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I Called In Sick Today

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Good job Zimmy and Silky... $15,000 and $16,000 respectively.
Yeah, I'll be sure to not link them to this post...
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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

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Yeah, I'll be sure to not link them to this post...
LFT?Ron, seeing how you are the expert on knee injuries I was looking for some diagnosis. I feel a pain in the back of my knee when walking and when I fully bend my leg. I looked online and did some checks on ligament strains but nothing seemed to match. Nothing popped so I'm guessing it's not serious, just curious at how long I will have the pain and when I will be able to run pain free...
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So I just had a little teleconference with my new employer, the building owner, and the room manager and a part-time floor guy. I was under the impression that I'd have some influence, that I'd be able to voice an opinion, have some input, etc. Apparently that's not exactly correct.Larry: "So you guys mostly know each other, right? Anything you want to say, Derek?"Derek: "Yeah, I've worked for Bill before, and I'm excited to work for him again. He's a much better boss than Alex."Bill: "Uh..."Larry: "What do you mean?"Derek: "Well, he's easy to work for. He's fair, he's got the same approach that I do, and it's great, since I'm a little more laid back, and he'll be a perfect foil for that. He's a little stricter than me, so we'll be a really good team. I've got lots of respect for him, so I'll have no problem following him. I assume Bill feels the same. Right Bill?"Bill: "Well, I was going to say the exact same thing..."Derek: "Yeah, see? That's exa-"Bill: "I mean, I was going to say that I was looking forwards to working for you."Larry: "Derek, I was bringing you in to run the show. The whole point of this call is to introduce you to your team."Derek: "..."Larry: "Is that okay?"Derek: "..."-----How do I miss that?I am going to call Bill later in the day and tell him that, as far as I'm concerned, we're equal partners. If Larry wants to promote one of us after a month, that's fine, but we'll split the responsibilities up so neither of us has more power. I'll coordinate hiring, he'll do the scheduling. I write the rules, he'll design the tournament. I'll handle all the accounting, he'll work more closely with the charities. Something like that.So. This will be interesting. There's a 90% chance the room folds w/in 3 months, but I've only got 8 months until I graduate, so I might as well start taking some risks now.

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I'm just pissed about how awful the dolphins ran the 3 minute drill.
Are you suggesting that running two plays in 90 seconds while still managing to burn a timeout isn't the best way to start?There's basically zero chance Ron responds to this post.
You mean, like this...Boobies.
She doesn't do it for me at all.
Larry: "Derek, I was bringing you in to run the show. The whole point of this call is to introduce you to your team."Derek: "..."Larry: "Is that okay?"Derek: "..."-----How do I miss that?
Maybe you didn't expect that an almost firing would lead directly to a better job.I'm assuming you're going to be like DeNiro in Casino within two years.Want to play which roles would sickies play in the movie Casino?The person who plays Sharon Stone's part should be somebody that I wish to punch in the face repeatedly.
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Are you suggesting that running two plays in 90 seconds while still managing to burn a timeout isn't the best way to start?There's basically zero chance Ron responds to this post.She doesn't do it for me at all.Maybe you didn't expect that an almost firing would lead directly to a better job.I'm assuming you're going to be like DeNiro in Casino within two years.Want to play which roles would sickies play in the movie Casino?The person who plays Sharon Stone's part should be somebody that I wish to punch in the face repeatedly.
I am already trying as hard as I can to Ace Rothstein, but I need a Nicky (perhaps: Nikki?). Hopefully Bill can be that guy for me.I am willing to play the Name Game with Casino, but....
I find casino an uncomfortable movie to watch.
Yeah, me too. Something about Casino has always bothered me. It just... yeah, I'm uncomfortable. Part of it is how much Joe Pesci bothers me. I'll readily admit that I have never really given the movie the attention it deserves, even though it's the kind of movie that should be right in my wheelhouse. Have we done it with The Departed yet? PS- HEY SAL YOU WANT A JOB?
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Good job Zimmy and Silky... $15,000 and $16,000 respectively.Did we find out anything about Cane? Is he in a ditch somewhere?
No, although I would leave Ted Ginn in a ditch if I could. Or whoever is in charge of the Fins two minute drill. Or our D-coordinator who thinks that Peyton ****ing Manning cannot recognize and adjust to a non-disguised blitz. Or our safeties who think that covering the tight end is optional.I am going to need a big ditch.
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Yes, but that was a long time ago, and I wasn't involved, directly or tangentially. (Note: Even as I was typing out the question about whether or not we'd done The Departed, it felt wrong, a soft buzzing in the back of my LizardBrain, like I was about to get caught referring to my LadyFriend as "Stuffpuppet.")
No, although I would leave Ted Ginn in a ditch if I could. Or whoever is in charge of the Fins two minute drill. Or our D-coordinator who thinks that Peyton ****ing Manning cannot recognize and adjust to a non-disguised blitz. Or our safeties who think that covering the tight end is optional.I am going to need a big ditch.
Dolphins were so the best side in that game, and of course everyone had Colts-3.5. Effing AssHat Dolphins. But I think people were asking whether or not you flunked the bar.
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will there be leg breaking involved?
There's Sal Paradise, the muscle:av-32674.jpg
I think your old avatar worked better here, but I kinda like the new one in this spot.I think the bird looks just a little bit meaner in this context.
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Yes, but that was a long time ago, and I wasn't involved, directly or tangentially. (Note: Even as I was typing out the question about whether or not we'd done The Departed, it felt wrong, a soft buzzing in the back of my LizardBrain, like I was about to get caught referring to my LadyFriend as "Stuffpuppet.")Dolphins were so the best side in that game, and of course everyone had Colts-3.5. Effing AssHat Dolphins. But I think people were asking whether or not you flunked the bar.
Yes, I know I was very much avoiding the subject. Yes, I did flunk the bar. Technically, I passed the Florida section and failed the multi-state. Therefore, I will only have to re-take the multi state in February which will make studying much easier. I have no idea what this will do to my job but it is very possible I will be fired.A few thoughts on it so I can get it out of my system (because obviously this is a subject that is making me crazy, depressed, etc). On one level, I am pretty embarassed. I think our law school's pass rate was 82%. So most people pass. I am sure all my friends will pass.On another level, I am really pissed at my firm. At the end of the day, I am responsible for my own actions. I am sure I could have studied more, posted on here a bit less, and been a little more prepared for the exam. I came very close to passing so it would not have taken much more.BUT, as I noted before, I was the only person to have to work this summer. Everyone else (and I literally mean every other person I know from my graduating class....maybe 40-50 people) did not work. Two people worked until June 30. Everyone else did not work period. I worked until July 17 (bar was July 28-29). Obviously, this was a nightmarish foolish decision. I should have shown more spine and refused to work that late (but it was such a good job I could not risk blowing it at the time).Everyone else took a full 6 week long course with three hours a day of class, practice exams, homework problems, etc. I took an online course at night after working 10 hour days (and most Saturdays as well). I thought I could pull it off. Hubris. Our Dean warned us that you HAVE TO TAKE THE COURSE. Unfortunately, there was no way to take the course and work at the same time. (fwiw, when I told our Dean about what my firm required me to do this summer, he said that it was and I quote "ridiculously unfair" of them to make me work this summer). When I told my two best friends about the situation, they told me I was crazy and that this was a bad situation to be in. But, hey, I figured for a job with a 6 figure salary I would just have to suck it up. What makes it all worse is that my managing partner told me yesterday (after I told him of my failure) that a problem he forsees is that the firm just does not have a lot of work for a first year attorney right now. I wanted to scream at him "THEN WHY WAS IT SO ****ING IMPORTANT THAT I WORK THIS SUMMER ASSHAT!" If you are not that busy, then why screw over my bar studying. I just dont get it.....and now I am going to perhaps get tossed out on my ass AND not be a bar licensed attorney which will make finding a new job almost impossible. My wife wants to kill this guy.With all that whining and rationalizing in mind, I am still most mad at myself. I had ten true days to study for the bar and I still almost passed. If I had the backbone to INSIST on at least one more week off before the bar (a request I bet I could have had granted), I bet that would have been enough to get me the few percentage points I needed to pass the whole thing. All my friends have already told me that this is no big deal and that anyone who was put in my situation probably would have had the same thing happen. But that is not much comfort unfortunately. I feel really lucky to have some savings right now because I may need it.
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Tough break Cane - sounds like your law firm doesn't care too much about their first years.On another legal note, I don't understand why Burress gets 2 years for being an idiot and shooting himself in the leg while Stallworth doesn't serve any time for killing a pedestrian while under the influence.Or is it that New York is just screwed up in their legal system?

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On another legal note, I don't understand why Burress gets 2 years for being an idiot and shooting himself in the leg while Stallworth doesn't serve any time for killing a pedestrian while under the influence.Or is it that New York is just screwed up in their legal system?
Burress isn’t getting two years for shooting himself in the leg, he’s getting two years for illegally carrying a gun. The shooting himself part is just how he got caught. He also committed the crime in a place that is notoriously tough on gun crimes and they want to make an example of him because he’s famous. He also tried to cover it up after it happened.Stallworth was driving drunk, but the reason for the accident was the guy ran out in front of his car trying to catch a bus. Stallworth was the one who called 911 and by all reports cooperated fully at every point. I agree that Burress’s penalty was probably too severe and Stallworth’s was too light, but I don’t see any point in comparing them to each other.
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Burress isn’t getting two years for shooting himself in the leg, he’s getting two years for illegally carrying a gun. The shooting himself part is just how he got caught. He also committed the crime in a place that is notoriously tough on gun crimes and they want to make an example of him because he’s famous. He also tried to cover it up after it happened.Stallworth was driving drunk, but the reason for the accident was the guy ran out in front of his car trying to catch a bus. Stallworth was the one who called 911 and by all reports cooperated fully at every point. I agree that Burress’s penalty was probably too severe and Stallworth’s was too light, but I don’t see any point in comparing them to each other.
I'm just a results-oriented guy by heart.As for Burress, it just seems silly to me as I wonder how many people in New York are illegally carrying a gun? So if he hadn't tried to cover it up, do you think he would have gotten off with no time like Stallworth?Also watched HIMYM last night. Cobie Smulders had a baby recently which probably explains the added weight. See this just goes to show that Barney has matured enough to look past...not buying it. Not one of their better episodes.
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I'm just a results-oriented guy by heart.As for Burress, it just seems silly to me as I wonder how many people in New York are illegally carrying a gun? So if he hadn't tried to cover it up, do you think he would have gotten off with no time like Stallworth?
No, because NY is tough on gun crime and they wanted to make an example of him because he's famous. I don't think that's fair. Of course, I bet if he had signed with the Giants, he would've received a much lighter sentence. Apparently I don't think the justice system is blind.Stallworth didn't do no time, he did 30 days. He also received 1,000 hours of community service, two years probation, and a lifetime suspension of his driver’s license.Cane and I discussed this in the Vick thread.
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No, because NY is tough on gun crime and they wanted to make an example of him because he's famous. I don't think that's fair. Of course, I bet if he had signed with the Giants, he would've received a much lighter sentence. Apparently I don't think the justice system is blind.Stallworth didn't do no time, he did 30 days. He also received 1,000 hours of community service, two years probation, and a lifetime suspension of his driver’s license.Cane and I discussed this in the Vick thread.
yep. The mayor of NY actually went on TV and said that since Burress is in the public eye they had to make sure to punish him to the fullest extent of the law. I cant believe no one called him on that (it is a statement that is completely contrary to the intent of our justice system).The problem with the NY law is that it has a mandatory sentence. When everyone wanted to be "tough on crime", it seemed smart to have these mandatory sentencing laws to ensure that some liberal, nancy judge did not let a criminal off the hook. Unintended consequences, sadly. Every case is different. Circumstances matter. Mandatory minimums tie judges hands and do more harm than good. Our prison overcrowding problem is a vastly underdiscussed issue. We have 25% of the world's prison population even though we only have like 4% of the world's total population. We put way, way too many people in jail.
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