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I don't recall seeing Amanda telling Parv she found the idol...If she did, it was a dumb move, but I don't think she told anyone, but I missed a little part of the show because I got a phone call.

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I don't recall seeing Amanda telling Parv she found the idol...If she did, it was a dumb move, but I don't think she told anyone, but I missed a little part of the show because I got a phone call.
Yeah, Amanda did tell Parvati that she found the idol, she even told her where it was hidden.
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Yeah, Amanda did tell Parvati that she found the idol, she even told her where it was hidden.
Hopefully, she only did that to get the backstabber back on her side. I hope Amanda knows she cannot trust Parv.Also, it occured to me that Amanda wanted to get rid of Alexis a little "extra" due to the Ozzy nuzzlings, although she did Alexis a favour by putting her into the jury house (?) with Ozzy.
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I think Amanda told Pavarti that she knows where it is because she needed someone to keep everyone by the fire so that it wouldn't look retarded that she's digging under the flag. Yao Man did the same thing as well. On top of that, she wanted parv to know that she really wasn't lying that she didn't have idol when she came back from Exile. She didn't want to lie to anyone, part of her strategy.It wasn't a bad move, I think she thought it through.

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And the Oscar goes to....AMANDA!! Zing!!I mean, I knew she had it because there is no way that I would stop looking for the idol if I knew my head was on the chopping block. I wouldn't even care if someone else saw me digging for it, I'm finding the dang idol. Anyway, I very much enjoyed how they built it up and made it seem like she didn't have it. And I still did cheer when she pulled out the hidden immunity idol.
huh? I think you're the only person on Earth that had a single doubt that she had it.
We all knew Amanda had it
There was a 0% chance she didn't have it. It was obvious the whole time.
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Why is it so easy to find the immunity idol.... they should just hide three of them at the beginning of the game and make them hard to find so it isn't just whoever gets sent to exile wins immunity.

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Great job by Amanda - of course if she makes to the final vote, she'll have to close better than she did before which cost her $1M.Not sure why the others weren't jumping up to go to exile island - she was the only one who "volunteered" and it's been obvious that the idol is fairly easy to find this year. Of course the second smart thing she did was to show everyone that she didn't have the idol to put them at ease. It would have been ridiculous for her not to have the idol at tribal council since she knew she was going home without it.She's still got a huge target on her back along with Eric. Both of them are very likable and have done enough things to deserve the $1M - I doubt that the other survivors missed the fact that many on the jury were cheering her on when she played the idol. I would think that whichever one of the two doesn't win immunity, then the other will go. However, if both don't win, then it would get interesting to see if "girl power" still holds. It seemed from the previews that he was the swing vote between Amanda/Parv and Nathalie/Cirie. However, he wanted to the final three to be himself, Nat and Parv which seemed to piss of Nat although the producers could have mixed things up so that she was complaining about something else.This has been a great year in Survivor History.

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Last night was the best episode I've seen in the last few seasons. We all knew Amanda had it, but there's still that 5% doubt that you really never know as survivor producers can be tricky. When she pulled it up my fiance and I turned and high fived each other (Something we've never done with any show before).As sad as it was to see James go, Amanda's incredible acting skills & experience totally paid off. She knows how to play this game and you know all members will be gunning to get her out as she's a gauranteed winner in the final 3.Where it goes from here, I have no idea. I'd be most happy if Amanda wins immunity next week, controls the game and builds her own alliance.
Just watched last weeks episode!WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Agree with what has mostly been said above. My wife and I jumped an high fived as well!One of the best episodes ever. She played it perfectly....emptying her bag right away was perfect!
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I think Amanda told Pavarti that she knows where it is because she needed someone to keep everyone by the fire so that it wouldn't look retarded that she's digging under the flag. Yao Man did the same thing as well. On top of that, she wanted parv to know that she really wasn't lying that she didn't have idol when she came back from Exile. She didn't want to lie to anyone, part of her strategy.It wasn't a bad move, I think she thought it through.
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Of course the second smart thing she did was to show everyone that she didn't have the idol to put them at ease.
Let's say that she didn't have the idol and she didn't know where it was...would she have made such a big show? Or would she have let that uncertainty linger in their minds? I mean, you can't expect the other players to figure out that the idol's back at the camp and that she knows that...but her acting there and at tribal was classic "weak means strong"...again, it worked and it's hard to give anyone a hard time for not figuring it out. I do give her a lot of credit for pulling the bitterness card at tribal...which is pretty classic for anyone that knows they're about to be voted out.
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What lead Cirie to believe that they would pick the rocks if there was a tie?Haven't the last ties been fire making challenges. Maybe they let the contestants know prior to the season how they are going to deal with tie breakers? I dunno.I was kind of hoping that Parvati would vote for Alexis, and then Amanda for Natalie, so everyone could LOL at them trying to make fire.

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What lead Cirie to believe that they would pick the rocks if there was a tie?Haven't the last ties been fire making challenges. Maybe they let the contestants know prior to the season how they are going to deal with tie breakers? I dunno.I was kind of hoping that Parvati would vote for Alexis, and then Amanda for Natalie, so everyone could LOL at them trying to make fire.
I thought the 1st tiebreaker was still previous votes from past tribal councils, and if that was a tie they went to a fire making challenge.
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I thought the 1st tiebreaker was still previous votes from past tribal councils, and if that was a tie they went to a fire making challenge.
That hasn't been a tiebreak since the earlier seasons. The rocks they've used once. Since then the last 2 tiebreaks have been revote and then fire making.
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That hasn't been a tiebreak since the earlier seasons. The rocks they've used once. Since then the last 2 tiebreaks have been revote and then fire making.
Wasn't Cirie in a tiebreaker? And she had to make fire? The 2 survivors couldn't even start a fire with matches!! I think it was Cirie and she was down to her last match.edit: It wasnt Cirie. But here's the clip.
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Everyone actually did a decent job of not showing their alliance too bad in the axe chop but then screwed it up when they picked people to go with them.Parvati, Alexis, Cirie and bad knee girl shared the cake in the auction and then went on this trip as well. Amanda was obviously the 5th member of their alliance so why would they give her a chance to get the idol.If I won the challenge I would send myself if possible and if not then I would send my most trusted ally not the person I want out (if Erik wins immunity). Horrible move strategically there by bad knee girl i think....As far as tribal I agree with everyone in that it was a great acting job by Amanda but I was 100% sure she had it. Like someone said I would be digging right in front of people if I had to.I think telling Parvati was a good idea for 2 reasons.1) she needed her help to dig for it2) it was a great test to see if she could be trusted. If Parvati would hae told the of them about the idol Amanda is still safe but instead they would have probably voted off Cirie which wouldn't have been the worst thing for Amanda.I didn't mind getting rid of bad knee girl. The next immunity will be a written test so her knee wouldn't be a factor. They probably thought they had a better chance beating Alexis than Bad knee girl. Also her motivational speaker work would be enough for me to not take a chance and get rid of her now. Especially after the beating Amanda took at final council from the guy last season.

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Wasn't Cirie in a tiebreaker? And she had to make fire? The 2 survivors couldn't even start a fire with matches!! I think it was Cirie and she was down to her last match.edit: It wasnt Cirie. But here's the clip.
That was one of the funniest moments of all Survivor.You shouldn't get 1 vote from the Jury if you can't make fire which I believe Becky didn't.
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