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I Called In Sick Today

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

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Wang would hate that sentence. Whatever. **** Wang! Unless he's lurking, then I'm just kidding.

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the back of parking lots will be your friend. parking garages will not.


And parking lots that don't have diagonal parking. Which is 95% of them. My truck is an extended cab and it's a real bitch to park between two cars when the spaces are perpendicular to the road. Even worse getting out. Especially if, brvy forbid, there is a truck in the opposite space across from me so I don't have much room to back out.



I've been told by a couple of people that know people that work in or own restaurants (so take third person accounts for what they're worth) that Guy Fieri has been at in Northern CA that he is indeed an egotistical tool. I mean, he owns a yellow lamborghini for christs sake.


I do like all his shows though.

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it is acceptable to own a large truck when/if:


you make a living in construction

you live on a farm

you spend every/majority of weekends on a farm


i think you see where i'm going with this.


i've never understood the desire of a city dwelling office worker to own a full size/quadcab/dual rear wheel truck. in metro areas if you really really feel the need to own a truck it should be no bigger than say, a ranger. anything larger is just wasted utility. i think around here it's because most of them are probably first or second generation off the farm kids and they drive trucks because that's what daddy/grandpappy always drove and what they learned to drive. buying your first truck was almost a right of passage or something.

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I bought my truck when we lived in WA and was hauling dogs, training equipment and pulling a trailer into dirt/muddy/snow covered roads at least twice a week. I don't really "need" a truck most of the time now but it's still much easier than hauling dogs in crates than a car. Plus it's paid off and runs like a champ...and I just put new A/C in it, so it's not going anywhere for a while.


So, f'uck you.

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I've been told by a couple of people that know people that work in or own restaurants (so take third person accounts for what they're worth) that Guy Fieri has been at in Northern CA that he is indeed an egotistical tool. I mean, he owns a yellow lamborghini for christs sake.


I do like all his shows though.


He seems pretty genuine on all the shows. I love the last few seasons of Guy's Big Bite that have been filmed in his home and his two badass kitchens, the indoor and outdoor ones. So jelly.


Also, I don't understand your last point. Yellow is awesome for that car. Get those yellow calipers. Sweet. If you get a Lambo, it's either black, yellow, orange, lime green or red. Subtle really isn't a thing with that car. You want subtle, get a Bentley.


it is acceptable to own a large truck when/if:


you make a living in construction

you live on a farm

you spend every/majority of weekends on a farm


i think you see where i'm going with this.


i've never understood the desire of a city dwelling office worker to own a full size/quadcab/dual rear wheel truck. in metro areas if you really really feel the need to own a truck it should be no bigger than say, a ranger. anything larger is just wasted utility. i think around here it's because most of them are probably first or second generation off the farm kids and they drive trucks because that's what daddy/grandpappy always drove and what they learned to drive. buying your first truck was almost a right of passage or something.


Meh. I had a full size pickup for 10 years. I liked it because It was comfortable. And nowadays, with the dual cabs, they are essentially SUVs with the ability to haul some ikea or Best Buy purchases. I don't judge, you like what you like.

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there's that amazingly under-appreciated sense of humor.


dirt/muddy/snow covered roads at least twice a week


that is pretty much where I was going with the "weekend farm" exception. but in socal in the most major of major markets west of the mississippi, there is no reason for it. it's a fashion accessory completely out of touch with the concept of practicality. furthermore, they're a goddamn menace to other drivers/pedestrians in numerous situations of city driving.


so tilt, when you're sitting there in a parking lot bitching because you can't move your over compensation cleanly out of a parking slot, just remember you brought it on yourself and people around you are probably just as pissed at you as you are at the situation.


good day.

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My buddy has the tricked out, expensive ram pickup with the four doors. Super roomy. Just nice. The side running panels that electronically move up and down for people to get in. It's just a big luxury car. Plus, a hemi



They also have the badass Grand Cherokee with the SRT-8. So sweet

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I love trucks because of how you step up into them. They are super comfortable for big guys. It's also super nice to be able to help people move and stuff. You're crazy to put so many restrictions on it Hank.


Also Tilt, you aren't a good driver if you have to ever think about parking.

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It's also super nice to be able to help people move and stuff.


Whaaaa? Yeah, that shit was cool in your 20's, maaayyyyybe the early 30's. But at 40, not so much. Pay for delivery or a mover.



Those "hey, can I borrow your truck" calls go so old

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oh yeah? well joke is on you, I WATCHED THE TRAILER.


stuff that in your pipe, mount it in a decorative plexiglas case, and admire it from a distance!

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there's that amazingly under-appreciated sense of humor.




that is pretty much where I was going with the "weekend farm" exception. but in socal in the most major of major markets west of the mississippi, there is no reason for it. it's a fashion accessory completely out of touch with the concept of practicality. furthermore, they're a goddamn menace to other drivers/pedestrians in numerous situations of city driving.


so tilt, when you're sitting there in a parking lot bitching because you can't move your over compensation cleanly out of a parking slot, just remember you brought it on yourself and people around you are probably just as pissed at you as you are at the situation.


good day.


Geez, don't get your vag in a bunch.

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it is acceptable to own a large truck when/if:


you make a living in construction

you live on a farm

you spend every/majority of weekends on a farm


i think you see where i'm going with this.


i've never understood the desire of a city dwelling office worker to own a full size/quadcab/dual rear wheel truck. in metro areas if you really really feel the need to own a truck it should be no bigger than say, a ranger. anything larger is just wasted utility. i think around here it's because most of them are probably first or second generation off the farm kids and they drive trucks because that's what daddy/grandpappy always drove and what they learned to drive. buying your first truck was almost a right of passage or something.


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