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Everything posted by GreeneStreet

  1. I agree. Fold pf. Even if you hit you A on the flop chances are someone has a bigger one.
  2. I'll call the 15 but not the 2nd reraise. You're crushed here most of the time.
  3. I wouldn't say that you should have lost on purpose but the suggestion to bring more beer or maybe be "nicer" about winning would have helped. Maybe don't take the game too seriously concentrate more on having a good time rather than busting everyone....Its too bad, but you're outta luck now. Gotta find a new game.
  4. BB=big blind (or big bet depending on the conversation - I think it usually applies to limit and is 2x the big blind)EV=expected value (there are a lot of great threads in this forum on EV
  5. I think you have to find a fold here as played. I agree that a larger raise pf would have been ideal.
  6. Its worth it for me. I like HEM personally.
  7. Its a definite call, but I would have expect to see him flip over AA or KK (88 didn't actually occur to me). 23s...really?
  8. I thought this was a place to post hand histories...no?
  9. I second the e-check motion. Seriously the easiest way I have found. I didn't have to verify anything, but maybe its because my original deposit was on the small side (I like to build my BRs)
  10. 35% is fantastic IMO. I always considered 25% to be stellar...
  11. Great post OP. It took me a long time not to let poker affect my life too much. I was on a bit of a roller coaster as I would run good and bad. Its important for all of us to have balance in our lives. I think most of us let work and things like poker affect our general happiness way too much.Thanks again.
  12. I don't see anything wrong with it, but I think what people are saying is that you can get a lot from forums where you don't actually "know" the people you're talking to. Like someone said above having a mix of people you talk to is a good idea. Just my opinion.
  13. I agree that you did fine here. I think you could have gotten away with 3.5-5x bb pf, but I really don't see a problem with the 3x raise a lot of the time. Sucks that he drew out on you.
  14. I think the forums are great for poker. As much as I would like to say I'm the best player in the room all of the time, I enjoy a challenge. I'd rather take a pot down against an excellent player than smoke a fish, you know? I think the higher the standard the better poker we all play. Saying that forums are bad for poker is like saying college is bad for most professions. Competition leads to greatness.
  15. Does anyone here read Hoss_TBF's blog? He posted some great chat he had with Hellmuth recently. He's even annoying on paper:http://hoss-tbf.livejournal.com/18125.html
  16. Agreed. Between the 2 choices - I'm folding pf.As played I'm shoving on the flop.
  17. Completely agree with this. Live players never know how much is in there, and I have made it a point in always monitoring the pot size. I think you could have gotten away with a pot size (or as suggested - $100) bet and gotten a call out of him.
  18. I'm definitely folding here. 99 isn't strong enough for me to call 2 raises (even if 1 of them is a short stack shove).
  19. I'm not calling 2 raises like that with 99 (I agree with mt that they look like shoves to me). I'm folding.
  20. What's with all these old threads getting bumped today?
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