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Entry 202/05/083/6 live at Golden West 11pm-12:45amI caught fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiire. You know those days were you're just hitting it? I lost a few medium pots, didn't screw around too much in small ones (other then steals), and every big pot I was in I took down. My play was very ABC.. you notice how it's so much easier to play good when you're focus is on extracting as much money as possible. Some pots were so big that I was forced to call down some improbable draws... gotta love it when they get there :D The only reason that the session was 1hr and 45 minutes long was due to the fact that the table broke up and I didn't feel like learning another table.Buy in: 80Cash out: 305 +37.5BBLive Bankroll: 2025 +37.5BB.25/.50 online at Full Tilt - NAI didn't put in any hands that night.02/06/08$50+8 live tournament at Golden West / No Limit Hold'em / 6:15pm-6:30pm / Place 90ish-100As you can tell, I didn't last long in the tournament. Not even through one orbit really. Here's the goofy hand.We all had around 4500 chips (starting stack). I had no reads on anyone at this point. I'm not a great no limit player, but my start in poker was tournaments so I play them on the side for fun (money not included in my bankroll). Here's the hand.Pre-flop, blinds 25-501 - fold, 2 - limp, 3 - fold, 4 - limp, 5 - fold, 6 - fold, 7 - limp, SB (hero) A3s complete, BB checkEasy complete in the small blind.Flop (t250 pot) A K 3 rainbowSB (hero) check, BB check, 2 - check, 4 - bet t200, 7 - call t200, SB (hero) raise to t1100, BB fold, 2 fold, 4 call, 7 callWith such a strong two pair and no raising action on the flop, I felt I had the best hand since no one raised PF (I didn't think about 33)Turn (t3550 pot) A K 3 QSB All-in t3300, 4 - fold, 7 - callRiver (t a whole bunch of chips pot) A K 3 Q 9Results:Hero - Two Pair, Aces and Threes7 - Three of a Kind KINGS Ugh, no raise pre-flop at all. Should I have not bet as strong as I did on the turn? Or did I do what most people would have done? Either way, that's over onto the cash games.3/6 live at Golden West 6:40PM-9:40PMThis was a very very standard session. I made one goofy attempt at a bluff that I felt would work into 2 people on the river. God knows what I was thinking and I hate myself for being an idiot there. The rest of the session was very standard. Overall, I like the way I played no matter the results. Table as very loose as always and more aggressive then usual. I'm getting much better mental compilations of the usuals that play there. I'm playing each person better as time goes along. One note to remind myself of is that I probably need to focus on paying more attention as I'm usually watching ESPN when I'm not involved at the table.Buy in: 100Cash out: 134 +5.66BBLive Bankroll: 2059 +43.166BB.25/.50 online at Full Tilt - NAI need to put some hands down. I've been lazy so I think I'm going to hit that up tonight. I just got an e-mail about getting my rakeback payment today :club: My bankroll wouldn't be what it is without that and the bonus.

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January results: Made money, had fun. Very happy with how things went.February goals: - Clear 2.5k profit by end of February, starting last Wednesday (2 days ago). ~1280 to go :club:- Work out- Have fun
Lost a lot of my profits in those 3 days when I posted this, so my goal by the end of the month is to be plus 1.1k for the month. I'm about +125 for the month so far. That's a little less than +50/day, which is just fine with me. I'd like to not grind so hard for awhile (instead of up a ton down a ton), so picking up 2 25NL 6 max buy-ins or 1 50NL HU buy-in daily should be quite enough for now.
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How do you guys set monetary goals for the month? I find it impossible in poker.
I would think that if you know what your winrate tends to be and set yourself a goal on how many hands you're going to play. It should be pretty easy to set a monetary goal.
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How do you guys set monetary goals for the month? I find it impossible in poker.
I find it just tilts me when I come up short. I don't really set goals other than don't play in games you can't beat. Seems to be doing good so far.But I am a nit.
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I never know what my winrate for the month tends to be. My lifetime winrate and my monthly or weekly winrates are never close let alone the same.I ran at -0.93BB/100 2 months ago. 4BB/100 last month. And 22BB/100 this month so far.

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How do you guys set monetary goals for the month? I find it impossible in poker.
After a while I tend to know how much I'm going to make when I play x games x frequently.
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God, what a fukin joke.this week, since monday, Up 1200 in cash.. down 400 in tourneys and sat's. I'm 1/5 for 50/50 draws. so sick. most recent was an Open ended straight flush draw that lost to a turned boat. if i actually ran decent, not even good, but decent, i'd be up over 3k these last 3 days.

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So far this month, 9100 hands of HU (like 7500 at .5/1 and 1600 at 1/2) in the 1st 7 days and I'm up almost $1300. Things are going pretty well so far.

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I am up 20K so far in Feb. I also am 90% sure I played Sammy Farha and got coolered huge.Full Tilt Poker Game #5141194136: Table Manor (heads up) - $25/$50 - No Limit Hold'em - 2:01:50 ET - 2008/02/06 Seat 1: farha123 ($4,299.50) Seat 2: IHaveAStrong9 ($5,699.50) farha123 posts the small blind of $25 IHaveAStrong9 posts the big blind of $50 The button is in seat #1 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to IHaveAStrong9 [6d Td] farha123 raises to $150 IHaveAStrong9 calls $100 *** FLOP *** [5h 9d 3d] IHaveAStrong9 checks farha123 bets $200 IHaveAStrong9 calls $200 *** TURN *** [5h 9d 3d] [8d] IHaveAStrong9 bets $500 farha123 raises to $1,650 IHaveAStrong9 has 15 seconds left to act IHaveAStrong9 raises to $5,349.50, and is all in farha123 calls $2,299.50, and is all in IHaveAStrong9 shows [6d Td] farha123 shows [2d Kd] Uncalled bet of $1,400 returned to IHaveAStrong9 *** RIVER *** [5h 9d 3d 8d] [Qh] IHaveAStrong9 shows a flush, Ten high farha123 shows a flush, King high farha123 wins the pot ($8,598.50) with a flush, King high IHaveAStrong9 adds $3,600 *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $8,599 | Rake $0.50 Board: [5h 9d 3d 8d Qh] Seat 1: farha123 (small blind) showed [2d Kd] and won ($8,598.50) with a flush, King high Seat 2: IHaveAStrong9 (big blind) showed [6d Td] and lost with a flush, Ten highblahhh. w/e im getting in more hands then January so thats good. GL everyone.

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More importantly than Roberts making 20k, i made $3 today.Everyone i know is out partying somewhere, and i'm making $3 playing online poker, i think something's missing here.

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ENTRY 302/06/08.25/.50 online at FTP / 679 hands / -4.3BBIt wasn't a terrible session. I wasn't horribly upset with my play and am going to post a few hands in the limit forums that bothered me. Variance / rake wasn't on my side, but I'm lucky for bonus / rakeback. This isn't the way anyone wants to start a month, but it's nothing traumatic at all. Total for February:1221 hands-25.3BBTotal for all time:5759 hands+68.9BB02/08/083-6 live at Golden West 12:45am - 2:30amI actually got to the casino at 11:30pm. I hate coming so late because all the people in their games are usually trenched up in their seats at this point. I only had two people in front of me and it took an hour and fifteen minutes to find my seat. One nice thing that I noticed is that they decided to open up a 4/8 limit hold'em game as well. So now, instead of it taking forever to make enough to jump up in limits (6/12 being the next highest after 3/6 usually), I have the freedom to move around between games as decided by my bankroll. The games are still as soft as ever. I had one poor little loose passive soul picked out to be my target, but I never got a chance to isolate him with a decent hand. lol this guy was so crazy that I saw him call down and raise the river with King high. Really goofy player, but definitely an ATM in the game. No one else there showed that they were playing anything more then first and second level thinking so picking up reads by betting patterns was pretty easy. The only sucky thing that made the session so short is that we were losing players due to the time. The table eventually broke up and I didn't feel like another hour wait to get onto another table. I definitely plan to go much earlier today so I can put in a longer and uninterrupted session.Buy in: 100Cash out: 59 -6.833BBLive Bankroll: 2018 +36.33BBI'm going to head to the casino in a few hours and come back and put in a few more hours online. Wish me luck :club:

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The LAPC ended up being rather swingy. I won $200 in the 5/10 NL games and dropped about $2700 in MTTs. That's roughly what I expected...though I did feel like I really turned a corner in my live tournament game...unfortunately, it came in the last tournament while I was there and ran into a situation where I should've taken my foot off of the accelerator. I went into LA up like $30, so January ended up being a losing month, but it didn't bother me too badly based on limited play. I feel like it was a really good "experience" month considering all of the shots I took at 10/20 and all of the live hours that I put in.This month, I've basically played one 2 hour session. I busted the $220 I had on FT by bricking 4 $50 STTs (got 4th in two of them). However, I managed to win $920 at 5/10 quite quickly. Oh, and Mikey picked up $5,750 for me by winning the Bodog 100k. So that's +$6450 after 2 hours. I suppose that's a decent winrate.I've been so busy/distracted with other stuff that poker's really on the backburner.

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The LAPC ended up being rather swingy. I won $200 in the 5/10 NL games and dropped about $2700 in MTTs.
Wish I could say that about LA, LOL.Anyway, I've got no idea where I'm at with my poker game right now. I caught some really nasty flu on the plane ride home and haven't left the house since except to vote for Ron Paul on Tuesday. I put in a short session on Stars today at 0.5/1 and won a few hundred, leaving myself with $1500 there. I guess I'll continue to play that sporadically and see where things go, although I'm not feeling into poker at all right now. I'm not making any long-term decisions until I see what happens with the 2+2 PLO tournament which is taking a ridiculously long time. (It's been over a month and durr still hasn't gotten around to playing his 1st round match.)
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Fun day...Found out my grandpa has gone through 4 surgeries in 2 days and is 50/50 to make it throught the weekendGonna do heavy drinking now.
Not wanting to pry, but would your grandpa want you to react like that?Having a family member in serious ill health is horrible i know, but come on man, alcohol isn't the answer to everything(feel free to tell me to **** of)
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Not wanting to pry, but would your grandpa want you to react like that?Having a family member in serious ill health is horrible i know, but come on man, alcohol isn't the answer to everything(feel free to tell me to **** of)
You are 100% right...but honestly and this sounds wimpy I know...I wasnt even able to tell my co workers today I may have to leave b/c I was expecting a call from my parents telling me he died on the operating table. I mean we have all of my dads brothers/sisters flying in for what I assume they all think is a final good bye. This is a guy who I have lived near my entire life and was in great health as recently as Christmas...I honestly just dont want to think about not seeing him in 6 months at my wedding (as gay as that sounds). Drinking at least allows me to not think about it for the time i am to drunk to think straight. If you see me at the tables in like an hour...I will be drunk...take my money or stop me from playin...either way is all good.
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So far this month, 9100 hands of HU (like 7500 at .5/1 and 1600 at 1/2) in the 1st 7 days and I'm up almost $1300. Things are going pretty well so far.
Nice work, If you get a chance play bayouboy187 or something like that.. I don't know if thats his exact screen name or not but he's basically the reason i'm up this month. HU swings are sooo fun. felicitas wol has also donated a lot toostay away from me, i only play the fishies haha
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You are 100% right...but honestly and this sounds wimpy I know...I wasnt even able to tell my co workers today I may have to leave b/c I was expecting a call from my parents telling me he died on the operating table. I mean we have all of my dads brothers/sisters flying in for what I assume they all think is a final good bye. This is a guy who I have lived near my entire life and was in great health as recently as Christmas...I honestly just dont want to think about not seeing him in 6 months at my wedding (as gay as that sounds). Drinking at least allows me to not think about it for the time i am to drunk to think straight. If you see me at the tables in like an hour...I will be drunk...take my money or stop me from playin...either way is all good.
Sorry to hear that. Best of luck to him.And no, honestly, it doesn't sound gay at all (while it's probably not the right place for it, congratulations on the wedding.) I only met one of my grandparents, but I don't really remember much - I was um, 3, maybe 4?
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Sorry to hear that Matt.I understand drinking heavily to forget things temporary. Just do it at home and not during daytime.I hope things go better soon.

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I think i'm gonna shoot myself if i play any more hands of 6-max limit, i have nooo idea how Zach managed to play this game for a living and not commit suicide.

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