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I Called In Sick Today

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Looks - 27 - 30% - 8.1Intelligence - 63 - 10% - 6.3Wealth/Success/Status - 31 - 10% - 3.1Personality - 12 - 50% - 6HotScore - 23.5I'm not that familiar with TG.
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Good news:I have what should be an Ashley-free evening. She is visiting friends. She asked me to come hang out with them, but I begged off since I have to watch LOST and "catch up on some academic stuff." Bad news:She flies out on Saturday instead of Friday.Worse knews:She is going to come see me at work tomorrow. She is probably going to stay the night here tonight, since she's partying and doesn't want to go stay at her dad's place.Worst news:She referenced "the future" in our conversation. The phrase "long-distance relationship" came up. I told her I did not think it would work. She said, "Well talk about it tomorrow. We'll figure it out later." ****ing **** news:She mentioned that "things are falling apart with her boyfriend." Good news: She put together a survey for the Boyfriend. It's going to be self-serving and ego-stroking. If she doesn't score him significantly higher than looks, I'll throw the whole thing out. He's probably a 90/100. Classic good looks. Good smile. Well built. He is at least 2times as good looking as me. He takes his shirt off in public and shit.Good News: I am going to take some Xanax and eat cookies tonight.

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Looks - 35 (20%) 7Intelligence - 95 (30%) 28.5W/S/S - 90 (10%) 9 (Considering still being in college)Personality - 85 (40%) 34Zimmer's total hotness score: 78.5
Everybody thinks he's more interesting and smart that he probably is. Not just you, Zimmer. Even me.
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and thanks for not rating me.
You're welcome.You were the only one who scored lower than me; why would I want to change that?Edit: Except Sal. But he wasn't being serious.Edit2: And KDawg who I just rated.Other than them.
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Everybody thinks he's more interesting and smart that he probably is. Not just you, Zimmer. Even me.
Probably true. Personality might get downgraded on second thought, not intelligence though. It never ceases to amaze me how so many people here make me feel like a fucking genius on a daily basis.
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Ill be chainsawing if anyone needs me today
Dont let that limb slap you in the face while youre up in that tree....woops, too late
Lefty and his 2 brothers own a specialty plastic printing business. Products are gift cards, hotel key cards, player tracking cards, insurance cards. Don't do credit cards. I am CFO and do sales. Gonna be spending more time selling this year obv.
You have made several bucks off me.... I leave every one a casino issues me in a machine or pit somewhereIm convinced you added in the credit card exclusion part just for me
fuck man you've gone sideways.
well, he did get into an all-black college, so he can't be that dumb...
:greasy nose spot on monitor face:
speedz just called mex stupid. that is going to be fun.
Im glad I was up in a tree...
I CAN PAY NEXT WEEK.... I PROMISE!!!No idea what that means.... it was the first thought that crossed my mind
just took a terrible poo. gotta say, the superior-shaped waterdynamic mini-logs that won't flush within 3 tries are real annoying. I used a few sheets of toilet paper as fishing line and positioned it in the sweet spot for the final slam-dunk. cheap toilets are irritating.
Ease off the peanut butter....Strange day for this place. Ive had twenty beers since my last post and have cut up four complete full sized trees so please excuse me for smoking the scroll wheel thru the math related posts
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Strange day for this place. Ive had twenty beers since my last post and have cut up four complete full sized trees so please excuse me for smoking the scroll wheel thru the math related posts
Looks - 85 - 30% - 25.5Intelligence - 87 - 10% - 8.7Wealth/Success/Status - 99 - 10% - 9.9Personality - 92 - 50% - 46HotScore - 90.1
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Good News: I am going to take some Xanax and eat cookies tonight.
god that sounds delicious. I have a leftover ativan leftover from last weekend sitting on my bookshelf. looking forward to that puppy.oh, and I think you're worse with women than I am. I mean, I'm really bad in that they just plain don't like me and won't associate with me, but you, you only attract super clingy nut jobs that you can't get rid of. I would think that may be even worse.still don't feel sorry for you though.
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Everybody thinks he's more interesting and smart that he probably is. Not just you, Zimmer. Even me.
I actually had the edit screen out ready to downgrade myself on personality but couldn't do it. I might not ever be classically cool, but for some reason I have a large number of people who call me friend. However I'm a bad friend usually so maybe I should downgrade it anyway.
Looks - 85 - 30% - 25.5Intelligence - 87 - 10% - 8.7Wealth/Success/Status - 99 - 10% - 9.9Personality - 92 - 50% - 46HotScore - 90.1
We have a new winner
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We have a new winner
yeah I'm pretty sure beans could look like steve buscemi after a week long meth binge that ended in him getting the shit kicked out of him and he'd still score well over a 90.
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Looks - 85 - 30% - 25.5Intelligence - 87 - 10% - 8.7Wealth/Success/Status - 99 - 10% - 9.9Personality - 92 - 50% - 46HotScore - 90.1
Such a sweetheart.... Im too buzzed to do the math but lets just say I did and you are a ninety sixShort story before i black out for the evening(Beans dials phone)(wife answers)"Yeah?""Hey... would you come back behind the shop and do me a favor?""Im not in the mood""Not that.... Im up in a tree and I need you to move the backhoe""Why?""I dont want this big limb to fall and bend the hood""Alright"(thirty minutes later)"Where the hell have you been?""My show was on""Did you understand that I was stnding on a limb up in a tree?""I figured so"(Beans instructs wife how to start and operate a Case 580 SuperL from fifty feet high)(Beans cuts limb and is more than ready to come down)"Ok.... start it up and lift the bucket up to where it was""Im scared""Just do the opposite of what you did before"(twenty minutes later)(Beans dials phone)"Hey Zach.... come move the backhoe for me and get your mom some tissues"(thirty minutes later)"Ok Zach...put the beer in the bucket and raise it up to me"
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Looks - 85 - 30% - 25.5Intelligence - 87 - 10% - 8.7Wealth/Success/Status - 99 - 10% - 9.9Personality - 92 - 50% - 46HotScore - 90.1
You must not be on facebook. The top half of Beans' head is quite pretty. You should probably bump his looks a couple points.
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Beans, even if you embellish your stories I don't care. The fact that some of it MIGHT be true is enough for me to smile a good 1/2 hour.
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I need a new sn...this is what I have so far, I think they aren't that good, plz help. Limited to 12 characters40Trey 40trey WastedFaceBobLoblaw402Something that has nothing to do with poker and is easily forgettable would be nice.

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Once you have numbers down, apply a weight to each category, such that they sum to 100%. For example, a helpful response would look like:Looks 50 (25%)Intelligence 50 (25%)Wealth/Status/Success 50 (25%)Personality 50 (25%)
I'm more interested to know what percent of these 25 girls will screw this up and/or use your weights.
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