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About No_Neck

  • Rank
    this is how i roll
  • Birthday 12/11/1982

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    New Jersey OBV
  1. I think Cobalts thread wins random of the year award IMHO.
  2. I hate Barry Bonds because he left the all star game before it was over, and the many other stupid things he has done.People did steroids, lots of people I would say 60-80% of players, and you would have too.Anyway I am glad to see that the red sox have gotten younger and injected some new life into there beaten up rotation. It is going to be interesting to see what the expanded rooster is going to look like.
  3. yeah I think we were talking about this while you were up but he is going to want a 20 million + contract and with Bard back there it is going to be tough. Also I think they need to go get a short stop eventually which isn't cheap.You never know though he if shuts everyone down all through the playoffs or something they might just pay them. It isn't like Fenway hasn't been sold out.
  4. yeah I think we were talking about this while you were up but he is going to want a 20 million + contract and with Bard back there it is going to be tough. Also I think they need to go get a short stop eventually which isn't cheap.You never know though he if shuts everyone down all through the playoffs or something they might just pay them. It isn't like Fenway hasn't been sold out.
  5. yeah I think we were talking about this while you were up but he is going to want a 20 million + contract and with Bard back there it is going to be tough. Also I think they need to go get a short stop eventually which isn't cheap.You never know though he if shuts everyone down all through the playoffs or something they might just pay them. It isn't like Fenway hasn't been sold out.
  6. I think heads up on the river you can bet/fold but with two players there is no way this is a bet
  7. I like it a lot, the only reason I would vote for not doing it is that the flush hit on the turn and a lot of villains don't want to scare you away and will just call on the turn.
  8. Tough life choosing between stud pitcher, stud short stop or stud college football player.
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