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Well, a lot of people think that praying is doing something about it. Feel free to remark on how stupid that may be, but it's a bit rough to claim that anybody who says they're praying about something is just lazy and/or lying.
How about praying plus? Praying your little soul raw while you're also acting? Faith plus works and all that? That's what King did -- he prayed a lot and hard, but he also marched -- because he knew that prayer alone was not going to bring the change he wanted to see.
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He's colder than that, now.

When DFW died, Chorozzo made a disrespectful comment, and I slowly willed him into the grave over it. I didn't love Prince less than I loved DFW.

jesus would somebody fucking just die already so we can get a break in the music snobbery here?

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How about praying plus? Praying your little soul raw while you're also acting? Faith plus works and all that? That's what King did -- he prayed a lot and hard, but he also marched -- because he knew that prayer alone was not going to bring the change he wanted to see.
A lot of them do good work. Take Cameron...I don't know for sure, but I bet along with the ridiculousness of trying to convert people to his silly views, he and his organization spend a lot of time and money helping people who need it. So he's doing good works, but he can't roll up his sleeves and take up every cause that arises in the world today. It's nice that you've worked for a lot of non-profits, but have you worked and donated to every single cause you believe in? I doubt it, since there's way too much bad shit going on in the world for one person to keep up with.I hate pretty much everything Cameron stands for, but I just can't find it in me to find fault in him answering a reporter's question about an old coworker who's missing with, "I'm praying for him." Because I think he probably is praying for him and means well. And it's ok for him to do that without flying up to Canada and walking through the woods to try and find a guy that he probably hasn't seen for 20 years. And, before you say, "If he hasn't seen him in 20 years and can't be bothered to go search for him, it's phony to pray for him," keep in mind the fact that if an old friend/acquaintance of yours from 20 years ago was missing in another country you probably wouldn't go aid the search party, but you'd hope that he/she was found safely. And your hoping is more or less the same as a religious person praying, whether you like it or not.
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A lot of them do good work. Take Cameron...I don't know for sure, but I bet along with the ridiculousness of trying to convert people to his silly views, he and his organization spend a lot of time and money helping people who need it. So he's doing good works, but he can't roll up his sleeves and take up every cause that arises in the world today. It's nice that you've worked for a lot of non-profits, but have you worked and donated to every single cause you believe in? I doubt it, since there's way too much bad shit going on in the world for one person to keep up with.I hate pretty much everything Cameron stands for, but I just can't find it in me to find fault in him answering a reporter's question about an old coworker who's missing with, "I'm praying for him." Because I think he probably is praying for him and means well. And it's ok for him to do that without flying up to Canada and walking through the woods to try and find a guy that he probably hasn't seen for 20 years. And, before you say, "If he hasn't seen him in 20 years and can't be bothered to go search for him, it's phony to pray for him," keep in mind the fact that if an old friend/acquaintance of yours from 20 years ago was missing in another country you probably wouldn't go aid the search party, but you'd hope that he/she was found safely. And your hoping is more or less the same as a religious person praying, whether you like it or not.
Fair enough. I was just grouchy when I dissed him.
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How about praying plus? Praying your little soul raw while you're also acting? Faith plus works and all that? That's what King did -- he prayed a lot and hard, but he also marched -- because he knew that prayer alone was not going to bring the change he wanted to see.
I would be willing to bet a lot of money that if you had the opportunity to ask MLK this question, that his answer would surprise you.
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I would be willing to bet a lot of money that if you had the opportunity to ask MLK this question, that his answer would surprise you.
I don't know ... I've read a lot of his writings, and he exhorts people by saying that faith requires works as well.
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I don't know ... I've read a lot of his writings, and he exhorts people by saying that faith requires works as well.
Oh I'm very aware of the faith with works vs faith without works spoken of in James. I just mean that most true believers would tell you that prayer is as important, if not more important that the actions.I can understand why you wouldn't agree with that. But that is a pretty normal way to think for Christians
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That was a large part of my point. The other, probably much more subtle part, is that I'm impatient with anybody, left or right, who professes to "care" about an issue while not actually doing anything about it. They want the credit without the work -- and no, the truth is that they don't care. Not enough to be inconvenienced about it. Cameron is only one tiny example of a large phenomenon, and I happened to be in a grumpy enough mood to use him to expound on it.It comes from the fact, at least partly, that I've spent nearly my whole career working for non-profits (not just theatre, but at-risk kids, homelessness, violence against women, etc.). There is little more infuriating than hearing, "Oh, I'm so worried about issue X," and when you say "okay, then, volunteer for us or make a donation," then they hmm and haw and trail off and wander away. Yeah, you're worried, all right. I'd far rather be told honestly, "I don't care about that issue." That's fine -- everybody's got different things to care about. But own your not caring -- don't pretend to care while doing nothing.Anyway, this all belongs in the politics or religion forums. As far as who died today, probably a whole shitload of Chileans, and hopefully not another shitload in Hawaii or California due to a tsunami. 8.8 is a huge earthquake -- the death toll will probably be along the lines of Haiti or the 2004 tsunami when all are accounted for.P.S. "It is with great sorrow to hear about?" The douche can't even use his own native tongue correctly in a prepared statement -- although to his credit, the statement is classier and more subdued than I would have expected.
I don't even know how to respond to this. Have you ever seen the data comparing the charitable giving of religious/right vs. non-religious/left people? It's not close.I'm mean, I'm sure you ran into a few people in your line of work that were as described, but they were obviously outliers that don't match up with the data.EDIT: I see that you and Speedz already tackled this, so nothing to see here.
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I would be willing to bet a lot of money that if you had the opportunity to ask MLK this question, that his answer would surprise you.
I'm sure, at this point, any answer from MLK would be surprising.
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I don't even know how to respond to this. Have you ever seen the data comparing the charitable giving of religious/right vs. non-religious/left people? It's not close.
Mostly because those data count giving through charitable groups like churches, while nonbelievers tend to give as individuals. It's basically impossible to compare because of this.Plus, we're smarter.
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Mostly because those data count giving through charitable groups like churches, while nonbelievers tend to give as individuals. It's basically impossible to compare because of this.
Yea, cause the IRS doesn't keep track of charitable contributions or anything.Maybe you claimed higher intelligence a little prematurely?
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I don't think the IRS keeps track of people's religion though. If so, I am going to have to file next year as a Zoroastrian.
Well at least you are monotheistic.BTW I guess the Toyota recall was divinely inspired?
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I don't think the IRS keeps track of people's religion though. If so, I am going to have to file next year as a Zoroastrian.
If you file as grocertarian, all your food bills are deductible as donations!
Well at least you are monotheistic.BTW I guess the Toyota recall was divinely inspired?
Not sure, let's check with the IRS.
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Mostly because those data count giving through charitable groups like churches, while nonbelievers tend to give as individuals. It's basically impossible to compare because of this.
Yea, cause the IRS doesn't keep track of charitable contributions or anything.Maybe you claimed higher intelligence a little prematurely?
I don't think the IRS keeps track of people's religion though. If so, I am going to have to file next year as a Zoroastrian.
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Mark Linkous of Sparklehorse, suicide in Knoxville, TN.Not a listener, but he was from Southwest Virginia coal country not far from where I grew up.

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Lucas: Are you referring to the size of my penis?Bruno: Yeah, I am.Lucas: With a flaccid penis, it's the number of folds that count. Besides, I'm not semi-erect like some of you guys here.Bruno: What did you say?Lucas: A University of Chicago study. You can tell the fags in a warm shower by who's got the longest dong. Hey, yours seems to be growing even now.Bruno: The hell it is!Lucas: It IS, look!

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