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I Called In Sick Today

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Dawson I'm nearing the end of season three and what they did to Principal Green was some low down dirty racist shit. I'm glad Joey stood up for him though. Gonna miss him. Also not looking forward to when you find out pacey and Joey are in love.

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why not just talk to the person he's trying to steal and say, hey, I recognize how good you are and what you do for us. I give you credit when it is due, I stick up for you when I think you acted as I would have, and I am very straightforward with you in every one of our interactions. not every manager is alike.


like, you don't need to trash the other DM directly, his reputation already sucks, and this person should know that. I think it's more about getting this person to stay with you so they are happier and more productive for the company. managers like that guy drive people away--a loss for the whole team.


a 1:1 with that person is probably all you can/should do. it can have an impression on the underling for sure. I am an arrogant POS and was expecting what happened for me to happen since day 1, but your average person is blown away when an important person takes the time to meet with them and says nice things about their work.


Agree with cha cha on the solidness of your posts this week. This is exactly what I'm doing this afternoon. I don't think she wants to go and, no, he can't deliver anything more than she has right now. Mostly I hate unprofessionalism and what he is doing is not only unprofessional but disrespectful.

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HW girl lives in Minneapolis. Probably wont be hanging out with her. And her class ended today which is why she was in a hurry to get HW done. I won't be a regular thing.


you've got too many bitches on the string naps. i'm thoroughly confuzzled.


so the girl that came to see you last night lives in MN? were you in MN or was she just in town visiting? I feel like there were some salient details left out here or that I glazed over but I don't want to go back to your original post to try and figure it out.


either way, I think it just amplifies the magnitude of your blunder so I'll just let it go.

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Holiday inn (express)


well this whole debacle certainly disproves their marketing compain.



the fact that this all took place in hotel room...and to let that opportunity pass...i'm just...



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I am mortified at the thought of drinking during the week, but I'm more mortified at the thought of not drinking on the weekend. I don't know what to make of that.


Case in point: got off work at 6:15, went to pick up my dry cleaning, headed home and passed that newish local place (very posh and sort of trendy, but only in decor and menu, not really in clientele. Haven't seen any real ass in there) that has the $2 domestic drafts for happy hour. It's 6:36. By the time I park, get in and order, it's gonna be 6:42 or 6:43. I say to myself, "self, how many drafts can I order/throw down before 7pm. Seems like a challenge, a good idea.


But then I Napa'd out and went home

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