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I Called In Sick Today

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22 hours ago, InternetExplorer said:

I ended up voting libertarian for president and senate. Was thinking straight dem until I saw the polls for those races. Godspeed, libertarians. 

[randy's head asplodes]

From the results I've seen Jo can't hold Perot's jock strap and isn't even going to get the 5% national needed to get national funding next election. Seems to be holding around 1-1.5% so: way to waste your vote?

I flipped between a couple stations and followed a couple of online poll tracking sites last night for a few hours. The blue lead slipping away was no surprise to me but what was surprising was the AP calling Virginia before 8 PM CDT for Biden when Trump was leading the vote by over 300k. When I saw that I felt echoes of 2016 and strongly suspected pollsters and pundits shit the bed again. Granted, this morning it looks like the AP were correct about Virginia but I just don't see how an organization can, in good faith, call a race for one candidate when the other is leading by a fair amount of the tallied vote. 

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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This girl I’ve been talking to, last time I got a text from her was before a weekend trip, Halloween weekend, she was driving 8 hours to see relatives. Texts me today for the first time since then, to say “wow I’ve been busy!” And then doesn’t say anything back to my response.

Guess I’ll talk to you in another 10 days...?

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I chatted with a girl on eharmony for an afternoon before realizing that she actually lived in Florida and wasn’t from MN and just visiting. That was a bummer. my only guess is that she has a wide net so she can solicit her onlyfans, which, I probably would have bought a month at that point if that was the case. She was very much in my league looks department lest you think I was falling for an obvious catfish. Alas, she never tried to get me to add on her on OF or snapchat or anything like that. 

started working with a personal trainer and a nutritionist. Clearly what I’m doing on my own isn’t getting results. 

can anybody clarify if covid is just waiting for the electors to be certified before disappearing or what?  Hospitals are close to capacity here and they just announced some new lockdown measures to start this weekend. 


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3 hours ago, Napa_Don said:

can anybody clarify if covid is just waiting for the electors to be certified before disappearing or what?  Hospitals are close to capacity here and they just announced some new lockdown measures to start this weekend. 


It was probably all those superspreader non-socially distanced Biden celebrations I've been reading about all over the news.  I'm sure they will continue to unfairly blame Biden for this for several weeks.  Damn media.


Also, good for you on getting healthy.

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Our governor even called out “celebrating political results” today in his conference, FYI. But I think the protests/riots this spring showed pretty well that if people are moving and wearing masks they don’t really cause massive spreading but maybe with waaaay more community spread happening now than then who knows. But most of what I saw people were wearing masks so hopefully not. I did not attend any even though I kinda wanted to go downtown just to see what was all going on. 


but also Biden didn’t win. All this voter fraud will be found out and overturned and Biden will go to guantanamo post haste. 

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Brvy when I get my vaccine I’m coming to Chicago and expecting a big ole bear hug. Like I’m going on a cross country trip. I expect Strat to hook me up with one of the girls he keeps in waiting now thats he’s a big ladies man. 

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The NV group that appealed the election results amusingly recalled their own appeal, making those challenges 0-12 in court.

My lil Republican town in ole blue MA still had a group of like 8 people waving Trump signs in the center of town today. Not the best look for them.

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If fraud is occurring, I want it exposed and corrected. I think the vast majority of people not directly working in politics want that. So, if it’s a real issue, I expect these people to be following up, devoting resources to fixing these problems, for however long it takes—six months, a year, whatever. If this thing is as widespread as claimed, there will be evidence. I would personally donate to that movement.

If it’s a bullshit claim from someone who just can’t accept losing, well, I expect to see no meaningful effort put into it after the dust settles on Biden’s win. But if you go that route, you need to not talk about election integrity anymore, because all you really cared about was “your team” winning this one.

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I really don't understand your approach to life. And not personally you. But smart people who see how ****ing stupid this all is, but have this greater devotion to whatever the notion of ideal capitalism is, and still say "yea, but i cant vote for the shitty democrat"

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The way the dems approached the pandemic discussion was hugely detrimental. Biden putting the blood of 220k people on Trump’s hands in one of the debates was one of the key moments for me.  I just have a very hard time supporting open attempts at manipulation, whether or not I agree with the actual position. Which is why I was never voting for Trump, either.

If people really cared about being fiscally conservative, they would punish the Republican Party in years like these. Their guy pushed out a tax cut without any meaningful reduction in spending. Poll the base, see how many of them rank fiscal conservatism high on their issues list, and look at how close Trump came to winning anyway.

I spent a lot of time over the last few months, cognitive dissonancing my Trump-supporting libertarian brother to death. The experience has made me think, if you are a conservative, by the end of his term, to continue to stick with him, you pretty much just had to want to not see the other side be right about the guy. This is just my opinion, and I’m not gonna debate it or anything, because how do you really prove whether a person is conservative, etc.

If either of the parties put up a candidate that’s worth a damn, I’m voting for that person. If not, I’ll be one of the stupid people throwing their vote away on a third party. 

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On 11/10/2020 at 2:27 PM, brvheart said:

It is quiet, Colby.  What's going on with you?  Anything new and exciting?

Same ol', same ol'. We went back to partial "in-person", though I only have one student there. Work load has been kind of light due to some students being absent, so that's kind of nice. Going to be around here for Thanksgiving, and then we'll likely go up to my hometown for Christmas.

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Napa, the eharmony story, did you get her number, how did that all work?  I understand the temporary nature, but who knows.  I am still text buddies with the girl I dated for a few months.

I would actually feel great about the experience if I were you.  Someone matched with me today and immediately just told me add them on snapchat.  Okay buddy.

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nah, she just liked my profile so I messaged her. 

it said she was from Florida but I assumed it meant she was just there at the moment, sort of like tinder. Like, why would somebody in Florida be looking for dudes in Minnesota?  

i even like asked her about it but I don’t think she quite got that I thought it was just a temporary thing. Like at one point I asked what she was doing in Florida and she said working remote. Which to me, sounds like, she’s working remote so she just went down to Florida to work rather than Minnesota. We just messaged in the website, no number exchanges, before I more explicitly asked why Florida and she’s like “cause I live here” and she said something about looking for the right person, but not necessarily in the right place. So, whatever. Just kind of stopped talking to me at that point. 

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Well the boy tested positive for the coco today. Means we're all on the Q through 12/4. Good thing the cable got hooked up this week...

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I'm just down the road in Manhattan a tad over an hour away. If you do visit let me know and I'll come that way then we can road trip to KC casinos so we can meet SA at the casino. Then when you both bail last minute I can still go gambooooool. 

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