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I thought she really choked with the Jury. She could have won if she had been a better public speaker. With her lack of big moves thus far and her rep of being an idiot in front of the Jury she has little chance to win this game.
I think she would learn from her mistakes last season if she makes it to the end.She wasn't horrible at speaking, she just was not being honest, and tried to deflect the blame to other people while not owning up to anything. Todd was completely honest the whole entire jury deliberation.Since she has a lot of her alliance-mates in the jury who she hasn't stabbed in the back, I think she would have a better chance then she did last season.On a different subject, If they don't get rid of Erik this week, I'm thinking he goes all the way. I don't see him losing immunity at all, especially if they decide to get rid of James next week. Although he hasn't been involved in any strategizing (excepting the Ami incident), he has been great in challenges, and has not ruffled any feathers around camp. Everyone seems to genuinely like him.
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I think she would learn from her mistakes last season if she makes it to the end.She wasn't horrible at speaking, she just was not being honest, and tried to deflect the blame to other people while not owning up to anything. Todd was completely honest the whole entire jury deliberation.Since she has a lot of her alliance-mates in the jury who she hasn't stabbed in the back, I think she would have a better chance then she did last season.On a different subject, If they don't get rid of Erik this week, I'm thinking he goes all the way. I don't see him losing immunity at all, especially if they decide to get rid of James next week. Although he hasn't been involved in any strategizing (excepting the Ami incident), he has been great in challenges, and has not ruffled any feathers around camp. Everyone seems to genuinely like him.
Yeah I like Erik too.How can you not like a guy who's occupation is listed as ice cream scooper.Also they currently have 7 people left (Cirie, James, Amanda, Erik, Aleixs, Parvati & Natalie) and 3 in the Jury (Ozzie, Jason, and Eliza). I guess this means we are looking at a Final 3 to face the Jury. I liked the old days with the Final 2 going head to head with the Jury in the end.
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Yeah I like Erik too.How can you not like a guy who's occupation is listed as ice cream scooper.Also they currently have 7 people left (Cirie, James, Amanda, Erik, Aleixs, Parvati & Natalie) and 3 in the Jury (Ozzie, Jason, and Eliza). I guess this means we are looking at a Final 3 to face the Jury. I liked the old days with the Final 2 going head to head with the Jury in the end.
Agreed. I'm not a fan of Final TCs.
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Someone must really not like Ozzie. lolHonestly, I didn't like him that much from the first time he was on.And I is a sad poster that I did not get quoted by Specbrad. :club::ts
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Someone must really not like Ozzie. lolHonestly, I didn't like him that much from the first time he was on.And I is a sad poster that I did not get quoted by Specbrad. :club::ts
So sayeth Gallo. Let if be written, let it be heard...
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Someone must really not like Ozzie. lolHonestly, I didn't like him that much from the first time he was on.And I is a sad poster that I did not get quoted by Specbrad. :club::ts
I liked him fine and thought he was the best player but him getting booted is why I love this show. You never know when the masses or un derdogs finally see an opportunity and take it. If he didn't go when he did, he was probably winning.He's def one of the best to EVER play the game.Consider yourself quoted!
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I liked him fine and thought he was the best player but him getting booted is why I love this show. You never know when the masses or un derdogs finally see an opportunity and take it. If he didn't go when he did, he was probably winning.He's def one of the best to EVER play the game.Consider yourself quoted!
ty sir.And I disagree. j/s :club:
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Yeah I like Erik too.How can you not like a guy who's occupation is listed as ice cream scooper.Also they currently have 7 people left (Cirie, James, Amanda, Erik, Aleixs, Parvati & Natalie) and 3 in the Jury (Ozzie, Jason, and Eliza). I guess this means we are looking at a Final 3 to face the Jury. I liked the old days with the Final 2 going head to head with the Jury in the end.
Same here. Since they've gone to final 3, I've just wanted to see a tie at the end (like 3-3-1), just to see what happens.
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Same here. Since they've gone to final 3, I've just wanted to see a tie at the end (like 3-3-1), just to see what happens.
I would Love to see a Live Fire-Making challenge in the middle of Radio City Music Hall for the Million.
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And the Oscar goes to....AMANDA!! Zing!!I mean, I knew she had it because there is no way that I would stop looking for the idol if I knew my head was on the chopping block. I wouldn't even care if someone else saw me digging for it, I'm finding the dang idol. Anyway, I very much enjoyed how they built it up and made it seem like she didn't have it. And I still did cheer when she pulled out the hidden immunity idol.

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Great that she found it. Too bad the voted out the wrong person. She's letting Parv control the game. Doesn't make sense to vote out the person who has no shot in a physical challenge.

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Awesome that Erik won the idol and awesome that Amanda found it. I think they should have voted for Natelie though. Alexis is already hurt and could have easily been voted out next.I really hope Erik continues to win the idol and wins the game. He really has tried to play the game straight up and not back stab. Go get those bitches!

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This is one of the most enjoyable seasons ever. Anyone else watch the Ponderosa episode?
True that. I was clapping when Erik won the idol and clapping when Amanda played hers....
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Nice! What a roller coaster season this has been. Hate to see James go down without getting voted out though.

Great that she found it. Too bad the voted out the wrong person. She's letting Parv control the game. Doesn't make sense to vote out the person who has no shot in a physical challenge.
I agree. I wanted them to boot Natalie. I guess it's gonna come back to that convo she had with Cirie earlier in the episode where she asked and Cirie confirmed, "If we could, you would stick with me and Parv to the end?" Honestly, I think Parvati, Cirie, and Amanda may try to stick together. Eric winning immunity again prob/will get in the way. Unless they're all still gunning for Amanda because they fear they can't beat her in a vote at the end.
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Nice! What a roller coaster season this has been. Hate to see James go down without getting voted out though.I agree. I wanted them to boot Natalie. I guess it's gonna come back to that convo she had with Cirie earlier in the episode where she asked and Cirie confirmed, "If we could, you would stick with me and Parv to the end?" Honestly, I think Parvati, Cirie, and Amanda may try to stick together. Eric winning immunity again prob/will get in the way. Unless they're all still gunning for Amanda because they fear they can't beat her in a vote at the end.
The more I think about this episode the more I love it. Everything that happend in this episode had a major effect to this game. The reward challenge showed where the alliances really were. James being taken out and Erik winning immunity forced Amanda into just that one play. Parv sticking with Amanda showed she's still loyal to her to one extent. Cirie not voting with Amanda shows she doesn't have true alliance. I think there were a few gameplay flaws though. 1. If I'm Amanda I don't fully trust Parv enough to tell her I know where the Idol is. If I know I'm going to play it anyway, I'm not telling her and seeing where she votes, while at the same time getting the sole vote if she votes against me. 2. Cirie showed she has no loyalties to anyone by not voting with Amanda and Parv. At this point I think this would have been bad for Cirie if Amanda hadn't gotten the idol as it gave the fans the numbers and a chance to flip it on Parv and Cirie again.3. And the obvious, not voting out either Cirie or Nat at this point instead of Alexis. Both have showed they can play the strategic game and both have a better shot than Alexis at winning a physical challenge.I don't think Amanda can win. Her best scenario now I think is to bring Nat and one of the other if she makes it to final 3. But I think whoever out of the other 3 would win. The best Final 3 I can think of at this time would be Erik, Cirie and Parv. This would allow for the biggest split of votes.
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For me...Natalie was the choice to go. She's more of a physical threat and she's really quite psychotically convincing when it comes to her getting people involved in any lpan she concocts. There may even be fear of her.Alexis was a poor choice to go because of her gimpy leg, but she's also not a leader type and doesn't have much sway over other tribe members.Cirie would have been my second choice to go. Although I've warmed up to her over the past few weeks, I still don't like her, mostly because of her shifting loyalties, but that's the game.Erik, dude, were you ever fortunate to win that, although I daresay, a plot to lull Amanda into not playing the idol, based on people thinking she actuially did find it, assuming Amanda would have behaved the same Oscar material way, and blindsiding her would have been a solid move, too.James, sorry to see you go. Those jungle cuts can really getcha.Parvati, excellent time to reconnect with Amanda. A very smart move. Nonetheless, you will get no votes.Amanda...one of the BEST moves I have EVER seen on Survivor! I hope you go all the way, but watch your back.

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For me...Natalie was the choice to go. She's more of a physical threat and she's really quite psychotically convincing when it comes to her getting people involved in any lpan she concocts. There may even be fear of her.Alexis was a poor choice to go because of her gimpy leg, but she's also not a leader type and doesn't have much sway over other tribe members.Cirie would have been my second choice to go. Although I've warmed up to her over the past few weeks, I still don't like her, mostly because of her shifting loyalties, but that's the game.Erik, dude, were you ever fortunate to win that, although I daresay, a plot to lull Amanda into not playing the idol, based on people thinking she actuially did find it, assuming Amanda would have behaved the same Oscar material way, and blindsiding her would have been a solid move, too.James, sorry to see you go. Those jungle cuts can really getcha.Parvati, excellent time to reconnect with Amanda. A very smart move. Nonetheless, you will get no votes.Amanda...one of the BEST moves I have EVER seen on Survivor! I hope you go all the way, but watch your back.
Would she be that dumb though after seeing it happen in back to back tribals. And that's why her emptying her bag in front of everyone the moment she got back was probably the best move she's ever made.I think Alexis would have been dangerous in the Final TC because of being a motivational speaker and not having pissed anyone off. She would have had to control the TC but still would have been dangerous none the less. When it comes down to it, with James pulled medically this week, Amanda lost her chance to win last week when she didn't pull Jason and Erik over with her and James to try and switch things back in her favour.
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Would she be that dumb though after seeing it happen in back to back tribals. And that's why her emptying her bag in front of everyone the moment she got back was probably the best move she's ever made.I think Alexis would have been dangerous in the Final TC because of being a motivational speaker and not having pissed anyone off. She would have had to control the TC but still would have been dangerous none the less. When it comes down to it, with James pulled medically this week, Amanda lost her chance to win last week when she didn't pull Jason and Erik over with her and James to try and switch things back in her favour.
Yup, can't say as I disagree with you, but Alexis wasn't getting anywhere near the final three, anyway, imo, aside from the fact she is nowhere as well liked as Amanda.Amanda played the whole thing out brilliantly: Polling everyone to see how they are voting, acting totally lost and hopeless. Just awesome. I doubt Amanda would have trusted anyone and probably would have played the idol regardless of how she read the situation, but it worked out great for her. It's hard to say what's going to happen from here on in, except that Nat will be doing everything she can to oust Amanda (as will Cirie, I think). How will Parvati flip? Who will Erik listen to? Those questions and more, next week.
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I think it was a tough choice between Natalie and Alexis. On the one hand, Natalie is a schemer and not injured. She may have trouble getting votes, but it's hard to tell because we don't see the whole story. Alexis, on the other hand, is injured, so she is less of a threat in challenges, but she is a motivation speaker for a living, so if she made it to the final three, she could just end up swaying some people her way. We haven't seen much from her, though, so I don't know how realistic that would be. There are so many ways this game could go right now, but it seems like a Favorites final three is the most likely route. Cirie knows she can't win any challenge, ever. So her best bet is to go with Parvati and ???. The problem will be the final-4 immunity challenge. The winner of that will pick the winner of the game. I would assume that next week, Cirie, Parvati, and Amanda will vote off whichever of the other two doesn't win immunity, and Erik if one of the Faves wins immunity. Then we have to see who is the most cut-throat for a million bucks. If Amanda wins, she wins the game. If anyone else wins and brings Amanda, then Amanda wins. So they all should be gunning for Amanda. But they probably won't.Amanda's best chance -- use her friendships to make the final three where she'll be a shoo-in.Cirie's best chance -- final three with Parvati and Natalie.Erik's best chance -- win the next two immunities, and eliminate AmandaNatalie's best chance -- I don't see her winning this, but she can hope for a top 3Parvati's best chance -- probably doesn't have a hope, but should make the final 3.

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Amanda's best chance -- use her friendships to make the final three where she'll be a shoo-in.Cirie's best chance -- final three with Parvati and Natalie.Erik's best chance -- win the next two immunities, and eliminate AmandaNatalie's best chance -- I don't see her winning this, but she can hope for a top 3Parvati's best chance -- probably doesn't have a hope, but should make the final 3.
If Erik wins the next two immunities and gets Amanda out I think he's winning, especially because of the odds he over came. Amanda, Erik and Cirie getting to the final three would make for a very interesting finish.
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Last night was the best episode I've seen in the last few seasons. We all knew Amanda had it, but there's still that 5% doubt that you really never know as survivor producers can be tricky. When she pulled it up my fiance and I turned and high fived each other (Something we've never done with any show before).As sad as it was to see James go, Amanda's incredible acting skills & experience totally paid off. She knows how to play this game and you know all members will be gunning to get her out as she's a gauranteed winner in the final 3.Where it goes from here, I have no idea. I'd be most happy if Amanda wins immunity next week, controls the game and builds her own alliance.

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I think there were a few gameplay flaws though. 1. If I'm Amanda I don't fully trust Parv enough to tell her I know where the Idol is. If I know I'm going to play it anyway, I'm not telling her and seeing where she votes, while at the same time getting the sole vote if she votes against me. The best Final 3 I can think of at this time would be Erik, Cirie and Parv. This would allow for the biggest split of votes.
Agreed. I thought that wasn't too bright.I'd rather see Erik, Amanda, and Cirie. I can't see anyone voting for Parvati.
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Agreed. I thought that wasn't too bright.I'd rather see Erik, Amanda, and Cirie. I can't see anyone voting for Parvati.
I think people are forgetting that just because she's backstabbed a couple of people doesn't mean they won't vote for her to win. Very often the person doing the backstabbing gets votes because they played a good game. Todd was a decent example last year. Unless Cirie comes out and says at tribal that a couple of these plans were hers she runs the risk of Parv being considered the better game player.
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