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I Called In Sick Today

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Mexican women do not have flat asses.


That's a pretty bold statement. And wrong in how definite it is. My post said "A lot of...", not all. I look at almost nothing but mexican women all day. When you look at them from the side a lot of them have flat, rather than rounded. asses. Again, there are obviously exceptions to every rule. That all said, as a group, hispanic women, Mexicans included, are some of the most beautiful, sexiest of all.

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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pretty sure I made some good steps toward making peace with my relatives this weekend. should have more time off to see them next year. we will see if it happens.


I don't have any real reason to care, other than I just lost an uncle and it will only get more lonely family-wise over the next 20 years or so.

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Playing $2/$5 NL again tonight when I get two red AA in the big blind. 5 limpers so I make it $30 more. They all call. Flop comes 246, 2 hearts. I make it $100 and get 2 callers, including one all in. Turn is an A. I push for about $225 and the other live player folds and the river blanks. I win of course.


Question is, how much should I have bet pre flop? (I'd been running cold and pretty much folded for 4 or 5 revolutions prior to this hand. Pretty action filled table for the most part)

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5 callers is bad with AA. I guess you just figure out how much the lowest stack has and bet enough to put him all in. Hopefully everyone else folds and the small stack calls.


But, I mean, it worked out pretty well for you, even with 5 callers.

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Question is, how much should I have bet pre flop? (I'd been running cold and pretty much folded for 4 or 5 revolutions prior to this hand. Pretty action filled table for the most part)


That question depends on the table.

Against lagtards, you do need to cull the herd with AA out of position; the problem with 5 limpers is you run into equity issues; it would depend on what the stacks looked like but a pot sized bet isn't enough to make them go away. The only real edge you have here is being in the BB preflop so you can overbet and hopefully take down the limps and blinds right there, or get a stupid caller with a worse hand and hope they don't get a set.


The problem with potting it after 5 limpers is that while I'm folding A/Q A/J A/Ts, I'm calling with 2/3 suited, 4/5 off, J/T and getting your stack if I hit. At 2/5 NL and a lagtard table, nobody's going anywhere in those family pots and you're stuck hoping to nail a set no different than if you started the hand with 3s or donking off your pile with one pair because you can't emotionally abandon aces on a rag flop even though you know some mouth-breather just hit 2 pair or is going to put you to a big decision with the top half of an open ender where AA doesn't play well and you very well may wind up letting it go.


Loose tables, make them pay to beat your big preflop pairs.

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scram sorta covered this, but if you get half your stack in preflop and some guy with KQo spikes two pair, there is some comfort in the fact that he was incapable of winning long-term in that situation, regardless of the difference in skill between the two players.


I used to do the same in PLO. attempt to get enough in preflop with AAxx that it doesn't require any thought on your part after the flop.

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We did it! We made it to page 12,000! Now we're only 5400 pages behind a thread that hasn't been posted in for two years.

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That question depends on the table.

Against lagtards, you do need to cull the herd with AA out of position; the problem with 5 limpers is you run into equity issues; it would depend on what the stacks looked like but a pot sized bet isn't enough to make them go away. The only real edge you have here is being in the BB preflop so you can overbet and hopefully take down the limps and blinds right there, or get a stupid caller with a worse hand and hope they don't get a set.


The problem with potting it after 5 limpers is that while I'm folding A/Q A/J A/Ts, I'm calling with 2/3 suited, 4/5 off, J/T and getting your stack if I hit. At 2/5 NL and a lagtard table, nobody's going anywhere in those family pots and you're stuck hoping to nail a set no different than if you started the hand with 3s or donking off your pile with one pair because you can't emotionally abandon aces on a rag flop even though you know some mouth-breather just hit 2 pair or is going to put you to a big decision with the top half of an open ender where AA doesn't play well and you very well may wind up letting it go.


Loose tables, make them pay to beat your big preflop pairs.


Thanks Scram, you pretty much nailed the table and was what I was looking for. 4 of the players were very lagtardish, mostly to no avail and had rebought 2 or 3 times by then. We started a new table and it was obvious right away that this was the way it was going to go. I decided quickly to play TAG and just wait for spots to take advantage. It worked and I was up about $400 before losing half my stack on a flush board with king high when another player had the ace. I ended up leaving up $500 so I can't complain. The AA hand worked out well but probably doesn't a good percentage of the time with that many callers so I wasn't happy with how I played it pre flop.


scram sorta covered this, but if you get half your stack in preflop and some guy with KQo spikes two pair, there is some comfort in the fact that he was incapable of winning long-term in that situation, regardless of the difference in skill between the two players.


I used to do the same in PLO. attempt to get enough in preflop with AAxx that it doesn't require any thought on your part after the flop.


This too is a good point. One thing I've been loathe to do is over bet pots. The idea of risking so much for so little bothers me. Obviously it's my inexperience with NL cash showing up.


Turned out the first caller after the flop, directly on my left, had JJ. He probably comes along no matter my pre flop bet, which would have been a good thing obv. No idea what the all in had. After the hand the guy on my right said exactly what scram was pointing out...."I knew what you had, i was going for the low end". Which, along with the fact that everyone called, drove home the fact that I played the hand poorly pre flop.


I appreciate your input.

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Beans, responsible. Two words commonly used with an "is" between them at the bottom of an investigation form




Fikked it






I saw something that rattled then knog a couple days ago at the dvm. Cute asian gal, probably mid twenties. Hunded and ten max. Wearing a skin taught black dress





After some light flirtation and paying for the tags on several rigs based in NV to avoid....anyway.... she got up from her perch behind the counter and turned around to grab the freshly printed stickers....






Woah. What the hell. Didnt expect that. She had some sort of "muffin top" goin that appeared to be a bicycle innertube all the way around the top of her hips. Right below that where and ass is supposed to be.... nuthin. Flatter than an anorexics pancake. In fact of the matter, Im pretty sure the area was an inward concave. Strange






Keep in mind that the rest of her figure was perfectly above average...





I briefly thunked of taking a pic, giggled about mexis phone flash going off, took a swig from the cano, and thanked her for her service. When I spun around for the door I ran into a fellow deadbeat about a dozen back in the line






"Beans, what trouble you stirrin up these days?"





"Same ole.... just came down to, "I tag u up looong time" to get a few stickers"





"Good looker, huh?"





"Not bad..... (shakes head).... she likes it dog style for certain"





(elderly lady flashes mean look)






"How can ya tell?"





"Wait till she gets up and turns around..... got a hand-holt on each side and the ole pooter has been pounded completely flat"





(guy laughs as Maudine shakes her head)






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Thanks Scram, you pretty much nailed the table and was what I was looking for. 4 of the players were very lagtardish, mostly to no avail and had rebought 2 or 3 times by then. We started a new table and it was obvious right away that this was the way it was going to go. I decided quickly to play TAG and just wait for spots to take advantage. It worked and I was up about $400 before losing half my stack on a flush board with king high when another player had the ace. I ended up leaving up $500 so I can't complain. The AA hand worked out well but probably doesn't a good percentage of the time with that many callers so I wasn't happy with how I played it pre flop.




This too is a good point. One thing I've been loathe to do is over bet pots. The idea of risking so much for so little bothers me. Obviously it's my inexperience with NL cash showing up.


Turned out the first caller after the flop, directly on my left, had JJ. He probably comes along no matter my pre flop bet, which would have been a good thing obv. No idea what the all in had. After the hand the guy on my right said exactly what scram was pointing out...."I knew what you had, i was going for the low end". Which, along with the fact that everyone called, drove home the fact that I played the hand poorly pre flop.


I appreciate your input.


No problem, anytime.

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What've you nerds been up to?? Worked/slept yesterday. Today I'm casually browsing for a vehicle. Kinda want a mustang but I'm not sure about driving it in the winter.

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No problem, anytime.




We did it! We made it to page 12,000! Now we're only 5400 pages behind a thread that hasn't been posted in for two years.


Oh yeah! 12,000 pages! Way to keep track brvy.

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I've been working since April dad



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ignoring how damaging it is financially, am I wrong in thinking mustangs just aren't special? I saw like 15-20 during my drive back home today. why would I ever go with a mustang GT for $43k, and be one of a billion people with a mustang, rather than like a BMW M4 or something for $65k?

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so to buy a sports car you need to be able to pay an additional 50% or you shouldn't be in the market at all? seems excessive.

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it's just that the upfront cost is not the whole picture. taxes, upkeep, and insurance are all way more expensive than a traditional car. the insurance piece specifically because the kind of person who buys a mustang is more likely to speed/drive like a reckless moron. that may have changed since my brother had his cobra in the 90s, but I doubt it. the opportunity cost of a GT, if I had to guess, is probably like $100k+.

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(5 yrs insurance differential + a couple speeding tickets per year) =/= 20k. No chance.


Granted at <25y.o. insurance will rape you but 20k is a mighty big dick in the butt. Also, taxes argue against your position. Taxes on a 63k car > taxes on 43k car, significantly. you position would posit that only someone with a large supply of ready capital should buy a sports car. mustangs were built and designed to be the "everyman" sports car.


there are a lot of reason to not buy a sports car, but not having an additional 50% to add to your price range isn't one of them.

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