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I Called In Sick Today

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Girl I’m talking to has bad dental hygiene. Incredibly easy fix, but we are early in the process, so I don’t know how to go about it. She’s really into me, so I don’t think she’d break it off if I broach it correctly.

I don’t see any way around just being direct. “I’m concerned about your dental health. Is it okay if we talk about this?” She’s super ideal otherwise, but for whatever reason, just does not care about her teeth and probably hasn’t seen a dentist in years.

Opinions welcome. 

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I very much want you to bring it up while maybe live-streaming it.  I applaud your confidence that you think can bring it up without a negative outcome. 

I wouldn’t say anything, but, if I did, I would bring up how I’ve got a dentist appointment and turn it to dentists and then act surprised when she says she hasn’t been in years or mention how you haven’t found a dentist yet since moving to KY (lol, it’s been what 6 years?) because you hate going but you’ve got a sore tooth and ask her for a recommendation and then make it like a fun thing that you both make an appointment.

Idk. I just want to know how this goes. 

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You could also just tell her “I don’t think this is going to work out” and not date someone you have to convince as an adult to go to the dentist. 

But  like i said, I have no idea but I do want to know how this plays out, for better or worse. 

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I think her teeth are actually fine. I did a call with her tonight and it appears the lighting in her photos was tricky.

We started talking about her neighborhood, the baller one I want to live in, come to find out she lives next door to my former boss. So that’s something. 

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On 12/31/2020 at 9:46 PM, InternetExplorer said:

I think her teeth are actually fine. I did a call with her tonight and it appears the lighting in her photos was tricky.

We started talking about her neighborhood, the baller one I want to live in, come to find out she lives next door to my former boss. So that’s something. 

On 12/31/2020 at 7:19 PM, Napa_Don said:

This feels like a Seinfeld episode, is my point. 


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I pretty much just went back to a default, globally diversified ETF model, using a few factor products. I held on to a few individual stocks for fun, but mostly just want to let equities do whatever they’re gonna do.

I sort of redid the way I’ve been running my personal finances. I have a non-qualified brokerage account with a checkbook and debit card, so I just pointed all the recurring stuff (Netflix, utilities, insurance premiums, whatever) at it, and am building a portfolio balance in line with a 3% withdrawal rate. So, eventually it’ll be self-funding, but it’s gonna be a while. It’s fun to watch the balance slowly catch up. 

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So like, for example, Netflix... $14.75 a month, $177 a year.  At a 3% withdrawal rate, you'd need $5,900 to fund that $177 indefinitely (177 / .03).  It's more like $6,950 if you include a 15% tax rate, which is the number I'm using.

I think it gives some perspective on what a given expense means in the scheme of things.  $7k to pay for Netflix forever?  Doesn't seem that bad.

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How is your grandma doing, Napa?



Can we start seriously considering the fact that Suited has probably died of Covid?

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On 12/28/2020 at 1:58 PM, Napa_Don said:

Also, I’m sure this is an unpopular opinion here but seeing the vaccine progress when we just throw money and resources at it feels bittersweet when thinking about the progress we could make on climate change if everyone got on board and we did the same. But I worry it’ll take getting to the point where it’s affecting literally everybody a lot more noticeably before that happens and by then it’ll probably be too late.

I think I would personally be super encouraged if I thought climate change was a man-made issue that we could have an impact on.  Things are massively moving toward renewables.  (Electric cars, wind power, solar, etc.)  There are a huge percentage of houses in my neighborhood that have solar panels (and I live in Wisconsin!!).  The cost/benefit of solar this far north for so many people would have been science-fiction as recently as 10 years ago.

The stupidest thing that the climate change movement has done is rejected nuclear.  If they would have embraced nuclear 30 years ago our carbon footprint would be so much smaller right now.

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22 hours ago, InternetExplorer said:

That is an absolutely ridiculous statement. 

Having 0% of your net worth in crypto is betting against it ever being a thing...and it definitely seems like it's going to be a thing. Having even 1% is hedging against inflation.

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On 12/31/2020 at 6:36 PM, InternetExplorer said:

There is no casual way to go about it. If it bothers you, you have to address it. Dealing with something like that for 40+ years isn’t a thing.

How about stop trying to fix people that didn’t ask you for your help.  

You don’t like a grown ups dental choices, move on.  Nobody asked your fcking opinion about how they should brush and floss.  

seriously a dick attitude. 

you aren’t looking for a partner, you’re looking for a pet 

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Otherwise, good luck with the new girl.    

just try having a little perspective and decency, and maybe not be like you’re  heavily on the spectrum and just saying things that come into your mind. 

spoiler alert:  there is no perfect person.  Don’t try to fix everyone that isn’t exactly as you want them. 

you find someone that makes you happy, you live with the stuff that doesn’t that isn’t a deal breaker.  Once you’ve been together a while, people can pick up your habits and maybe you’ll pick up some of theirs.  Hopefully just the good stuff

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2 hours ago, brvheart said:

Can we start seriously considering the fact that Suited has probably died of Covid?

the kung flu can't keep me down. i probably had it already and didnt even know.

i'm just doing what i've always done, survive. got a nice promotion at work to Senior Vice President. no word on money increase yet so i'm not jerking off every night to the thought. but its something.

gained 3 pounds in december, up to 166. i was just living high on the sugary hog. so we got to redouble our efforts in 2021 and get down below 160 for swimsuit season. your boy here wants to be lean, like jesus on the cross. 

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