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"don't worry, houses always go up in value" -- sensible person, 2006


That person was correct. They weren't correct in the short term, but they will absolutely be correct oer the course of their 30 year mortgage.

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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with your job history, your relationship status, age, etc. i don't think buying a house is the best move right now. if you realistically expect to move in the next 5 years I wouldn't do it. you won't get enough out of it to cover expenses unless something ridiculous happens and the housing market bubbles again. but even if it bubbles, it ain't gonna bubble where you are like it would in FL/CA/NV/AZ. I'd say give it 3 years at the same employer before you even start to really consider it.


I completely agree with this if we are talking single family dwelling. Houses can be annoying and inthe short term, you'll be super lucky to get back what you paid if you sell in a few years.

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So what do we think about this Ferguson thing?


From what I've read, two guys [race unimportant] went to a liquor store. One guy, 22, is small. The other, 18 or 19 is 6'4" 290. The big guy tells the shop owner he is going to take a carton of black and milds. He then takes them, hands them to his buddy grabs another box and walks out the store. The store owner is a small Indian and tries to stop them from leaving but the big guy pummels him.


The two guys then proceed to walk down the middle of the road. Six blocks away a cop rolls down his window and tells them to get on the sidewalk. They say no. The cop then opens his door to get out, and the big guy pushes him back into his car and wrestles the cop for his gun. He then ends up shot like 6 times.



Is this accurate?



Because on reddit that story was summarize in a headline of "Poor minority TEENAGER murdered by crazy white cop for jaywalking".

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So what do we think about this Ferguson thing?


From what I've read, two guys [race unimportant] went to a liquor store. One guy, 22, is small. The other, 18 or 19 is 6'4" 290. The big guy tells the shop owner he is going to take a carton of black and milds. He then takes them, hands them to his buddy grabs another box and walks out the store. The store owner is a small Indian and tries to stop them from leaving but the big guy pummels him.


The two guys then proceed to walk down the middle of the road. Six blocks away a cop rolls down his window and tells them to get on the sidewalk. They say no. The cop then opens his door to get out, and the big guy pushes him back into his car and wrestles the cop for his gun. He then ends up shot like 6 times.



Is this accurate?



Brcause on reddit that story was summarize in a headline of "Poor minority TEENAGER murdered by crazy white cop for jaywalking".


I badly want to defend the cop, but shooting an unarmed person 6 times is pushing it. It would take further explanation from the cop for sure.

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Further than "a guy twice my size punched me, pushed me into my car, and wrestled me for my gun"?


I mean, at the very least, the first two or three shots are completely justified, correct?


I think Tony Stewart was more at fault than that cop. By quite a bit.


Apparently the first several shots just hit him in the arm because HE WAS WRESTLiNG THE GUN AWAY FROM A COP!!


I would 100% expect to be justifiably killed if I tried to grab a cops gun.

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I agree. I just think it looks bad. I'll need to hear the cops version because right now you have "witnesses" saying the last shots were fired when the deceased was several feet away with his hands raised saying don't shoot I'm unarmed. I'll need to hear a different version and that right soon.

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My roommate and I were just talking about buying houses last night. We both agreed that we'd be looking at buying a decent foreclosure and fixing it up mostly by ourselves. Not together, just we both have the same idea.

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I bet I could find something like that for $150k. I really don't want the irritation that comes with a house. someday the yard work might be appealing but that day is not here yet. more likely I'll just want my own pool. but for now, peace of mind re: living arrangements is what I want, even if it means it's slightly more expensive.


I had forgotten about the inheritance. I will probably have the ability to buy something sooner than I thought. I am in no rush to torch the extra money though, and realistically am in a better position job-wise if I can move at a moment's notice.


Eh, yard work is easy and if you don't want to do it you pay a mexican or asian landscaper $50 a month to do it for you.


You almost assuredly will lose your ass on a condo. You almost assuredly will not in a single family home. That said, I agree that you shouldn't buy (either one) if you plan to move within 5 years.


So what do we think about this Ferguson thing?



The "victims" (ie; every black person in the country apparently) loses all credibility when complaining about police injustice when they immediately take the opportunity to loot walmart and every other store in town and burn down a convenience store during their "peaceful protest".


I think your version is pretty much spot on.


I badly want to defend the cop, but shooting an unarmed person 6 times is pushing it. It would take further explanation from the cop for sure.


2 guys assaulting you and trying to get at your gun does not justify you defending yourself? Really?


I agree. I just think it looks bad. I'll need to hear the cops version because right now you have "witnesses" saying the last shots were fired when the deceased was several feet away with his hands raised saying don't shoot I'm unarmed. I'll need to hear a different version and that right soon.


There were shots up the guys right side, the first 3 of which would not have rendered the dude incapacitated. The one in the eye and then the one in the top of his head (why there was both of those shots I don't know, fired in rapid succession?) would have both put him down.


I have a couple of family members that are/were cops. I think it's a huge mistake to automatically assume the cop(s) screwed the pooch and was just a racist white cop who woke up looking to kill a black dude that day. Which is obviously an exaggeration but pretty close to how the story is getting reported.

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I think it's more likely that the shooting was justified than the cop was a racist and executed the dude for no reason. But it looks bad.


Nap, there was no GSR on the body, but the forensic guy didn't have the clothes, so we don't know for sure.

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The problem is a cop must be held to the highest of standards and even if the first shots were justified the kill shots may not have been. Right now we don't know for sure, I'm just saying it looks bad.

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pretty excellent example for why all cops should be required to wear lapel cameras. would be open and shut if so.



(just kidding. dude was black. already open and shut.)

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There is no God/there is a God


The workplace midget will not be reporting to me.


I went to Huckleberry to buy myself a cookie. Wedged into one of the small tables by the sweets case was Larry David, rubbing his nose in an obviously modified nose pick. (I was overwhelmed with potential giggles and left without purchase.)

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Eh six times is a lot. Ima wait till more info comes out, but i don't see how the black dude isn't immobilized after the first couple of shots.


I suppose that would be true if he was doing hand stands. Otherwise, why would being shot in the arm immobilize anyone?


I'm with most of you though that we need much more information to know what happened. What I'm 99% confident about is that it did not go down exactly how the protesters and the dudes family says it did, which is all we're really hearing up to this point.

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I agree. I just think it looks bad. I'll need to hear the cops version because right now you have "witnesses" saying the last shots were fired when the deceased was several feet away with his hands raised saying don't shoot I'm unarmed. I'll need to hear a different version and that right soon.


I'm not saying that didn't happen. If it did, then the cop should burn, but the same witnesses said he was shot in the back running for his life, which the autopsy disproved.

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I suppose that would be true if he was doing hand stands. Otherwise, why would being shot in the arm immobilize anyone?

Because being shot hurts really, really bad? I'm assuming it does. Essay's prolly right tho, somewhere in the middle there's the truth.

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Didn't the autopsy show no powder residue on Brown so all shots were fired at a distance? And also there's conflicting reports on the alleged struggle.


Correct. But that autopsy was only on the body and the examiner didn't have access to his clothing.


Edit: suited beat me

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There is no God/there is a God


The workplace midget will not be reporting to me.


I went to Huckleberry to buy myself a cookie. Wedged into one of the small tables by the sweets case was Larry David, rubbing his nose in an obviously modified nose pick. (I was overwhelmed with potential giggles and left without purchase.)


So much awesome.

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