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About Tiltinagain

  • Rank
    Every village has it's idiot. Welcome to our village.
  • Birthday 11/30/1967

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  • Favorite Poker Game
    Liquor in the front. Poker in the rear

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Nor Cal
  • Interests
    Poker, gun dog training, fishing, upland hunting, not dying from Lymphoma. Not necessarily in that order.

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  1. I am fine. You have to remember the context of my last post. I was debating sharing my blog with you all to allow you some/more access into who I am, where I've been etc... Then I realized that nobody here even wanted me here. Remembering Napa's collage of posts wondering where I was when I was in the hospital one thing that jumped out at me was some comment about being too dumb or whatever to even care or notice I was being Jeepstered for the longest time. Brvy claims to be the godly one but was probably the biggest ass to me of anyone until recently. Napa goes from being a dick to not a
  2. I think not, but thanks for responding. Between most of the posts napa posted when I was MIA and the lack of interest here I've been wondering why I bother. For whatever reason, caused by me I am sure, I apparently just don't fit here. So be good, I truly hope for the best for ya'll and maybe I'll check in from time to time.
  3. So I started a blog the other day. Mostly/totally just covering my illness so far. Since posting the first blog I've been debating sharing it with ya'll. Part of me feels like I should because it's been years we've "known" each other and, considering my illness, I'd better get it to you before I can't. But I don't know 'bout some of ya'll having this info frankly. I may choose a blog bearer to hold on to the into in case but not share it with the whole (lol) thread. Decisions.
  4. Had to take advantage of a couple, three hits to get through the day today. Just felt tired and like crap.
  5. The chickens are vegetarian so eating them qualifies you as one I think.
  6. Heh. I have a wife. She ain't letting me skip a single appointment or drug dose. Daughters either for that matter. Doubt I'd be so careful about it if I were alone. Would be too easy to wake up in the morning feeling like crap and just skip an appointment. Correction, They pay for your insurance for an extra month then they fire you,
  7. Chemo yesterday and back in today for a couple units of blood because my white cells have been running on the low side of normal. Not the most enjoyable way to spend Easter but it'll probably make me feel better so that's good.
  8. No such thing as "all for naught". At the very least you got your resume updated and a couple practice interviews done. Think strong, be strong, Napster.
  9. Nothing to be nervous about. You already have a job, it's up to them to convince you that theirs is better than the one you got. Worse case scenario you got a reason to spend the weekend in the MSP. Lot less pressure than if you're unemployed and need the job.
  10. Good luck Napster! Alive and kicking. Hows the Chipotle change to chorizo going? I was thinking, I usually forego beans and get double meat. 1 chicken/1 chorizo might be a hell of a good bowl, ya know?
  11. Good luck that the offer comes through and the salary is befitting a professional of your caliber Napster, Chemo today, Just a shade over 5 hours so par for the course, Couldn't really sleep after not sleeping real well last night so that was disappointing,
  12. No clue what this is all about. edit; found it. Couldn't be more sad for you Ronnie. Good Morning.
  13. Seriously though, what is a google hangout? Did you guys know I'm not eating solid food? Can't imagine I didn't mention it but can't remember either. It's horrible. I like to cook and eat way to much for this. Maybe if you're lucky I'll post a pic of my feeding tube. Had not one but TWO magnificent naps today. Wife woke me up from the first one because I had a Dr appt. and I was ticked. Luckily when I got home I was able to find that same nap greatness and slept hard for 2.5 hours. IE, Napster and SA seem to be just killing the work world. Congrats to you guys.
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