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I Called In Sick Today

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Because it's my job, Erik. People make mistakes, and it's my job to handle them in a way that leads to the fairest and best-possible outcome. That's like saying "People who get in the car with a drunk driver should be murdered." Well, no. It's the cop's job to protect his life, even if he makes irresponsible decisions.
Ummm, no.
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ROADMAP: I will address your comments in semi-reverse order, starting with the numbered list, and concluding with the first comment regarding my nasty email.DEAD TO ME. Seriously, Ouch. Dead to me. I didn't take you for the type that would be hostile towards -- or at least unsupportive of -- intellectual analysis. I thought you were a scholar, man. I thought you might be a philosopher. Maybe you're saying you disagree with my decision and reasoning -- that the other solutions were better -- and if that's the case, well, that's fine and I have no problem with that. But if you're saying that my fascination with my daily duties, that my inclination to relentlessly pursue improvement and knowledge and understanding and truth man fucking TRUTH, is stupid or meaningless, then for you I have two things:1) A big, hearty fuck you: FUCK. YOU.2) A question: How do you think things change, grow, and improve, if not for the pursuit of more/better/stronger/smarter? The only way we can be confident in our decisions and our philosophies is if we examine them, relentlessly and until they have been picked apart and put back together so many times that we know every crevice, every crack, everything about that thing. Proceeding to your first comment: I will. I begin with a quote from his class website that applies perfectly, and this little bit here:"When I was in middle school, a lazy teacher taught us to begin an academic paper with a quote. I don't think I've relied on that particular device since I realized it was almost always a hackneyed waste of space, but I using it now for two reasons:1) It's your quote, and I will be using it later to make a point. (In case you have not noticed from my behavior in class, I'm quite fond of forensics.)2) This will go much better for the both of us if I treat this as an academic exercise -- introduction, thesis, support, counter-arguments, answers to counter-arguments, conclusion -- since right now I am quite fired up. I am not sure if you have the "fired up" idiom, but it's an adjective that means, loosely, a state of excitement and emotion, positive or negative; thrilled, worked up, furious."I'm still on the fence about sending it.Good idea. I'm considering it. But the downside of that is: people (other people, not me so much) tend to be more reserved, polite, conciliatory, etc., in person. Plus he's Asian, and his English isn't perfect, so it might be better if we do this asynchronously (<--- I learned this word in his class.)I will probably receive an A in the class. I also don't even care about grades that much. Since highschool ended, I haven't lost sleep over a grade, at least not a grade as an end in itself. I am furious now because my dominance -- total dominance, I am not exaggerating; I ruled so hard in so many ways that other students in the class were openly hostile towards me for what they perceived as me setting the curve too high -- is not just going unrewarded, it's being punished somehow.
I've always marveled after those who sought wonders in the world they wrought. Most think you're ramblings are a funeral dirge but we know the Mozart behind the scenes. When you graduate, apply to be the new Oz and then go back to see the teacher and say, "HA! HA! GODDAMMIT!"
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ouch!i suppose i didn't go into much detail, but essentially, it's not the examining that i disagree with, but rather the idea that the benefit of the examination (getting this case right) outweighs the benefit of a consistent decision (precedence), and that it seemed like you enjoy the examination enough that you allow the "need" for it enough to cause you to make a suboptimal decision. which i think is what bizzle was saying, although i could be wrong, because as i mentioned, i've been waiting for a long time to make a "splooging" joke and i got a little excited when i saw his post's length...
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shake, what was your major GPA? I am gonna finish with a 3.1-3.3 in fin for comparison's sake. everyone else: I did not ask what your GPAs were. this is an exclusive shake-strat discussion.
3.1 total. no idea about just my major; they didn't separate them.
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the pumas are AWESOME thank you. no pics yet though cause I don't have a decent camera and if I used the one I have now to take pictures like I'd like to, I'd go through $40 worth of batteries a week. piece of shit.

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3.1 total. no idea about just my major; they didn't separate them.
well now I've got the cold sweats. I could get as good as a 3.5, I kinda thought a 3.3 would be adequate. I have been trying to get a non-cashier/food service job for like a month now. I put in applications everywhere and got nothing, then ask my dad to talk to his friend that runs this insurance firm. instantly HR is willing to look at me. this method of finding employees seems mildly inefficient.
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Because it's my job, Erik. People make mistakes, and it's my job to handle them in a way that leads to the fairest and best-possible outcome. That's like saying "People who get in the car with a drunk driver should be murdered." Well, no. It's the cop's job to protect his life, even if he makes irresponsible decisions. Last post. It was hard not to be irrationally mean. Break time for Derek.
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I think I have to start calling you 'bro' from here on outwelcome back j^3, I got the forum per the terms of my breakup with LG. bad break for you my friend.
Hey, since she's not here anymore, can we violate the "hey don't talk about us please" request by which a handful of us (me, for example, in a moment of sympathy/weakness) pledged to abide? I mean, I wouldn't have anything to say, specifically, but I would do stuff like ask you inappropriate questions. I am scared of her, whereas you are kind of soft and round and friendly and agreeable and nonthreatening.
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I think I have to start calling you 'bro' from here on outwelcome back j^3, I got the forum per the terms of my breakup with LG. bad break for you my friend.
Is the carrot function easily accessible on the touch?
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Hi everyone. Off to catch up...
No. No, no no no. Fuck you, you don't owe it to yourself man, you owe it to me. Cuz tomorrow I'm gonna wake up and I'll be 50, and I'll still be doin' this shit. And that's all right. That's fine. I mean, you're sittin' on a winnin' lottery ticket. And you're too much of a pussy to cash it in, and that's bullshit. 'Cause I'd do fuckin' anything to have what you got. So would any of these fuckin' guys. It'd be an insult to us if you're still here in 20 years. Hangin' around here is a fuckin' waste of your time.
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I'm inclined to not give a damn. wonder how many things I could say that about
I may have to sign on to AOL. After all, I'm nosey and have no life of my own.
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