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I Called In Sick Today

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Had a good time at the beach today. Ended up at Venice because my niece wanted to see it. The "eccentrics" didn't disappoint as usual. I just love walking around seeing those nice young bodies laying around in bikinis. Yes i know that sounds creepy. No i don't care.


Off to Disneyland tomorrow.


i was at my old college today for homecoming and tons of girls walking around in tights with shirts that were...not long. i think i've said this before but it's worth repeating. i would like thank whomever it was that decided to make wearing tights as pants an acceptable fashion trend.


so anyway, yeah right up there with ya on the creep factor.

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my plans for windfall money are so ****ing boring

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I did both LA and London last year. I am down for fun trips again once I'm making more money. I knew in both cases that I would probably never get the chance to do those things again.


And here you are again, with another chance to do something like that.

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what would you do with a $40k windfall?


I bought 13 acres in Florida, bank owned, that sold for $220K in 2004 for $19K in 2011. Its back up over 100K.


Various details of the above statement are exaggerated or understated but its otherwise the absolute truth and the scale is mostly correct. Don't do anything with that $40K until the opportunity presents itself. With the markets doing what they;re doing, there will be a great deal of value in dry powder very shortly.


The best two indicators to estimate market conditions are the attractiveness of local Backpage prostitutes and the suicide rate among Jews.

When the hos are gorgeous and Jews are offing themselves left and right, that means we're nearing bottom and its a good time to be buying. I'm thinking about posing as a Psychologist and offering my services free to few local synagogues just to get a better sense of how the markets are really going.

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I'd use it to go back to school and get an MBA and a job that pays more than $40k.

we are actually going to hire a guy with an MBA from UK and a masters in teaching for $9/hour, part time. he beat out a guy getting his CFP and a girl soon to have her CPA. I started feeling fortunate after watching the process.

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I've said this several times, my boss joined up in 2008 at $27k, now makes $125k, still working on his CFA. my roommate started at $29k in 2010, he now makes $85k, also without a CFA. ever since my roommate left to go train another office, my attitude has improved 1000x re: the job. I looked around and realized that everyone outside of our department really, really wants my job. even if they screw me with the changes to the compensation structure, my resume is going to look godlike in a few years. I may even someday make it on to their investments committee, who knows.


I'm like bipolar though, so tomorrow I'll be in here talking about quitting again.

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I don't know if you've said is like *that* several times. Fair enough. It appears you wouldn't be best served going back to school if this is what you want to do. You seem like you have a strong grasp of your retirement plan. Trust your gut.


Myself...I need to do something. Either CFA Or MBA or a programming language or something. I'm becoming stagnant in my learning, which is not good. My job would pay for 85% of the MBA and I'd just cash flow the rest or really get on that scholarship grind. I'm sure their are a ton for white males who already make my salary to get a part time MBA.

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I really just don't think the MBA is that valuable. some of that is just seeing people at State Street stuck in entry level management making $40k with MBAs, and obviously shake's experience. but at the same time, Dawson did just fine with his.


I am working on getting my company to sign off on the CIMA. seems like a happy middle ground between the awfulness of the CFA and the worthlessness of the CFP.

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I know it's not going to get me a 100k job just because I have it or anything but I don't think it has zero value either. I certainly wouldn't get it I had to pay 100% of it out of my own pocket.


Shake has a MBA?

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as an enhancement for a job you already have, yeah I think it's worth it. my friend at SS got what was probably a $30k bump for doing it on their dime. I just wonder if doing it without a specific job requirement is wise.


Shake does have an MBA, and not from a shitty school either. mk had one from a really good school, which played a big part in him getting in at breakwater. but he doesn't even trade anymore, so... I don't know. I would say tilt has/had a pretty good job, and there's another poster who has a sweet gig without a degree as well.


hard and fast rules are worthless, it would seem.

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I think that a degree helps you get in the door, past the application process anyway, and with some companies some instant credibility so that earnings probably rise faster than they otherwise would. The job I'm going to is the highest salary I've ever received but I am in my mid 40's and had to bust my butt to prove myself and work my way up. And I got this job because of the work I did proving myself 8+ years ago which resulted in strong recommendations from former bosses. I am also careful never to burn bridges just for that reason.


Speaking of which, I don't start for 2 1/2 more weeks but I got an e-mail from the owner yesterday saying my credit card, cell phone and iPad should arrive in the next week and giving me information on how to go pick out my car. Turns out it's a Hyundai Sonata so definitely not flashy but nice enough I suppose.

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Speaking of which, I don't start for 2 1/2 more weeks but I got an e-mail from the owner yesterday saying my credit card, cell phone and iPad should arrive in the next week and giving me information on how to go pick out my car. Turns out it's a Hyundai Sonata so definitely not flashy but nice enough I suppose.



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Put an ad in the paper yesterday to do lawn care and I've already received two calls for estimates. Now I just have to figure out what they want and what to charge. Eazy peezy (I have no clue what I'm doing).

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My brother has a lawn care company. Whenever he gets a new customer he keeps track of how long it takes to mow (or whatever) the first time and then I think his rate is $35/hour and then just bases it from that. So, if it's 4 hours its $140 everytime. And then if they ask him to do any one off things (trim trees, aerate, etc) he charges by the hour.

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