Hopper.
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That's too bad. It's really some of the coolest **** I've ever heard. Check out this one by Talib Kweli.
the first two seasons are very good, the third, not so much. if you want to see a real cool one, check out the one amiri baraka
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Yeah, I saw that. Silly shit. Everybody is so afraid of giving the "wrong" answer that they can't think outside the box or consider specific situations. If you need any tourney advice there are a few very good people (Mk, bizzle, grinder, gobears) to send private messages to instead of talking to a bunch of numbnut strat posters.
Ya, let's not do that.
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