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About bleacherbum3

  • Rank
    Lovable Loser
  • Birthday 07/03/1976

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  • Favorite Poker Game
    NL 2-7 single draw

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    Right Field

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  1. Been so long I forgot how to swear.
  2. What the ****?! Nobody told me we were back!!! I like being back in the thread, still takes crazy long for it to load for me. I am on level 332 in Candy Crush. Night all. P.S. Nik - OWWW!!!!!
  3. Agreed, excellent season. I don't think Dan threw the final HOH. For one, those weird questions make it hard to throw even if you want to. And, he said in an interview that he didn't. One thing I found very interesting (and surprising) - In his post-show interview with Jeff, Dan said that he would've taken Ian if he had won that final comp. He said he and Ian were both convinced that Danielle would slaughter them in the final 2 and they didn't realize the jury was actually pretty negative about her gameplay. Plus after, being so loyal to him the entire game, Danielle seemed VERY sa
  4. Nice trip. It always goes too fast.
  5. I'll be honest, Dan deserves to win the game, but I'm rooting for Ian.
  6. I don't think the HGs can accurately predict the jury votes, but the move by Dan virtually assures him of a spot in the final 2. If Danielle wins, she take him. If Ian wins, he takes him. If Dan wins, I think he still takes Danielle. At least he's assured 50k.
  7. I hope not. LOVED the reaction from Danielle when Dan evicted Shane tonight. I'm a sucker for the Renegades. I want Ian to win the final HOH and take Dan. Could be an interesting jury vote. I think Dan would deserve it based on gameplay, but maybe too much blood like you said. I could see Ian getting Britney, Shane, Frank, and maybe Ashley's votes.
  8. Agreed. Dan wants his final 2 to be with Danielle, and I think he wants them to take Jenn to the final 3 because she probably won't win anything. Dan's also been trying to play Shane and Ian against each other a bit. If one of them is on the block, he might get the other to evict them. Ian is all for the quack pack and wants Jenn out next. I think Shane is on board with that but would consider getting out Ian. He's a bit worried about Ian's smarts. Dan and Danielle I think would definitely like to get Ian or Shane out this week. Jenn has no strategy. She'll sleep most of
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