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What's with all the "Jacks" on TV? Are writers really THAT lacking in names for lead/key characters?? I know I've written this before but even the new show, V, has another Jack!
As a writer, the best thing about having a character named Jack is how short the name is.
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say that to LLY 's face like a real man

Oh my ****ing GOD! http://deadline.com/2015/04/bob-odenkirk-david-cross-sketch-comedy-series-netflix-1201403256/   Bob is not only in the best Drama on tv, but he's going to be in the best comedy t

You misspelled insipid.

You're a lady? Color me surprised. No wonder you didn't come into the Sick thread. (We still want you, and we already have one girl.)
Frau Totenkinder:200px-Totenkinder.png"Her outward appearance as a rather frail old woman masks the fact that she is one of the most powerful Fables to have escaped the Homelands."
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Frau Totenkinder:200px-Totenkinder.png"Her outward appearance as a rather frail old woman masks the fact that she is one of the most powerful Fables to have escaped the Homelands."
She's my favorite character!Nine--enjoyed it. It's uneven, some of the performances are great. (Fun fact about me! Even when I don't want to be spoiled, if I'm looking at a thread about something I haven't seen yet, but want to--even if the information has been put in spoiler bars--I almost always spoil myself. I assume everyone else is as weak as I am, so I'm trying not to say a whole lot.)
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Andy Richter is the reason why I can't watch more than a few minutes of Conan without changing the channel. Man is he awful...he was completely ruined by whoever told him he should be anything but a straight man to Conan's ridiculousness.

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Andy Richter is the reason why I can't watch more than a few minutes of Conan without changing the channel. Man is he awful...he was completely ruined by whoever told him he should be anything but a straight man to Conan's ridiculousness.
That show is still golden. Did you see Norm MacDonald when they just had him back on last week for the 2nd time since Conan moved to LA? He didn't even have anything to push and he was on the entire show. That dude is shameless and hilarious.
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Agree on the Andy Wrecker. He is just horrible. Liked the previous announcer much more (even with his retarded ponytail).Also hate the "Year 3000" BS. I am finding myself watching this show less and less.

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the celebrity survey bit is clearly the worst
I actually like most of his bits after the first commercial, including celebrity survey, and the coins and stamps thing he does. It's just Andy Richter and the 3000 bit that annoy me, I usually hit the sack after the 2nd session.
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The Twitter tracker thing on Conan is really annoying.Has anybody been watching Men of a Certain Age on TNT with Ray Romano. I liked the first 2 episodes.
Shit I wanted to see that, when is it on?
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Shit I wanted to see that, when is it on?
Tonight... they will probably show re-runs though because that is what TNT does. Ray's character is an addictive gambler, there was an online poker scene. I think the black guy car salesman is the most interesting character.
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anyone seen those public service announcements on CBS urging you to make your girlfriends pap smear appointment as some sort of hanukkah gift or something? i'm still not sure if it's real or a goof or what the hell.

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I've seen the first three Men of a Certain Age. Quite enjoyable, interesting characters.of course, I may be of a certain age, as well.
I like it also. What was up with the kid who wouldn't get on the bus though. Did I miss something or did they never explain the reasoning behind that?
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I like it also. What was up with the kid who wouldn't get on the bus though. Did I miss something or did they never explain the reasoning behind that?
I think it was just anxiety-I didn't see any other different explanantion.
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Brag: Hooray, got a blue ray player for Christmas! I'm going to have to get NF now since the $1 movie machines don't have blue ray's.Beat: I got my sister Gilmore Girls season 7 and she is hogging the TV. I think she plans to watch all 22 episodes in a row goddamnit. So I'm forced to watch basketball on a crappy TV with no HD. Yes no HD, I might die... or go blind.

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I pulled a Munson at work yesterday. I know I'll be hearing about it for a while, and even refreshing the internet every five seconds isn't making me feel better.What usually does make me feel better is other tales of public humiliation...Ashton Kutcher--you got fired from Elizabethtown a couple weeks into filming. Depending on who's telling the story, either you had bad chemistry with Kirsten Dunst, or Cameron Crowe didn't think you would be convincing as someone who was smart enough to rise to the top of his profession. Ouch. (Although, hey! At least you weren't in Elizabethtown!) Stuart Townsend--you got fired from Lord of the Rings four days into filming. Dude, you were supposed to be Aragorn! And to fire someone that deep into a project that size? You must have been stinking it up big time! Also, double ouch on your girlfriend! Yeah, she's Charlize Theron, but the year she won for Monster and went to every awards ceremony known to man, that was also the year Return of the King won all of its prizes. Oscar night must have seemed loooong.Kel O-Neill--you were supposed to play Eli Sunday in There Will Be Blood. But you were bad enough that they fired you while filming, and made Paul and Eli Sunday identical twins. And reshot your scenes. Pow! Right in the gut!! And you know film nerd for generations will be watching that movie for years, and could be watching you. You might have been the next M.Emmet Walsh, now who are you? (I just rewatched last week--it gets better and better the more I see it.)Sean Young--you are the subject of my favorite film commentary of all time. In the superextended blu-ray version of Blade Runner, there are cast and crew interviews. They got Harrison Ford to sit down, and he reminisces on trying to get you fired because he didn't think you could play the part. And then, when you would expect him to say, "Ah, but the lovely and talented Sean proved herself to me, and I love her still..." well he never says that! He just leaves the comment on Sean Young being dead weight hanging in the air, and it's gorgeous and awkward!Honorable mentions to Peter Criss and the other two guys in Aerosmith!

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