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Daniel Not Making Much Sense With Bankroll

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The man claims to bet a half million in a golf round. HE bets on video games a 500,000 dollars on fantasy sports but he loses a million in the big game and he is done. I mean I must be missing something here! I know he is not the brightest star out there but he is either a bull shi it er or a fabricater with his betting. Golf bets of 100,000's but somehow everyone breaks even. FISHY stuff by your idol. Who's the bigger phony jaime gold or daniel? Well it's close right now!! Anyway where are you Daniel? Can't afford the video crew anymore. Blogging is down, writing is down. Yes but you were a legend for at least a 10 month span.

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i have to admit that those comments by Daniel baffled me as well. it seems quite strange that he can supposedly have made over a million in the big game this year alone, lose big one night, and then say that a significant portion of his poker bankrole is gone

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I hear he is starting to drive a school bus in a few weeks. If he gets the short bus scedule maybe he'll pick up the OP.

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I'm sure he doesn't just sit on every single win within his BR. He most likely moves money around so he is able to bet on gold and football...etc.He specifically said "... I lost over a million in one play, and that took up a significant part of my playing bankroll..."

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I dont think his bankroll got dented at all by losing a million in one night... he makes so much money from sponsors and his new game this site and if you all forgot how much he has made this year in tournament play alone....... Its like this... hes ego is probably hurt if i had his money and i lost a million in 12 hours i wouldnt go back for a while either.... i would play at weaker tables where i can dominate everyone i really dont think hes worrying about his bankroll

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yalls problem is u cant seem to distinguish br from his assets. While DN is probably financially rich that doesnt mean his br saw the benefit of this. What would be the point of having a 10 million dollar br just sitting there? Most pros seem to be smart and put their money into investments so that they can afford to go "poker broke" and not really be broke

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I think it's probably just as simple as his maybe having his money tied up in other places -- real estate, etc.. Not all poker players keep enormous amount of liquid capital on hand. A lot of the more successful ones have their money tied up in other things that can provide long-term income.It's quite possible the guy is just a bit pokered-out right now. Or maybe he just has other things going on in his personal life that are none of our business. I very much doubt that we have to worry about Daniel's financial future. He seems to be someone who can take care of himself. All the speculation on this board is really kind of pathetic.Leave him alone. Frankly, I don't know how he puts up with 75% of the forum postings/posters as it is. It's like high school... only with even more gossip and whining.

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I think it's probably just as simple as his maybe having his money tied up in other places -- real estate, etc.. Not all poker players keep enormous amount of liquid capital on hand. A lot of the more successful ones have their money tied up in other things that can provide long-term income.It's quite possible the guy is just a bit pokered-out right now. Or maybe he just has other things going on in his personal life that are none of our business. I very much doubt that we have to worry about Daniel's financial future. He seems to be someone who can take care of himself. All the speculation on this board is really kind of pathetic.Leave him alone. Frankly, I don't know how he puts up with 75% of the forum postings/posters as it is. It's like high school... only with even more gossip and whining.
QFT. Could not have put it any better, very well said.
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People need to calm down!!!!!!!!!, poker players do lose from time to time. It happens to every pro, DN just had the stones to show people what the poker world can be like. Hes not broke. Hes got better BR managment than any of us.

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The man claims to bet a half million in a golf round. HE bets on video games a 500,000 dollars on fantasy sports but he loses a million in the big game and he is done. I mean I must be missing something here! I know he is not the brightest star out there but he is either a bull shi it er or a fabricater with his betting. Golf bets of 100,000's but somehow everyone breaks even. FISHY stuff by your idol. Who's the bigger phony jaime gold or daniel? Well it's close right now!! Anyway where are you Daniel? Can't afford the video crew anymore. Blogging is down, writing is down. Yes but you were a legend for at least a 10 month span.
I hope you get herpes from your dog...
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Poker players need to be more liquid than regular "rich" people, simply because their bankrolls are their livelyhood. But just like any other smart wealthy person, the majority of their funds are NOT liquid, thus while one million probably does not dent Daniel's finances much, it puts a small dent in his LIQUID assets. Simple as that.

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The man claims to bet a half million in a golf round. HE bets on video games a 500,000 dollars on fantasy sports but he loses a million in the big game and he is done. I mean I must be missing something here! I know he is not the brightest star out there but he is either a bull shi it er or a fabricater with his betting. Golf bets of 100,000's but somehow everyone breaks even. FISHY stuff by your idol. Who's the bigger phony jaime gold or daniel? Well it's close right now!! Anyway where are you Daniel? Can't afford the video crew anymore. Blogging is down, writing is down. Yes but you were a legend for at least a 10 month span.
when did he ever claim to bet half a million on golf or a video game?
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Hey OP, Daniel challenges you to a contest....Both of you will go to the nearest ATM and ask for an account balance, the one with the most money wins! Guess who that is! Idiot...

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People need to calm down!!!!!!!!!, poker players do lose from time to time. It happens to every pro, DN just had the stones to show people what the poker world can be like. Hes not broke. Hes got better BR managment than any of us.
Now this one I doubt. No one who bets six figure sums on a game (golf) that he's not even good at is what you'd call a highly disciplined financial manager. Let's face it -- all these top guys are pretty much degenerate gamblers. They're just good enough at poker to support their "condition."I don't think any of the top pros are that great at bankroll management (or at least very few). But the smarter, more successful ones (like Daniel, for instance) at least know when to say when and don't totally lose their minds. Daniel seems to be a smart guy and I think he's saying "when" for a bit. Or, like I said before, he's just a bit of sick of poker for the moment and doesn't feel like he's in the mental state to grind right now when he's a million loser from a single session. I've taken breaks after losing a few hundred dollars in a game in the past. I can't imagine what losing a million does to someone's desire to play.
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