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I almost forgot about the best part of last week's episode. I was laughing my ass off after Ami talked to the girls, then come up to Erik with the machete and talking like a bitch to him and casually pointing the machete at him as she thanked him for getting her back in the alliance. Sooooo good! I was so happy she got the boot!

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I almost forgot about the best part of last week's episode. I was laughing my ass off after Ami talked to the girls, then come up to Erik with the machete and talking like a bitch to him and casually pointing the machete at him as she thanked him for getting her back in the alliance. Sooooo good! I was so happy she got the boot!
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Ok, if you were Eliza, who here would NOT have pulled out the stick in hopes that it was the Immunity Idol. I did like how she outted Ozzie before leaving. lol

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Ok, if you were Eliza, who here would NOT have pulled out the stick in hopes that it was the Immunity Idol. I did like how she outted Ozzie before leaving. lol
I would have pulled it out... she knew it wasn't it, but what the hell might as well go for it. LOL Jason thought it was it the whole time though, that kid is really dumb as dirt. I don't like his cockiness either. I thought they gave Eliza kind of a hard time at tribal. Yeah she might have tried to vote Parvati off, and she wasn't social, but she wasn't a bitch to anyone. Parvati was just being a bitch, and I didn't think Eliza deserved that. Eliza seemed to take it well though which was cool to see.I also like how Alexis thinks she has everything figured out when she really doesn't. The only thing she has really done is get into an unreliable alliance with Parvati and Natalie (and it looks like from the previews for next week Cirie) which she didn't arrange anyways. She was just in the right place at the right time. She is the definition of riding coattails, and if she makes it to the end there is no way she wins at this point.If I was that group of broads I would seriously consider getting rid of Ozzy ASAP before it gets too late and he will know to use the idol. If they go for him next week I don't think he will be expecting it. He has the idol, and is overall best at challenges, he needs to go now.
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I would have pulled it out... she knew it wasn't it, but what the hell might as well go for it. LOL Jason thought it was it the whole time though, that kid is really dumb as dirt. I don't like his cockiness either. I thought they gave Eliza kind of a hard time at tribal. Yeah she might have tried to vote Parvati off, and she wasn't social, but she wasn't a bitch to anyone. Parvati was just being a bitch, and I didn't think Eliza deserved that. Eliza seemed to take it well though which was cool to see.I also like how Alexis thinks she has everything figured out when she really doesn't. The only thing she has really done is get into an unreliable alliance with Parvati and Natalie (and it looks like from the previews for next week Cirie) which she didn't arrange anyways. She was just in the right place at the right time. She is the definition of riding coattails, and if she makes it to the end there is no way she wins at this point.If I was that group of broads I would seriously consider getting rid of Ozzy ASAP before it gets too late and he will know to use the idol. If they go for him next week I don't think he will be expecting it. He has the idol, and is overall best at challenges, he needs to go now.
Pretty much sums it up from my perspective, too. Nice.
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Based on the highlight from last week when Eliza said "That's not the idol, it's a STICK," didn't everyone kinda know Jason was going to win individual immunity.It was a spoiler for me.Also, if cirie can arrange the blindsiding of ozzy this week, she goes WAY up in my estimation as one of the best players ever.

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Based on the highlight from last week when Eliza said "That's not the idol, it's a STICK," didn't everyone kinda know Jason was going to win individual immunity.It was a spoiler for me.Also, if cirie can arrange the blindsiding of ozzy this week, she goes WAY up in my estimation as one of the best players ever.
As much as I don't like Cirie, I will give her credit for knowing basically everything that is going on around her. For right now she is staying out of the way and waiting to make a move.
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As much as I don't like Cirie, I will give her credit for knowing basically everything that is going on around her. For right now she is staying out of the way and waiting to make a move.
Agreed 100%. I'm not a fan of her at all, but they can't let Ozzy get far in the game with the hidden idol. Look at James last year, they let him get away with it week after week and if he just wasn't STUPID he would've made final 4 if not 3 by just playing his 2 idols back to back weeks.I felt bad for Amanda this week, Pavarti screwed her over by making her an alliance with the other girls without her. So now she's stuck playing both sides of the game and have to be dishonest to at least 2 people. On top of that, Alexis is getting all snuggy with Ozzy out of the blue, what's that about?The stick moment was just awesome. I loved every minute of it even though I agree with Jeff that it was a spoiler knowing that Jason had won immunity prior to.
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I think one of the more interesting stories going on is how far James is flying under the radar. Because Ozzy is dominating everything, people seem to have forgotten that James is both a physical threat and a well-loved player who would be hard to be in the finals. If the other players aren't careful, James will sneak into the final three.

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Erik randomly naming the team Dabu with a little story was pretty funny.
I thought Jeff was going to out him on this.
I think one of the more interesting stories going on is how far James is flying under the radar. Because Ozzy is dominating everything, people seem to have forgotten that James is both a physical threat and a well-loved player who would be hard to be in the finals. If the other players aren't careful, James will sneak into the final three.
I don't think the chicks will let this happen but you never know. Chicks in general, but especially in this game, have a hard time not hating each other and they end up undermining their best common interests.
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Erik randomly naming the team Dabu with a little story was pretty funny.
Yeah, he said that he'd be happy with the name "Dabu FoShizzle"
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Based on the highlight from last week when Eliza said "That's not the idol, it's a STICK," didn't everyone kinda know Jason was going to win individual immunity.It was a spoiler for me.
I don't think it spoiled it. All it showed was that he was showing Eliza the immunity idol and that it looked like he was aligning with her.
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I don't think it spoiled it. All it showed was that he was showing Eliza the immunity idol and that it looked like he was aligning with her.
That's kind of what I thought until we got deep in the show.Also, I think Jeff will out Erik for the tribe name. You could see him smirking, but I think he wanted to research it first.One other thing...I think it's going to be week after week of people trying to concoct a plan to get rid of Ozzy and I think Amanda and Parvati might end up being the architects of this, with Cirie being the catalyst. I also think that Ozzy will be able to see it coming and is capable of dodging that bullet.
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I thought Jeff was going to out him on this.
Yeah...I kind of thought that he would too...ya know, cause Jeff's kind of an ass like that sometimes.
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If I was that group of broads I would seriously consider getting rid of Ozzy ASAP before it gets too late and he will know to use the idol. If they go for him next week I don't think he will be expecting it. He has the idol, and is overall best at challenges, he needs to go now.
ZING!!!Cirie FTW.I can't believe that 4 or 5 of the people quit the immunity challenge so easily, omg Jason is an idiot lol.I'm still kind of confused why Amanda was sticking with Ozzy and James till the end, especially with what happened to her last season.I loved Ozzy's stare at the end. I hope he has an interesting rant with jury deliberation. I will expand on my post at work tomorrow because I get bored easily. This episode was awesome.
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tonights show was wonderful. I love it when a smart plan comes together... but I still hate Cirie. I hope James doesn't go next week, but sadly he doesn't do well in challenges.

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Ozzie is a moron. He should have seen that coming. I hate Cirie with a passion as she hasn't actually contributed in any way shape or form in 2 seasons. (except to annoy the s**t out of me)Oh yeah Parvarti is a C**T. I would still hit it though. My quick and dirty while drunk review. LOL

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Sigh. I hate to see Ozzy go, but he should have played his idol. It just made too much sense for them to get rid of him at that point, and he was too trusting. The show won't be as entertaining without him. Who to root for now? James?

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Ozzie is a moron. He should have seen that coming. I hate Cirie with a passion as she hasn't actually contributed in any way shape or form in 2 seasons. (except to annoy the s**t out of me)Oh yeah Parvarti is a C**T. I would still hit it though. My quick and dirty while drunk review. LOL
yea i drunks also.parvatie is annoying shw wont win.i stuill dotn get a ll the cireiw hate. What we see sfrom the show doesnt really show if she contreibute or not around camp so who knows.she is OUTWITTIGN EVERYONE!! which contributes too th e show.tiered of the cirie shit she has owened so hard... obv she wont beat people like ozzy and young guys in challenbges you should expect that.... but she is has been owning the whoel season HATERS
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New episode tonight.I forsee Ozzie winning immunity so it's bye bye for Alexis
Whoops.Seriously, I found tonight's episode entertaining and a little surprising. I honestly thought Parvati would stick with Ozz, James, Amanda, and Eric and vote out Jason (dumbass move at immunity challenge,). I'm undecided on whether I think Ozzy is dumb for getting booted with the idol a la James. I can understand him believing he was safe tonight, thinking it was too early to use it and keeping it. He'd have the numbers and the idol and a good deal of power. Though it would have been much more entertaining for the game if he had used it. Jason would be gone, and the numbers would be 4 vs 4, at least how they voted tonight. He (and Amanda and James) would have figured out Parvati was the flip, and we might have had a bit of drama.I still can't stand Cirie. She's manipulative enough to get deep in the game without doing anything productive, and people will want to take her to the end because no one will vote for her.I guess the biggest question is: Will Parvati and Cirie stick with Alexis, Natalie, and Jason and then James and Amanda are screwed? I don't think so. I think tonight was a 1-time alliance to get rid of Ozzy and the idol, and Jason and Eric are still screwed. Is Amanda's best bet is to swing over to Parvati's side and ally with Natalie and Alexis? Girl power forcing Jason or James to win a string of immunity challenges to get to the end. Or should she stick with James and maybe Cirie and try to keep Eric and maybe swing Jason to their side?Game could swing a lot of ways at this point. I'm just gonna be disappointed if some combo of Alexis, Natalie, and Cirie make it to the end.I'm pulling for James (who I don't think can get it done) or Eric at this point.This post brought to you by Miller Lite Brewing Company.
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Well, as much as I dislike Cirie, I have to give her tons of props for engineering the Ozzy ouster. Make no mistake, Parvati did the dirty work for her, so Cirie gets to fly under the radar once again. Nice move.Really, though, it was the best move possible, as it ended Ozzy's dominance and completely levelled the playing field.Jason's acceptance of the tribe's guarantee? Only the second dumbest move in Survivor history. <Hi, James>The next few shows will be interesting. How will alliances develop? I see James, Amanda, Erik and Jason on one side and Cirie, Nathalie, Parvati and Alexis on the other. Now that Ozzy is gone, Amanda may forget about the jealousy she felt about Alexis getting all snuggly with Oz. Amanda becomes the key as the swing vote against the dangerous men, but her distrust of Parvati and (potential) residual emotions against Alexis will keep her on the men's side and they need her big time. Will the men try and get Cirie over? Maybe. Will Cirie backstab someone? Absolutely. Will Parvati suck James dry in an attempt to win back his favour? Most likely.I am sorry to see Ozzy go, but he blew it in two immunity challenges in a row and didn't make a good council read.

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Ozzie didn't even bring the idol with him to tribal council. At council he said he suspected something was funny, but he was screwed and he couldn't do anything about it because he did NOT even bring the idol. Now that to me was possibly one of the dumbest moves ever.Here's a link to Ozzie's whole final wordsOzzie's Final Words

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