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Having a wife with fake tits is for winners, and complaining about fake tits is for losers.

my thoughts on fake tits: if i can touch 'em, they're real.

I gotta tell ya, that SuitedEssay21 guy is right about a lot of things.

Looks like other than the Pickler vs Clarkson thing, we agree on quite a lot there boss man. Donnie Darko is one of the stupidest movies I've seen. I've actually watched it 3 times trying to figure out what everybody likes about it. Can't figure it out.And I'd do her. And I think you know where.
You complete me. Also, how is it that MDG has not posted in any of the 6 pages of this thread? I don't remember seeing him when I re-read the thing last night, although I'm far too lazy to read it again.
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Puppies are friggin ugly. I like to step on them.
Ok, now this thread was meant to "Voice unpopular opinions" not stupid crap that you think will upset people. Unless of course you really think puppies are "ugly" then of course, you're just a little weird.
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Is this really actually an unpopular opinion? I agree with you. He plays the same character in every movie.
they have a couple funny songs though.Nacho Libre is one of the worst 3 movies i've ever seen.
You complete me. Also, how is it that MDG has not posted in any of the 6 pages of this thread? I don't remember seeing him when I re-read the thing last night, although I'm far too lazy to read it again.
:hart:i guess because i feel my opinions are generally both well thought-out and ignorant (yes, that's possible), that i never got around to it.since i'm here:- Seinfeld is rarely funny, and simply not clever.- tourneys are for donks- popped collars are sweetmeh, i forget what else i said that everyone hated.
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Finally. If there were one thread I'd expect you to have been all over, it would be this one, which is why I was so shocked to not see you anywhere in these pages.
Hear HEAR!!!!!Alcohol makes you stupid and violent. Pot gives you the munchies.
Apparently not...
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Almond Joy candy bars do not suck
Jimi Hendrix's "Are You Experienced" is arguably the worst song EVER!
I kinda like it. Worst is very strong here. My son listens to radio disney. All of it is pretty much way worse than anything Jimi has ever done. I LOVE Bold as Love. I'm not calling it the best.song.ever. though.Gay people should be allowed to get married, or all states should stop sanctioning marriage completely.
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on 9/11 the twin towers and tower 7 had explosives detonate in them to make the buildings fall. The twin towers were the first 2 steel building in history to collapse due to fire, but they were however affected by the planes impact. Tower 7 was only building ever to fall due to fire alnoe, and for a very short burining duration. This was the answer the 9/11 report issued but said it was highly unlikely for this explanation to be the reason of the collapse, but offered no other possible reason. Footage is compelling, and never shown in the media.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OdjPIZIDy4I don't know who is responsible for this, but suddenly i remember Goerge Bush's face in the kindergarden class when he's told about the attacks...pict87.jpg

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on 9/11 the twin towers and tower 7 had explosives detonate in them to make the buildings fall. The twin towers were the first 2 steel building in history to collapse due to fire, but they were however affected by the planes impact. Tower 7 was only building ever to fall due to fire alnoe, and for a very short burining duration. This was the answer the 9/11 report issued but said it was highly unlikely for this explanation to be the reason of the collapse, but offered no other possible reason. Footage is compelling, and never shown in the media.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OdjPIZIDy4I don't know who is responsible for this, but suddenly i remember Goerge Bush's face in the kindergarden class when he's told about the attacks...pict87.jpg
YSALASSCKY and me too...but this may only be unpopular with me...does it still qualify?
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I don't know if this is unpopular or not. I don't know if the american people are aware of the whole other side of the story that isn't told by the media and movies like the World Trade Center with nicolas cage. THere is soo much evidence out there, take a look. Loose Change opened my eyes and so many more documentaries followed.I was hoping for more feedback on this subject, I know it's touchy but it's been a while and seeing that Bush is almost admitting defeat in Iraq the truth should be told, better late then never.Popular/unpopular?

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