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I Called In Sick Today

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Tom Brady and his college roommate and eventual NFL tight end were talking about defininitions of success. The roommate said he anted a Ferrari. Tom Brady said something along the lines of "I want to be able to put on a new pair of socks every day and then never wear them again."



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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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I don't know what kind of socks you got, but I am a huge proponent of merino. People in the south are complete ****ing retards and have no idea how to dress. They don't know how to dress in the winter at all, but even the summer somehow perplexes them. Because of this, I too dressed like an ******* until my mid-20s, and just assumed wool would be hot and terrible. I don't even like admitting that on an annnonymous message board. I think almost everything negative I've ever said about the south and black people is tied to my shame and frustration over wearing Nikes and thick cotton socks until I was 25. Luckily, shame and frustration turn me on, so it's a push.

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Tom Brady and his college roommate and eventual NFL tight end were talking about defininitions of success. The roommate said he anted a Ferrari. Tom Brady said something along the lines of "I want to be able to put on a new pair of socks every day and then never wear them again."

In high school a teacher asked if I wanted to be successful as a adult. When I answered yes (duh?) she said "OK , JLL wants to drive around in a nice car." I interrupted "No, I want to be driven around in a nice car."


My wife drives a Ford. #dreamsdocometrue

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In high school a teacher asked if I wanted to be successful as a adult. When I answered yes (duh?) she said "OK , JLL wants to drive around in a nice car." I interrupted "No, I want to be driven around in a nice car."


That's a Winner's response.



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My wife drives a Ford. #dreamsdocometrue


This, in contrast, is not a winners response.

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Won 1000 at the casino this weekend. 900 today. I raise with aces, guy makes it 40, I make it 100 and he ships for 350. Had jacks. I held.


Other similar bad plays from people. I made a dirty call with trips on a flush board. Guy was bluffing. It was a good bet though.

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if I had $1k to play with, I would buy 28 shares of Mattel. as it is, I am only buying 21 shares tomorrow.


I put the finishing touches on my calculator. I will be able to buy some kind of residence for $80-100k in mid-2016. I could do it as early as mid-2015 if I felt like stressing myself and paying PMI. PMI works out to a pretty crazy interest rate (if you want to think of it that way), though it wouldn't be that huge of a sum.


$80-100k sounds miserable but around here it works out to be a pretty decent condo in a nice area.

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Why wouldn't you find a furniture store that is offering 0% financing for 30 months or whatever and just use their money and lessen your monthly output?


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Condo's are horrible investments though. They do not appreciate anything like a single family home does. And you typically have home owners association dues.


How long would we have to wait to get a modest 3 bd/2ba in a nice neighborhood close to parks and schools?

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I kinda agree. I don't know how handy strat is but having a HOA that takes care of the building and such (assuming they do it well) can be good for some people, but the best way to learn how to take care of a house is to do it. HOAs for condos aren't as bad as with neighborhoods, they make a lot more sense when everyone is under the same roof.

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I bet I could find something like that for $150k. I really don't want the irritation that comes with a house. someday the yard work might be appealing but that day is not here yet. more likely I'll just want my own pool. but for now, peace of mind re: living arrangements is what I want, even if it means it's slightly more expensive.


I had forgotten about the inheritance. I will probably have the ability to buy something sooner than I thought. I am in no rush to torch the extra money though, and realistically am in a better position job-wise if I can move at a moment's notice.

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also, I honestly don't think anything around here in my price range is going to do much appreciating in the near term. I would guess things just move with inflation and market forces for the most part. California, other places where people want to move, sure I can see calling a house an investment. to me, it's a way to avoid higher rent and borrow money on the cheap if something unexpected happens. I expect to lose.

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I bet I could find something like that for $150k. I really don't want the irritation that comes with a house. someday the yard work might be appealing but that day is not here yet. more likely I'll just want my own pool. but for now, peace of mind re: living arrangements is what I want, even if it means it's slightly more expensive.


I had forgotten about the inheritance. I will probably have the ability to buy something sooner than I thought. I am in no rush to torch the extra money though, and realistically am in a better position job-wise if I can move at a moment's notice.


If you get your hands dirty now, you can employ someone todo the stuff you don't like a few years down the road.


Moving in a "moments notice" probably wouldn't need to happen 99.9% of the time.


Also, I find it a little weird that you think of stocks long term no problem, but housing you seem to be focused on the short term. Housing will appreciate. We have hundreds of years of data.

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"don't worry, houses always go up in value" -- sensible person, 2006


I will do the research when the time comes, I am just going into this expecting the results one would get not knowing their ass from a hole in the ground.


speaking of residential real estate... XIN is pretty amazing if you think you can trust their books.

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with your job history, your relationship status, age, etc. i don't think buying a house is the best move right now. if you realistically expect to move in the next 5 years I wouldn't do it. you won't get enough out of it to cover expenses unless something ridiculous happens and the housing market bubbles again. but even if it bubbles, it ain't gonna bubble where you are like it would in FL/CA/NV/AZ. I'd say give it 3 years at the same employer before you even start to really consider it.

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