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I Called In Sick Today

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Oh, and before Sal questions my sexuality based on the cat pics, tonight I went 4 for 4 with a triple and a double, totalling 6 RBI and was the winning pitcher. Suck on that, homos.

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

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you know what pisses me off? people posting pictures as attachments so 'funny' comments like, "You can take the cat out of the pound but not the pound out of the cats' are not easily associated with the correct picture

Oh, and before Sal questions my sexuality based on the cat pics, tonight I went 4 for 4 with a triple and a double, totalling 6 RBI and was the winning pitcher. Suck on that, homos.
me: which thread was this?RM: POWspeedz: no it was a softball game with real peopleme: and you're proud of this?RM: POWEl G: the other time you did this was a lot betterRM: POWwbp: plus we don't have rbi in the forumRM: POWJoey: not yetRM: POWJLL: noRM: OWloogie: when's this gonna endRM: NOWmdg: what an awful endingRM: WOWsal: your wife is such aRM: COWLG: cows are somewhere in between the worst and beeessssssstttttt. cows are somewhere in between the worst and the beeessssssttttttRM: MEOWme: this is getting harder. wait a second while I wipe myRM: BROWme: no I promise. no no. IRM: VOWme: never toRM: ALLOWme: myself to do anything this awful againeveryone:me: untilRM: SALme: gets a new jobRM: POWsal: ow
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you know what pisses me off? people posting pictures as attachments
I used to upload pics to hosting spots, but then I realized that I can be much, much lazier. Suck on that, homo.
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Yay! Wait, its brvheart. Damn!
Hey, **** you. You're the dumbass that was being all high and mighty about someones life. Get a clue, loser! DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN THE ASS!
Would it help you if I said that I think Up, Wall-E, and Ratatouille are great movies?
I have no clue what he's talking about here either.
Joey, I'm going to go ahead and assume that you understood that I understood that he was crazy for saying that. I think Ratatouille is probably top 3 for the best Disney movie in history. (I need to see Up)
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Without using the search function:1) Who posted this?2) To whom was it directed?3) BONUS QUESTION: Where was it posted?
1/3, unless "off-topic" can score me the bonus question points.
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you know what pisses me off? people posting pictures as attachments so 'funny' comments like, "You can take the cat out of the pound but not the pound out of the cats' are not easily associated with the correct pictureme: which thread was this?RM: POWspeedz: no it was a softball game with real peopleme: and you're proud of this?RM: POWEl G: the other time you did this was a lot betterRM: POWwbp: plus we don't have rbi in the forumRM: POWJoey: not yetRM: POWJLL: noRM: OWloogie: when's this gonna endRM: NOWmdg: what an awful endingRM: WOWsal: your wife is such aRM: COWLG: cows are somewhere in between the worst and beeessssssstttttt. cows are somewhere in between the worst and the beeessssssttttttRM: MEOWme: this is getting harder. wait a second while I wipe myRM: BROWme: no I promise. no no. IRM: VOWme: never toRM: ALLOWme: myself to do anything this awful againeveryone:me: untilRM: SALme: gets a new jobRM: POWsal: ow
This has me giggling like a school-girl.
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This has me giggling like a school-girl.
speaking of Ricky Gervais and also modifiers and snl sketches...well nah I've leave it...actually, I won't leave you dangling. I'm watching Season 2 of the Shield currently and I can't get over how funny it'd be to see an SNL Sketch entitled "Ricky Gervais is...Vic Mackey" where Ricky struts around as Vic saying things that Vic would say and doing things that Vic would do but all the while being Ricky. giggles and all. living the good life.
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To: BrvheartRe: Work TomorrowDear Brvheart,There is a very high chance that I will not make it into work at my normal 10 am-ish. I can explain further in person, but I am to drunk to make it make sense in text form (plus it wouldn't make any real sense anyways) as to why I will not make it in by 10 am...ish. I will probably be in around noon to three-ish. Yes, alcoholic beverages are involved. Please don't fire me.Hugs and Kisses,MeP.S. I could have done this in via phone and awoken all of your brood, so keep that in mind when you are deciding whether to fire me or not. P.P.S. Please, please don't fire me. P.P.P.S. I could make it in by 10 am, but I can not promise you that I would not still be drunk. I can, however, promise you that I would not drive while intoxicated because I would just make a freshmen drive me and then pick me up.

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you should be! I cried myself to sleep last night because of the hardy boys book cover!actually, that's true. but it was because it brought back a lot of memories about how my uncle used to hide outside of my bedroom window and steal my underwear while I was climbing out of a hole in my roof. that was a tough time in my life. oh yeah, beans, didn't you post a canouflage tutorial in here somewhere? I've been thinking about trying my hand at it to make some for some friends. every time people see one they're all like "oh wow! where'd you get that? it's awesome!" and stuff, and I'm running out of excuses that aren't "my crazy internet friend from arkansas made them for me for christmas!"
That's all I have going for me douchebag
don't forget about the herpes!
Oh, and before Sal questions my sexuality based on the cat pics, tonight I went 4 for 4 with a triple and a double, totalling 6 RBI and was the winning pitcher. Suck on that, homos.
wow, I don't know what all that means, but BOY DOES IT SOUND GAY. so gay.
LG: cows are somewhere in between the worst and beeessssssstttttt. cows are somewhere in between the worst and the beeesssssstttttt
this just absolutely slayed me.
To: BrvheartRe: Work Tomorrow
employee of the year is just an absolute lock, no?
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To: BrvheartRe: Work TomorrowDear Brvheart,There is a very high chance that I will not make it into work at my normal 10 am-ish. I can explain further in person, but I am to drunk to make it make sense in text form (plus it wouldn't make any real sense anyways) as to why I will not make it in by 10 am...ish. I will probably be in around noon to three-ish. Yes, alcoholic beverages are involved. Please don't fire me.Hugs and Kisses,MeP.S. I could have done this in via phone and awoken all of your brood, so keep that in mind when you are deciding whether to fire me or not. P.P.S. Please, please don't fire me. P.P.P.S. I could make it in by 10 am, but I can not promise you that I would not still be drunk. I can, however, promise you that I would not drive while intoxicated because I would just make a freshmen drive me and then pick me up.
sonofabitch.... not this again!
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LG: cows are somewhere in between the worst and beeessssssstttttt. cows are somewhere in between the worst and the beeesssssstttttt
On the worssstttt to bessstttt spectrum, cows are toward the bessssttt end. They lose points for trampling people to death when they get scared, but they win points for being cute, pensive, and making tasty milk. Speedz: keep the photos coming. Also cute stories and anecdotes. I love the way they hold hands (or 'paws', that's the official term for cat hands). Mostly I need a lot more photos. I'm thinking of making a collage. Also, are you planning on renaming Dewey? You seem to have just stuck with that name in the end, but I don't think it really suits him.
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Oh, and before Sal questions my sexuality based on the cat pics, tonight I went 4 for 4 with a triple and a double, totalling 6 RBI and was the winning pitcher. Suck on that, homos.
This is real softball? I thought it was some sort of sex reference. I guess it's been a long time since I've gotten laid played softball.
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Speedz: keep the photos coming. Also cute stories and anecdotes. I love the way they hold hands (or 'paws', that's the official term for cat hands). Mostly I need a lot more photos. I'm thinking of making a collage. Also, are you planning on renaming Dewey? You seem to have just stuck with that name in the end, but I don't think it really suits him.
That's a shame, I actually really like the name for him now. I call him Dewey, Duece, Dew, etc. I think it fits his personality...unfortunately you only get to see the still, cute pictures, while in real life he's a fucking maniac when he's awake and playing. Screaming, "DEWEY!" when he does something bad is working well for us. Here's a quick one for you...it's the typical, "Oh, herro!" they give me when I wake up. Yes, while my cats speak in correct grammar, it's done in an asian accent. Oh, and I'm going to keep just attaching photos instead of making them nice and pretty...I figure this way at least they're fairly small so they should be too much of an annoyance to the people who don't care.You'll see in the photo that Dewey seems to be missing a chunk of his nose. I got home last night and he had this big patch of skin missing all of a sudden...it doesn't look like a bite or a scratch from Cheeto, so I'm assuming that while he was going through one of his twitchy kitten freakouts he sprinted face first into the corner of a table or something.
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the JJJ rate all posts in OT project prompted me to look through some posters' first hundred posts or so. we were funny. i encourage this.
That's just make me sad...but how would one go about doing such a thing?
This is real softball? I thought it was some sort of sex reference. I guess it's been a long time since I've gotten laid played softball.
Maybe it's neither. Or both. It's hard to tell.
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That's a shame, I actually really like the name for him now. I call him Dewey, Duece, Dew, etc. I think it fits his personality...unfortunately you only get to see the still, cute pictures, while in real life he's a fucking maniac when he's awake and playing. Screaming, "DEWEY!" when he does something bad is working well for us.
You say "working well for us" - is this a reference to Speedz' Girl? How's that going? I'm nosy, as you knowsy. p.s. thanks for the new picture, keep them coming. This is not helping me to suppress my extreme desire to have my own cat as soon as possible (possibly sneaking one into my dorm room next semester...). I have to keep reminding myself of the negatives, irregardless of how paltry they are: cat breath, fur everywhere, stinky food, cat farts, responsibility... nothing overrides the overwhelming positive: CUTE
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You say "working well for us" - is this a reference to Speedz' Girl? How's that going? I'm nosy, as you knowsy.
No, "us" just meant me, the yeller, and Duece, the yellee. Speedz' Girl was very good about staying out of choosing the kitten and then the name, since she realizes we've only been together for a few months and I'm stuck with my choice for a long time.It's going kind of ridiculously well. She's away for a few weeks and I'm about to start school, so it'll be a huge change when she gets back...hopefully we'll manage. I have yet to find something I don't like about her, but obviously I'm sure that's coming at some point.
p.s. thanks for the new picture, keep them coming. This is not helping me to suppress my extreme desire to have my own cat as soon as possible (possibly sneaking one into my dorm room next semester...). I have to keep reminding myself of the negatives, irregardless of how paltry they are: cat breath, fur everywhere, stinky food, cat farts, responsibility... nothing overrides the overwhelming positive: CUTE
Yeah, those negatives are pretty weak. I'd say the one big negative would have to be that a dorm room is just too small for a cat. You know what you could do though? Foster a litter...usually by the time they'd need any more space than that they're ready to go up for adoption.
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Yeah, those negatives are pretty weak. I'd say the one big negative would have to be that a dorm room is just too small for a cat. You know what you could do though? Foster a litter...usually by the time they'd need any more space than that they're ready to go up for adoption.
I was joking about the dorm room. There's no way I'd get away with having a pet on campus, and no way my mum would let me bring it home during the holidays. The soonest I could hope to own a cat of my own would be after I graduate next year if I get my own place. However, even then I probably won't be able to afford it, even if I do manage to get a job and all that. I have to wait til I'm a grown up I guess.
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No, "us" just meant me, the yeller, and Duece, the yellee. Speedz' Girl was very good about staying out of choosing the kitten and then the name, since she realizes we've only been together for a few months and I'm stuck with my choice for a long time.It's going kind of ridiculously well. She's away for a few weeks and I'm about to start school, so it'll be a huge change when she gets back...hopefully we'll manage. I have yet to find something I don't like about her, but obviously I'm sure that's coming at some point.
Aw yeller and yelllee, is Cheeto 'yeller' because he is yellowy/orange or because he is a talkative cat? That's cool about he respecting your sole ownership of the cats. Glad to hear its going well with you guys. You've given me an idea actually: find a boyfriend with a cat. That way I can benefit from all the cuteness without any of the expense, cleaning, responsibility etc. Easier said than done though.
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Oh, and before Sal questions my sexuality based on the cat pics, tonight I went 4 for 4 with a triple and a double, totalling 6 RBI and was the winning pitcher. Suck on that, homos.
Ways to tell that your softball league is not that competitive:1) A cat-collecting Jew is your Babe Ruth.2) There is a keg at first base.3) See 1.
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I'm nosy, as you knowsy.
I think I had more to say, but I forgot. I'm a little ashamed that this made me laugh.I'm a big runthemover fan.You guys suck at Mystery Poster game.Cats!Oh, I thought speedz was talking about his posting night initially and not actual softball. I'm more than a little ashamed at this.
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Aw yeller and yelllee, is Cheeto 'yeller' because he is yellowy/orange or because he is a talkative cat?
She's talkative...not all the time, just when she has something specific to say. Oh, yeah, she's a she...I guess Cheeto sounds a bit like a boy's name, and orange females are rare, but she's a girl. The final guess at the animal hospital was that she's 1/4 Siamese, which explains the talking and maybe the color. Dewey, while not a huge talker, runs around meeping* when he's fired up.*Beaker, not Road Runner
You've given me an idea actually: find a boyfriend with a cat. That way I can benefit from all the cuteness without any of the expense, cleaning, responsibility etc. Easier said than done though.
The heterosexual male cat lover is even rarer than the orange female cat.
Oh, I thought speedz was talking about his posting night initially and not actual softball. I'm more than a little ashamed at this.
You should be. Can we get an update on the leaderboard? I'm guessing I've slipped out of the top 3 after a series of strikeouts.
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You guys suck at Mystery Poster game.
Sorry I stole your bit. I was listening to half-sad half-breed music and looking through old threads, when I stumbled upon that gem in Galactic Ray Jetworn's Dangling Modifiers thread, and figured it would be a fun "MYSTERY POSTER" clue, except I'm not sure how the game is supposed to be played
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