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About Nikki_N

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    FCPHA Angel

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    An epic too small to be tragic.

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  1. Not dead. Pining for the fjords.
  2. In other news, for my birthday, I'm picking up MacNivens, some Sun Kin Wee Mac, and watching Murder on the Orient Express (the 2017 version- which I haven't seen, yet) and playing Obsession (a game that has an Upstairs Downstairs-Downton Abbey-Pride and Prejudice feel). I'm doing this Friday instead of Saturday. I will have the grandkids on Saturday. I'm not as isolated as I should be, but I figured I shouldn't have the annual gathering of anyone around who wants to come eat at Canal Bistro or whatever. I'm making Conner come over at least. He's in it for the food and beer. Also, I pay h
  3. We did, by the skin of our teeth. I just canceled my plans to go see Raist this month. Boo.
  4. One more sleep!!!! Are you picking me up tomorrow, Scott?
  5. That convertible you got Bev is really nice. Are you getting one for you, too, or are you sharing?
  7. The last 2 days: Wake up 6 am Arrive at work around 7:10 am Work, work, work trying all the while to avoid child germs (COVER YOUR NOSE WITH YOUR MASK!) Get really excited about a short story that I think is hilarious but falls flat with 4th grade. Say the words "crusty bottom" in reference to pizza (book about an anthropomorphic slice of pizza) and get laughs from Kindergarten and 1st. After work errands (groceries/prescriptions/return public library books) Arrive home around 5:30 pm Eat pre-packaged chicken caesar salad. Drink wine Eat Tostitos Sco
  8. Game recommendation: Century Spice Road. Not a steep learning curve. Easy set up. Competitive with room to improve strategy over many plays- so it doesn't get boring.
  9. This is the first Friday in a while that has a Friday type of significance. I worked a full week in my building for the first time since March 6th. It was kinda surreal. The kids come back Wednesday unless our district admin stops hoping and crossing their fingers this will work. I'm super conflicted. I think I would be fine if we just pushed back the kids' return to August 17th like IPS is doing.
  10. Where else do we go? Vegas! Not for a few months.
  11. My library was NOT a covid epicenter. One of the other schools where I manage the library collection had the covid.
  12. Yes, I am doing the library thing. I finished my undergrad in Spanish in 2013 and my Masters in Library Science at the end of 2016. I took a job as the librarian in an elementary school in the fall of 2017. My library is amazing.
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