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I Called In Sick Today

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My biggest pet peeve in my room is my boss's refusal to make a judgment call. He's horrible at his job. He makes rules so he never has to make a subjective decision. That is probably a good thing in his case, since his rulings would always be incorrect and stupid, but making rules so you don't have to make tough decisions is incredibly lazy. The ultimate floor manager is one who takes all the information available and makes the fairest decision possible, on a case-by-case basis. I'm not good enough to do that, but I try, and as a result my rulings are significantly better than BigPengAl's.

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You know how I know I'm your intellectual superior? (I was going to leave it at that, but then I worried, me being your intellectual superior and all, that you might not understand. It's because I'm not intellectually lazy. It's because I am unwilling to accept the simple answer when there exists the possibility of a better answer, and all it might take is a little bit of effort. Maybe a few minutes of analysis -- of taking the problem, getting to the root of it, asking the question in enough different ways while I'm sitting on my ass watching Ocean's Eleven on TBS before I go to bed -- will lead me to the best answer. I know that for some people that effort isn't worth it, but for somebody who truly believes in the life-examined, in knowledge for the sake of knowledge, of understanding as a valuable end in itself, well, Bizzle: I'm going to fucking overthink it, because that's the only way to ensure you've thought about it enough.)
See, here's where you're missing the the crux of my argument. You're confusing the fact that I said that you were overthinking it and reading it as me saying "you're not thinking it through". There is a massive difference between overthinking (which for the most part results in varying from your original, or the most common, assumption) and properly thinking things through. To wit...
2) Eh, I'm not particularly concerned about the house rules. I mean, they govern my decisions, but in this case I'm just trying to get a good answer, all things being equal. As an aside, Player 1 intentionally showed his hand, but was not showing it to a player he knew was in the hand. He wasn't trying to show his buddy a hand, or something. He just thought Player 2 was not in the hand. He is kind of an idiot.
See, now this is terrible logic. Like, beyond terrible. You're letting your subjective opinion of the player interfere with your objective ruling in this case. Allowing for intent can result in you making a different ruling on the exact same set of actions in the future based on what you *think* the intent was. You know that's terrible, I know that's terrible, everyone knows that's terrible.My main problem with your whole line of thinking behind this is that you've taken what I believe to be the most important part of the decision making paradigm (and as someone who has spent close to a dozen years making repeatable rulings, I feel like I have a decent handle on this), which is the applicable metagame, and reduced it to nothingness. Everyone keeps talking about the penalty for the action needing to be stiff enough to discourage future incidents of the sort from taking place, which you've seemed to discard as proper reasoning for killing the hand. To me, that's the most important reason for killing the hand-if the decision results in him never showing his cards again, the net positive of the decision is significant enough to justify possibly making an imperfect decision at the current juncture.A perfect example of this was a ruling last year at the WSOP that was televised. Essentially on the river, Cantu checked, other guy grabs a stack of 30 chips and slides them forwards (well past his cards), then slides them back, cuts out 15 chips and slides them forward as the bet. Floorman was called and eventually it was ruled that the 15 chips stood as the bet. This was the correct ruling at the time in the specific instance, as the forward motion rule doesn't cover how to handle a player going forward with chips, bringing them back, and then still betting. However, this decision was terrible from a metagame perspective as in it opened up massive loopholes for angle-shooting (as one player said, every bluff from that point forward can be the easiest pump-fake ever, as you slide your stack forward, your opponent says call, you slide it back and toss out a min-bet). While making the ruling that was most likely correct, the floorman (and TD) opened up a set of circumstances which could have a much larger negative effect on the fairness of the game to all participants than if their original decision had been different.You're a floorman, your job is to make the game fair for all participants. By not killing the hand, you're definitely making the game fair for one participant, but you're opening yourself up to future situations which are unfair for all of the participants as a whole.
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Finally, Beans, here is my key
Yeah.... its the VATS (vehicle anti-theft system) type I completely disassembled an eight seven Corvette once trying to find out why it randomly stranded me occasionally, so Im pretty sure its your problem at this pointThe ignition switch contains two copper "feelers" inside that rub against the metal inside the plastic oval thing on the key blank. Sometimes these get dirty, and along with the wear involved over the years the connection starts to fail between the twoSince the system eventually "reads" the key....probably due to you wiggling it during start attempts....Im eliminating any wiring at this point and hoping its just the resistor pellet connection inside the lock assemblyTry this for the next few days.... after making sure the key is inserted all the way into the lock, gently wiggle the key up and down and side to side a little before turning it. Also, make sure the metal strip inside the plastic oval is slightly "proud", that is sticking out further than the plastic. Clean the metal with a pencil eraser if it look corroded or dirtyIf this solves the no start problem, the next thing Id do is have a new key made at a hardware store that carries VATS compatible blanks. Dont get infoed for more than ten or twelve bucks, and make sure the attendant checks your key with an ohm meter and checks the chart for the correct blank before cutting itKeep me posted on the results and if it is the key, Ill advise on how to clean the sensor inside the lock And on the card showing thing, its a good thing you guys dont play in our home game....The advantage I gain by the other players giving information is massive(flop comes out with two sevens)"GOD FUCKING DAMMIT WHY DID I FOLD?"(turn brings the fourth heart on board)"Idda had the nuts....sonofabitch"(flop shows nine ten jack)"Ah, even if I hadda kept my junk I never hit them open enders"Ive booked about four losing sessions in five years
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Yeah.... its the VATS (vehicle anti-theft system) type I completely disassembled an eight seven Corvette once trying to find out why it randomly stranded me occasionally, so Im pretty sure its your problem at this pointThe ignition switch contains two copper "feelers" inside that rub against the metal inside the plastic oval thing on the key blank. Sometimes these get dirty, and along with the wear involved over the years the connection starts to fail between the twoSince the system eventually "reads" the key....probably due to you wiggling it during start attempts....Im eliminating any wiring at this point and hoping its just the resistor pellet connection inside the lock assemblyTry this for the next few days.... after making sure the key is inserted all the way into the lock, gently wiggle the key up and down and side to side a little before turning itIf this solves the no start problem, the next thing Id do is have a new key made at a hardware store that carries VATS compatible blanks. Dont get infoed for more than ten or twelve bucks, and make sure the attendant checks your key with an ohm meter and checks the chart for the correct blank before cutting itKeep me posted on the results and if it is the key, Ill advise on how to clean the sensor inside the lock
Thanks, man. It's going to be awhile before I have anything even approaching results, since it's only happened about 10-15 times, but I'll try to remember to wiggle/jiggle etc. I am thinking I'll wiggle/jiggle half the time, and then NOT wiggle/jiggle half the time. If it happens a few times when I don't wiggle/jiggle, but never when I do, I'll have a little more information. How big of an operation is the sensor cleaning? Something as simple as "get in there and rub it down?" If that's the case, I will see if I can find some information online, run it past you, see if it won't lead to death (of me or car), and considering firing that operation up.
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YES!You have nooooo idea how long Ive waited to have a good septic tank discussion around here....
Fair enough, good sir. Now, a bit of an add-on to my previous question.. The septic tank I have was replaced roughly two weeks prior to our closing on the house. The tank was original to the point that it had decayed and the walls were exceptionally thin/breaking down pretty quickly. The laterals checked out as well as the lid, so all that was replaced was the tank. It was replaced with a aluminum reinforced tank. Is there anything in particular that tends to go wrong with these or anything I might need to know? The two caps you spoke of are both exposed in my back yard as the soil is settling/has settled. When we first moved in, the dirtt/soil was mounded up around the caps and has now settled almost an inch below the cap that sits lowest in my back yard, if that makes sense. Is adding dirt a necessity? Am I prone to septic issues if the caps/tank are exposed for say, the rest of the summer? I don't want to add dirt/seed the part of the yard that was torn up until fall..but I don't want to cause myself any unnecessary problems, either.
Tactical Wang, you know how you overthink things?You're overthinking this.Expose it, kill it, move on.
Ding, ding, ding.. I'm not really sure why it was even a discussion. Pretty straight forward, really.
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We'll be going to the LAKE soon to shoot them. I'll let you guys know more when we get them in case you're interested.
guess I should've gone into law.
You have nooooo idea how long Ive waited to have a good septic tank discussion around here....
the best part about this sentence is that you know he's telling the truth.
interesting side note: keys can be replicated using photos of them.
so you're saying the '97 lumina may be in danger?!
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Ding, ding, ding.. I'm not really sure why it was even a discussion. Pretty straight forward, really.
I googled "poker rules" so I could show that I'm not just insane rogue floor dude. From the Poker Etiquette section:The following actions are improper, and grounds for a warning, suspending, or barring:Revealing the contents of a live hand in a multihanded pot before the betting is complete. Revealingthe contents of a folded hand before the betting is complete. Do not divulge the contents of a handduring a deal even to someone not in the pot, so you do not leave any possibility of the informationbeing transmitted to an active player.There is no "kill the hand" provision in there. In fact, they suggest handling it exactly how I do. Also, from the brief section on Floor-decisions:The same action may have a different meaning, depending on who does it, so the possible intentof an offender will be taken into consideration. Some factors here are the person's amount ofpoker experience and past record.Finally, the section governing dead hands:DEAD HANDS1. Your hand is declared dead if:(a) You fold or announce that you are folding when facing a bet or a raise.(B) You throw your hand away in a forward motion causing another player to actbehind you (even if not facing a bet).© In stud, when facing a bet, you pick your upcards off the table, turn your upcardsfacedown, or mix your upcards and downcards together.(d) The hand does not contain the proper number of cards for that particular game(except at stud a hand missing the final card may be ruled live, and at lowballand draw high a hand with too few cards before the draw is live). [see Section 16- “Explanations,” discussion #4, for more information on the stud portion of thisrule.](e) You act on a hand with a joker as a holecard in a game not using a joker. (Aplayer who acts on a hand without looking at a card assumes the liability offinding an improper card, as given in Irregularities, rule #8.)(f) You have the clock on you when facing a bet or raise and exceed the specifiedtime limit.2. Cards thrown into the muck may be ruled dead. However, a hand that is clearly identifiable maybe retrieved at management's discretion if doing so is in the best interest of the game. We willmake an extra effort to rule a hand retrievable if it was folded as a result of incorrect informationgiven to the player.3. Cards thrown into another player's hand are dead, whether they are faceup or facedown.As it happens, this may even be the rule book we use, or at least say we use. I kept Player 1's hand alive based on my understanding of his experience, condition, intent, and the impact the exposure of his hand had on the rights of the other players.Here's what I did:I turned Player 1's hand face up. I then instructed the dealer to return Player 3's raise. At this point, Players 2 and 3 are on reasonably level footing. They both have one bet into the pot, and have the same knowledge about Player 1's hand. I then gave Player 3 the option to check, closing the action and taking the hand to showdown, or raise at her own risk, reopening the action. I did not want to give Player 2 the advantage of acting with more information than Player 3, and I also did not want to destroy Player 3's ability to get value from her hand because of a mistake that wasn't her fault. I think that's the best way to handle the situation, but I'm open to other ideas.
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Speaking of which, female comedian opener was solid. Amy Schumer.
Oh I love her. I think she was on that Comedian show like AI. She looks all sweet and kind and then says the craziest shit.
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Oh I love her. I think she was on that Comedian show like AI. She looks all sweet and kind and then says the craziest shit.
Yeah she was really good on Last Comic Standing.I really wish I had called in sick today (cant really do that 6 days into a job). The US Open is getting nutty with the two unknown leaders going a combined +8 on the front nine. Gag job.
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I googled "poker rules" so I could show that I'm not just insane rogue floor dude. From the Poker Etiquette section:The following actions are improper, and grounds for a warning, suspending, or barring:Revealing the contents of a live hand in a multihanded pot before the betting is complete. Revealingthe contents of a folded hand before the betting is complete. Do not divulge the contents of a handduring a deal even to someone not in the pot, so you do not leave any possibility of the informationbeing transmitted to an active player.There is no "kill the hand" provision in there. In fact, they suggest handling it exactly how I do. Also, from the brief section on Floor-decisions:----I think that's the best way to handle the situation, but I'm open to other ideas.
I understand what you're saying, but doesn't it stand to reason that an action that would be grounds for a suspension or barring might also be grounds for having the hand killed?
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doesn't it stand to reason that an action that would be grounds for a suspension or barring might also be grounds for having the hand killed?
Actually, no. Not to me, at least. If a guy slammed his cards down, whipped his dick out and pissed all over them while calling my dealer a slant-eye jap faggot, I'd award him the pot before booting him from the room. There are plenty of rules in our room that can lead to suspension/banning that I would never consider killing a player's hand for. For example, we have language provisions, since some of the old bitties are racist and don't like black people. So if I repeatedly warn a guy to watch his mouth and he refuses, he's gone. But I wouldn't kill his hand.I think of it like this: if you charge the mound after getting drilled in a baseball game, you'll get run 100% of the time. But you're damn sure awarded first base.
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How big of an operation is the sensor cleaning? Something as simple as "get in there and rub it down?"
I bought a can of circuit board cleaner in a spray can at the local Radio Shack... it evaporates immediately and cleans the entire switch assembly. After a good dose of that, put a small amount of powdered graphite lube on the key and it should work like new. The graphite is sold in most hardware stores around the key sectionThat circuit board spray also works well on radio buttons that stick from soda or beer immersion
It was replaced with a aluminum reinforced tank.The two caps you spoke of are both exposed in my back yard as the soil is settling/has settled.
Nah, nothing to worry about.....The dirt settling around the tank is normal since its difficult to pack the soil without disturbing the tank after installation. Just add more and plant your grass after it stops settlingHAPPY SHITTING!
the best part about this sentence is that you know he's telling the truth.so you're saying the '97 lumina may be in danger?!
Now if only someone would chime in with a sump pump question my life would be complete...So youre saying that my research on his key (an HLS-5 series cut) wasnt worth the effort?
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Stuffpuppets be crazy, Guap. I need to recharge my batteries, so I took the day off. Instead of calling in sick, I made up this story: "Yeah, I gotta wedding to go to. I totally forgot, thought it was in July. Believe me, I don't want to take the day off. I mean, this is horrible, but the bride's fat, and you know what that means? Fat wedding party, fat wedding. All her friends are going to be fat, and I don't drink anymore, so what fun is this going to be? No, Derek and the Whales does not sound like a good time."I think he bought it.I feel like I have something to do today, but I do no remember what.
it's the little details that make a lie believable fun to tell
what's the extra B for?
i believe he was talking to renae?
I've been waiting all day for someone to ask me. The B stands for "Bitches."
afraid to really go for it, amirite?
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face awaiting delivery
verbal splooging
wiping face "I knew you'd do that!"
"I have a diagram that pertains to this!"
"that's hot"
"i don't usually use quotes to do this"
"where do i fit in?"
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I bought a can of circuit board cleaner in a spray can at the local Radio Shack... it evaporates immediately and cleans the entire switch assembly. After a good dose of that, put a small amount of powdered graphite lube on the key and it should work like new. The graphite is sold in most hardware stores around the key sectionThat circuit board spray also works well on radio buttons that stick from soda or beer immersion Nah, nothing to worry about.....The dirt settling around the tank is normal since its difficult to pack the soil without disturbing the tank after installation. Just add more and plant your grass after it stops settlingHAPPY SHITTING! Now if only someone would chime in with a sump pump question my life would be complete...So youre saying that my research on his key (an HLS-5 series cut) wasnt worth the effort?
Are the battery backup devices for sump pumps worth a darn? The last time we had a major storm and power outage, the basement flooded ankle high in a matter of about 30 minutes. We had no power for a couple of days before we bought a generator. We can plug the pump right into the generator. Should I get a battery backup or should Dave drag the generator out of the garage (not attached to the house) every time we think a storm is going to knock our power out?Also do you have opinions as to the best way to wire our well pump to the generator? Unlike the sump pump, the well pump doesn't have a standard plug-in outlet dealie. It's wired some way into the breaker box.There a a few different approaches and I wondered if you had a preferred method.
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Wow busy weekend around these parts. Went camping with the family this weekend. Just a quick overnight trip. Left Saturday afternoon came back Sunday afternoon. Got up the river we camp on and drove to the Primary camping spot. (We have about 10, because you never know if one is going to be taken). The are that we camp in has been changed a lot over the last 15 years. The access road has been grated, allowing more people to make it further back, including Asians with Mini Vans, which is very disconcerting.It has been over a year since I have been up there and to my dismay there has been a lot of change from the logging companies. Complete sections of the forest barren. It is quite sad as I have a lot of memories from this area from when I was a kid, and want to share them with my kids. When we get to the first spot, their is a barrier gate done the side road, but someone has conveniently created a pass through the trees next to it. So with out skipping a beat I jaunt on down the hill to find the next hurdle, only about 50 yards from the spot. 6 foot berms with 3 trenched dug behind them. Apparently the logging companies really do not want me camping here anymore. There is obviously nobody at the spot, but I need the vehicle close by and I do not want to hike all my gear down the hill and there is no way the exploder is getting down there. I may have been able to maneuver a modified jeep down there, but even that is questionable.So we back track and check out 4-5 other spots and they are either taken or similar diversionary measures have been taken by the now thought of evil logging company. Head back out to the main road, to check the other side of the river, again both spots on that side are taken or blocked. I have one last ditch effort before we are camping at a less than desirable location (one that is not next to water, I hate not camping right next to water, seems pointless to me). So we drive a good 30 minutes out this fire access road and dodge through the woods to be further up the river and literally the last possible spot is open and it is really perfect. An perfectly built 8 foot wide fire pit was there, along with some great spots for tents and such.It is now 6:30 and we get a fire going and unloaded and the kids are going bonkers running around and playing. Do the typical, cook up some hot dogs, slow roast some corn in the fire. Make some smores. My son was poking at the fire pretty much the entire night. He kept asking for me to get more sticks so he could "match them up" So I would go get stick that were pretty similar, and didn't really understand why he needed them to match. About an hour later I realized he was burning the ends and making them look like giant matches. Made sense after the fact. Kids were down by 10:00 wife went to bed shortly after because she had worked that morning and was really tired. So I got to stay up by myself and drink and burn shit. I got about for 6 foot logs on that sumbitch after they went to bed. Poured some stiff cocktails and burned anything I could find. All the garbage, the broken chairs that made it with us, diapers (I don't suggest this one), bottles, etc. I put the empty Captain Morgan Private Stock in the fire which has a cork top, after a few seconds blew the cork top about 20 feet into the Forrest, I found it the next morning. I have to say, melting glass is a smoldering hot fire has got to be in the top 10 of best things to do with your time. Right Beans?I do have to say, camping with both kids was easier than expected. It is however very strange to go camping without having camping sex. Besides the drinking and melting glass that is pretty much the only other reason I ever wanted to go camping. Guess I will just have to drink more from now on. I realized that my camping gear is down to the minimums, and I need to spend $500+ bucks to build back up the supply that has broken or fallen apart over the last few years.CLIFFS NOTES: I went camping, got pissed at a logging company and overly sentimental, made a big fire, melted glass and did not have sex.

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So you couldn't hit the sack with Mrs. Guapo, do it before she nodded off and then drink and burn stuff? Dave and I decided long ago that we hate camping. We love the hiking about, the camp fires, and the general enjoyment of nature, but we go cabining instead of camping. The sleeping outdoors, even in a tent, makes me grouchy and unpleasant. The lack of nearby bathroom facilities also adds to my unpleasantness. The state parks around here have nice little trails, beautiful scenery and cabins or Inns or both. The one I'm particularly fond of has rustic-ish little cabins that are equipped with bathroom/shower and a small kitchen. The park has some really great family friendly trails and a saddle barn where you hire some horses and a guide for trail rides.

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