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I Called In Sick Today

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Maybe? I'm going to be surrounded by some all black wearing power lesbians. They have a much higher pantsuit knowledge base to draw on. I think I want to wear a dress, and have it be whorey but not too whorey. My ass is a poem, and that won't last long. (omg is my ass a haiku?)



Speaking of whores, Hank how was NIN? Did they play all the hits?

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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My ass is a poem? Nice.

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Maybe? I'm going to be surrounded by some all black wearing power lesbians. They have a much higher pantsuit knowledge base to draw on. I think I want to wear a dress, and have it be whorey but not too whorey. My ass is a poem, and that won't last long. (omg is my ass a haiku?)



Speaking of whores, Hank how was NIN? Did they play all the hits?


copy of a


came back haunted


march of pigs


terrible lie


gave up

me i'm not

find my way

great destroyer




hand that feeds

head like



about the only song i was kinda bummed was missing was last.


what i thought was really interesting was how the stage show progressed. for copy of a it was basically an empty stage wrapped in bed sheets with white spots (fixed, and hand held) throwing shadows on the wall (

) . but it quickly becomes a massive production with movable screens and all kinds of crazy light fx. i hope you don't have epilepsy.
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I am OK to do whatever now. I could buy a place, or I could quit and go job search somewhere exciting. realistically, I was a shit candidate 2.5 years ago when I entered the workforce in earnest, and not a whole lot has changed since then. and, locking myself into a place with my situation and current mentality is equally idiotic. so, nothing is going to change.


wish I had an address for Shake's land, I could just buy it and dump nuclear waste on it or something. **** you shake.

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Only a matter of time before BATF declares those to be MG's.






A while back some fellow made a similar doohicky... it was a composite stock that a ten twenty two dropped into. Difference was, his used a spring system that "assisted" the measely recoil of the rimfire. The funruiners did rule that thing a MG, got the list of buyers and made them all return the spring. Bunch of folks got stuck with a thousand stripper tip stock that the action just flopped around in





I mean, yeah.... no doubt in that case. You would have to hold pressure on the action to stop the thing after it started running. Basically all the parts of an msixteen were present and accounted for.... Not only did your finger start the process but immediately after it switched roles to being an auto sear....





Man, that one had me thinkin, tho.... since he had an "approval letter" and all.... which later turned out wasnt even for the same rifle or method of action.... my plan was to remove an ar grip and mount it back with a short sliding system....think ball bearing drawer slide but more tacticacool....and machine the smallest piece of dom tubing that would clear the gas tube with four grooves lengthwise with a ball endmill starting and ending about three inches from the ends. Fill the slots with ball bearings using heavy grease keeping them into place until the freshly bored outer tube captured them in between. Tubular drawer slide. Totally tubular handguard assembly was my item description in the soon to follow spare parts exploded diagram in the owners manual. The "selector switch" from semi to auto used another spring mounted ball behind a allen head cap threaded into the outer tube sliding in a groove in the inner tube. Not only did it keep the outer from spinning but it also served to lock the two together by simply twisting it a few degrees at the end of the stroke where a ninety degree slot contained a divot that prevented it from easily being released. Four equally spaced springs in milled slots between the bearings kept constant forward pressure on the outer...whew whatamouthfull





As you might imagine, I planned to make more from selling spare bbearings than the actual device from unsuspecting non instruction reading chaps like myself who unlocked it before mounting it between the front sight and the upper. Planned on finding the most oddball sized balls possible to corner the market at a hefty markup for retirement purposes. Somewhere there had to be a dumpster or five of mismakes ripe for the picking at scrap price.... just one sale to Michael J Fox and a new sporty car would hit the garage every year or so. Shit.... the tech branch would rule his hands a MG using a bolt action. Goin straight ta hell me is






Of course by the time the balls were about to get rolling so to speak they shitcanned the method






Now to current shake events... Sal ole boy....(thurston howell the trey voiceover)..... OH LOVEY DEAR!..... sorry, had to get that out of my head.... the key to moving ahead in life (hahaha like anyone is still reading after that spew of mechanical stuff.... I could devulge where hoffa is and the feds wouldnt make it this far in a generation of agents. Probably the most secure code eva) is making most everything profitable. There ya go. More solid info in that sentence than any motel six seminar advertised in the back of a comic book youll ever attend.





Of course.....brace yersef.... theres work involved. Placing secret info after that bombshell is a failsafe device by the way....






Ive mention it before, but if the market is there now you can cut the large timber and pay off some of the debt. At one point in the hills there was a small window where the timber outran the land cost just long enough to turn a few folks into land barons.I know youve fretted about doing that in the past but once its sold out from under ya thats probably the first thing the proud new owner will do. Its amazing how fast the woods regenerate itself. Plus every logger Ive known deals in cash. As in el-un-report-o. Easily cleaned with a self employed bidness front of some sort. Report just enough to cover the payments and show a loss on the mobile cow washing business by depreciating the civic, mileage allowance, uniform polos from the mall, phone, etc. I know of one guy who just cant seem to make a red cent in a lawnmowing sideline for like twenty years. Just serves one customer and the mower never leaves home but dammed if he dont always have a fancy rider to work with. Cant figger that one out atol






Anyhoo.... thats a short termer.... sooner or later a more reliable source will be needed. Hows the cell reception out there? A buddy just signed a lifetime lease to a com comp to put one on his place. Fifteen hundred a month from now on, cancer from radiation included at no additional charge. Trailer park... the towable behind a car type not the dating kind. From what we learned above, a short lived excavating business can materialize from nothing more than a month long rental and one non paying customer who hires ya to make the road and camping spots to the place. Seems like every time Im ready to write and send off a tax check something like that happens. Damn the luck





Use the ole noggin. Shane turned a worthless piece of desert into a goldmine once. Of course the goldmine was a hole in the rocks the approximate size of a chevy truck tire spinning for a few seconds but holy hell you wouldnt believe the dollar amount he had invested. Ripley chose not to.







But thats gettin the whore behind the dick...first comes the income then the constant stream of failed enterprises falls into place....






Shane started out with an acre of land in parumph containing a shack with no windows. Fired up a whorehouse shorty after. Shut down for no permits about the same time it was paid for






Poor guy could afford to hire any wome at first so he had to run it by hand for a while....

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I had heard about doing land deals for timber value. some clients were apparently just going around doing that somewhere. I have to believe people are wise to that game by now.


Maybe you forgot where Shake lives?

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It occurred to me while re-reading the shake stuff that the annual insurance premium on his "house" is equal to about 3 new button down shirts. Priorities I guess.


Also, I know shake complains about his salary all the time but I thought he had no housing costs. Place is paid for, right? Housing is generally such a large percent of ones take home pay...maybe you need to look at where your money is going? You're like the anti-strat it seems. We need to find a happy medium for you two.

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yeah some accurate stuff here in the last page or so. I've been pretty stupid with finances in the last couple of years. been blowing way more money than I should (hugo boss shirts? jesus). gonna start making a concerted effort to strat it up here now. really think about each purchase, not just go to walmart randomly and spend $50 on shit I don't need twice a week or fill up my amazon cart with silly shit.


but yeah, on the insurance thing, it would be pretty stupid of me not to get it, especially now since I'm car insurance shopping too.


I mean I'm still gonna buy the land (assuming they'll give me a loan, be it land loan or home equity), and maybe the whole "family land, sentimental value" doesn't make sense to a lot of people, but to me it's worth a lot. not to mention the land itself is pretty valuable, and I'm getting it at like 25% of the sales price. it's a hell of an investment.



oh and beans, I know I previously said that there'd be no way I'd cut timber off it, but I may rethink that: there are a few spots with pine groves, and I ****ing hate pines. that plus the fact that one of my good friends is now a logger, I might look into what I could get for just those stands.

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Oh I definitely understand the personal value of the land. When my grandma's farm finally has to be sold, I'll be doing whatever it takes to keep it in the family. Even if I have to pay terrible relatives too much.


That being said... insure your house.

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There's multiple buildings (with roofs and everything) on my family farm. I'll burn them all down and then salt the earth.


The acreage is probably 20 acres with 100 or so acres of farm ground surrounding it.


There's rumors that my aunt, that's fvcking my family over in all of this, is close to losing her house. Id like to buy that and then burn that down. That would make me feel good.


Edit: Essay I'm going to need you to act as my agent in all of this. No way they can know it's me buying it until it's all finalized.

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I hope I can buy the family farm just so I can burn it down and piss on the ashes.


I hope you're joking Napa. That's not how Iowans talk about farms.

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Well Sundays are very serious. What in the world is going on with the family farm? You just hate your aunt or what?

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Short answer...yes. That side of the family has always been awful to my family and my grandma was super mean to me as a child (I remember her chewing me out one day after preschool because I didn't immediately see her pull up to pick me up and she had to wait a minute or two) and that aunt specifically has fvcked over my family in recent years.


Motherfvckers never loved us.

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Short answer...yes. That side of the family has always been awful to my family and my grandma was super mean to me as a child (I remember her chewing me out one day after preschool because I didn't immediately see her pull up to pick me up and she had to wait a minute or two) and that aunt specifically has fvcked over my family in recent years.


Motherfvckers never loved us.


The maternal side of my family were all cunts, and there was a lot of mutual hatred. They died in such an order that we have all their money now. There are probably people who loved my grandfather and will have to work until they are old, while I use his money to buy iPads specifically to keep in the bathroom for guests.

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Shake, you have a 23 year old Mexican girlfriend that loves fcking and cocaine. You're expenses ain't going nowhere but up. And that sounds perfect. You gotta nail down some two girl on you action before it all goes pear shaped

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you know speaking of that, she was talking about buying drugs online. showed me some primo coke that people were selling. dutch you ever done this? apparently people do it all the time. terrifies me though. (plus it's expensive. can't afford it, just curious.)

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