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I Called In Sick Today

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Dammit. I have zero urge to do linkedin. I hate doing that shit because I'd hate being on the receiving end of it. But I'm a grump and I know it.

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please find me recruiters and their phone numbers in the richmond va area, rank them by quality, and call ahead for me to let them know I'm going to call. thx


Your attorney is on it.

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Yeah, well, at least I can afford to buy new pants.



I've had to remind myself today's only Wednesday like seven times already this morning. At least the new Jeezy album is streaming on iTunes. Going to be a long week.


shake can afford new pants too. just can't afford insurance, a roof, or an actual bed if he buys the pants.



i make 4 quarters spread over 5000 days.

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so the married separated chick came up and spent the weekend with me. it was a little slice of alright.


when guys get married do they stop trying in the sack or what? 100% of the married chicks I've banged (2) at some point have commented how they usually/never climax during actual intercourse and I can tell they're pretty grateful.


anyway, kinda diggin this chick and while I think there are lots of reasons to run, I also think there aren't that many opportunities left for me...conundrum

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Dammit. I have zero urge to do linkedin. I hate doing that shit because I'd hate being on the receiving end of it. But I'm a grump and I know it.


Hate doing what shit? There is a networking component where supposedly you can have a connection introduce you and blah, blah, blah but I've never done that. Most of the people I've connected with I don't even remember how or why I did. I use it for a great big data base of companies and the people that work for them so that I can reach out to an actual person rather than just filling out an electronic application like 10,000 other people do. I also met several recruiters which I got some good leads from.


so the married separated chick came up and spent the weekend with me. it was a little slice of alright.


when guys get married do they stop trying in the sack or what? 100% of the married chicks I've banged (2) at some point have commented how they usually/never climax during actual intercourse and I can tell they're pretty grateful.


anyway, kinda diggin this chick and while I think there are lots of reasons to run, I also think there aren't that many opportunities left for me...conundrum


I don't really know. My male, married friends generally complain about their wives suddenly losing their libido after getting married when they were sex freaks when dating. Many stories of BJ's all of a sudden being a once a year on their birthday thing, intercourse once or twice a month if they were lucky etc... There's always 2 sides to every story but I would guess in most cases neither party puts as much into it as they used to.


As far as this gal, why the hell not?

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Liked for the 2nd part. I agree that it goes both ways. I've been fortunate sometimes you just get into a lazy spell. Also, some girls have a hard time achieving orgasm through penetration. The more common, and easier way, is clitoral. Anywho Hank, it's still new for her so you're trying, she's trying. That'll fade. New is always exciting.



As for the other part, networking is the stuff I hate. Thank you for putting the name to it. I really don't care to meet new people. I do want friends to do stuff with and that is difficult to find as a 40 something without kids, but it doesn't help that I dislike most things and find a lot of people to be the worst. I partially blame me. But yeah, hated networking when I was in banking. I was so bad at it because I just didn't care much. Besides, business card exchangers are the worst. If you're gonna actually try and meet someone, have a real convo. Most just want to get their business cards out.

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So for the Chicago trip next week they have our days booked from 8 am to 9 pm two of the three nights there. The first night the boss want to take us to the Firehouse, Tuesday its the Tavern at the park then a pizza place Wednesday night. So...basically zero time to do anything but sleep and do work stuff. Sucks.

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Liked for the 2nd part. I agree that it goes both ways. I've been fortunate sometimes you just get into a lazy spell. Also, some girls have a hard time achieving orgasm through penetration. The more common, and easier way, is clitoral. Anywho Hank, it's still new for her so you're trying, she's trying. That'll fade. New is always exciting.



As for the other part, networking is the stuff I hate. Thank you for putting the name to it. I really don't care to meet new people. I do want friends to do stuff with and that is difficult to find as a 40 something without kids, but it doesn't help that I dislike most things and find a lot of people to be the worst. I partially blame me. But yeah, hated networking when I was in banking. I was so bad at it because I just didn't care much. Besides, business card exchangers are the worst. If you're gonna actually try and meet someone, have a real convo. Most just want to get their business cards out.


I feel like you read nothing beyond the word networking in my post. If you had read on you would see that I did not, have not and do not advocate networking in the sense you describe. But where else can you go and get the data base of names and companies? Especially in a format where reaching out to inquire about openings is expected. It's a quick note, not a Rotary club luncheon at the local Denny's.

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That ain't pizza, it's a casserole.



They really stuff the days on travel trips. Sucks.


But it's a damned good casserole.


They do and it does suck. They may as well pick some nondescript holiday inn in the middle of BFE because all we ever see of the city is the airport and hotel the conference is in.

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I feel like you read.



I actually do enjoy reading. You know on ESPN, every link has a video. I never ever watch those videos and close the link if they open. Definitely a reader. Need to read more books. I mostly read non fiction these days

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I actually do enjoy reading. You know on ESPN, every link has a video. I never ever watch those videos and close the link if they open. Definitely a reader. Need to read more books. I mostly read non fiction these days


Hey Strat, I'm the same way!

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They do and it does suck. They may as well pick some nondescript holiday inn in the middle of BFE because all we ever see of the city is the airport and hotel the conference is in.


Welcome to my last job. Except replace airport with coop.

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my resume was a work of art. I just had a boring cover letter that bragged about myself and how I would be a good fit for the job. not, "I'm excited because I think I can bring x y z to the table." the face of the system is all standardized and boring, it's easy to forget that there's a person on the other end reading all of these applications.

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