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I Called In Sick Today

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and speedz, good to see you enjoyed your "weekend in the life of shake." you almost looked like a man!
Yeah, my friend's farm is probably the greatest place on earth. The weekend consisted of hiking, chopping wood, playing with tractors, drinking in the barn with the goats, pig, and cows, drunken relay races in the hayloft, racing back and forth from the sauna (they're Swedish, it's what they do) and the freezing cold pond, and eating a shit-ton of food. In a few weeks we're going to add skeet shooting to the list and possibly try to bag a deer. Their place is a few hundred acres...until going up there I never even thought about people owning stuff like large pieces of forest, hills, and lakes. Land ownership!
and I had no idea you had a personal "in" with grizzly adams. pretty cool.
That guy's the coolest...he's the dean at a high school. Can you imagine him yelling at your for messing around in class?
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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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That guy's the coolest...he's the dean at a high school. Can you imagine him yelling at your for messing around in class?
yeah I pretty much instantly wanted to be friends with him.also, those pictures inspired me to go outside and work in my garden. well, I was basically taking my garden down for the winter (with a god damn machete, mind you). all except for the tomatoes. still have tomatoes coming in, in freaking october! nothing till august, then growing until october. that shit ain't right.also, I have my cousin's wedding to go to at 5 today, but afterward I think I might go camping by myself. never done that. might be cool.
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Never gonna happen.Hey, nice website. I want a real domain name for my website (currently it is www.littlesasquatch.etsy.com), preferably I want to get littlesasquatch.com (sure hope scram doesn't read this and gank it). Sadly I already spent all the money I've made in sales on the packaging materials I needed to ship the items, so I'm back in the red. Business is hard.
That's awesome and I like that you are setting yourself apart from othes with masturbation crochet.
yeah I pretty much instantly wanted to be friends with him.also, those pictures inspired me to go outside and work in my garden. well, I was basically taking my garden down for the winter (with a god damn machete, mind you). all except for the tomatoes. still have tomatoes coming in, in freaking october! nothing till august, then growing until october. that shit ain't right.also, I have my cousin's wedding to go to at 5 today, but afterward I think I might go camping by myself. never done that. might be cool.
We are so much more alike than you realize.
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speedz, now is the time for napa and I to act smarmy and offer a taste of our extensive life experiences with farminghaha, just kidding, I only have 16 acres to play on
Pretty much anyone from a "big" state. My family has a very small farm, only 480 acres, with a 10 acre lake, forest, and pond. I've always viewed it as tiny, for a farm.I would bet the over on Napa's dad farming 1000 acres. (but I'm basing this on almost nothing. I don't even know if Napa's dad is a farmer.)
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Oh, yeah, I didn't think my story would impress you farmboys except to maybe evoke some pity for a suburbanite tool like me who took 29 years to realize that farms are more than hayfields and chicken coops. Although their farm isn't really a farm, per se, it's just a family plot of land/vacation spot where they dabble in keeping some livestock. They're only there a few weekends a month (more in the summer), and they rent a house on the land to a family that does the few day to day chores that have to be done to keep everything running.

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speedz, now is the time for napa and I to act smarmy and offer a taste of our extensive life experiences with farminghaha, just kidding, I only have 16 acres to play on
Man I miss the farm. Had a discussion with my boss the other day about how he misses being on the farm where he could just walk out and shoot his guns in the backyard. In my head I was thinking "yeah, and being able to walk out and pee wherever I want is awesome too!"
Pretty much anyone from a "big" state. My family has a very small farm, only 480 acres, with a 10 acre lake, forest, and pond. I've always viewed it as tiny, for a farm.I would bet the over on Napa's dad farming 1000 acres. (but I'm basing this on almost nothing. I don't even know if Napa's dad is a farmer.)
Ya, over, but not much. We're just small time. I wish we had a lake, just the standard acreage with some barns and small buildings and a grove.
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Oh, yeah, I didn't think my story would impress you farmboys except to maybe evoke some pity for a suburbanite tool like me who took 29 years to realize that farms are more than hayfields and chicken coops. Although their farm isn't really a farm, per se, it's just a family plot of land/vacation spot where they dabble in keeping some livestock. They're only there a few weekends a month (more in the summer), and they rent a house on the land to a family that does the few day to day chores that have to be done to keep everything running.
the closest I've been to that was maybe a county fair or something. this part of kansas is just not that kind of life.
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oh yeah farmboy, I picked up dog poop in the backyard today. That's gotta be worth some farm cred.Shake, free UFC on Spike tonight at 8pm. Good card too. Looking forward to the Condit vs Hardy fight.You do get Spike right?

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oh yeah farmboy, I picked up dog poop in the backyard today. That's gotta be worth some farm cred.Shake, free UFC on Spike tonight at 8pm. Good card too. Looking forward to the Condit vs Hardy fight.You do get Spike right?
Hey, put on TBS, it's almost time for the Rangers collapse in a heap again.I understand putting Bisping in all the England cards, but at some point isn't it kind of unfair? Not a lot, but at least a little bit.
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Shake, free UFC on Spike tonight at 8pm. Good card too. Looking forward to the Condit vs Hardy fight.You do get Spike right?
nah, my cable package right now is only for zero channels, so I don't think it's there. I kinda miss tv.I haven't seen a ufc in so freaking long it's ridiculous. I don't even know who the champions are any more. I kinda miss ufc too.my life is lame.
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I haven't seen a ufc in so freaking long it's ridiculous. I don't even know who the champions are any more. I kinda miss ufc too.
I watched it...most of the fights were pretty dull.

Hardy got knocked the fuck out, which was pretty funny.

my life is lame.
You know, I can pretty much guarantee you that mine is worse. I think that for the past half hour I've hated myself more than at any other point in my life. Man I can't wait for the sleeping pills to kick in. That's dark.
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Currently downtown waiting for some friends to finish a half marathon because their mom promised me cake if I woke up early to come see them. How fat do I feel...(the oldest son was in my frat and the other two sons are a few years younger and past few years I've went to their lakehouse and stuff and am pretty much their favorite, the sons and dad are running)

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Hey, put on TBS, it's almost time for the Rangers collapse in a heap again.I understand putting Bisping in all the England cards, but at some point isn't it kind of unfair? Not a lot, but at least a little bit.
Oh, I watched the entire game. Cano was locked in. I thought for sure he was going to deliver in the 8th, but he K'd.I wouldn't necessarily call it unfair for him to be on most of the UK cards. I mean, most fighters travel for every fight. I think there are a few that actually live in Vegas, where most fights are, but otherwise, I think they all travel. I don't think Bisping lives in London, where the O2 is. But I do take your point. Maybe it is. What the hell do I know?
nah, my cable package right now is only for zero channels, so I don't think it's there. I kinda miss tv.I haven't seen a ufc in so freaking long it's ridiculous. I don't even know who the champions are any more. I kinda miss ufc too.my life is lame.
No cable and no tv?No UFC bar nights?You don't watch sportsWhat the hell do you do after work? I'm trying to get back on the workout kick, but I miss having my gym membership. I mean, I do have a bench on the patio that is flat and inclines, I have dumbells all the way up to 50lbs, I have a gym quality recumbent bike and a heavy bag, but I do miss the elliptical, the upright bike, the row machine and all the different machines, but my damn body hurts in a different spot every time I workout. Ok, crap, now you've got me depressed.
You know, I can pretty much guarantee you that mine is worse. I think that for the past half hour I've hated myself more than at any other point in my life. Man I can't wait for the sleeping pills to kick in. That's dark.
Why the heck does your life suck? Farm living, school that you like, what gives?
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Why the heck does your life suck? Farm living, school that you like, what gives?
Oh, you know, problems with women. Decisions to make, friends all up in my business, coping with the fact that I'm probably just a huge pussy, etc.
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Oh, you know, problems with women. Decisions to make, friends all up in my business, coping with the fact that I'm probably just a huge pussy, etc.
Go on....(it's been a long time since you updated us on your lovelife)
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Go on....(it's been a long time since you updated us on your lovelife)
Meh, I'd rather not get too far into it. I haven't given any updates because it's just been a random girl here and there (mostly here), nothing particularly funny or interesting. My current issue revolves around a girl in my class that I'm fairly good friends with...I think I'm just intimidated because there's a chance she's not at all interested, and I've got a hangup about falling totally flat on my face with someone that I have to see on a daily basis. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, but like I said, I'm a huge pussy. And the only guys I'm friends with in the vet school group (friends' boyfriends included) have been in long term relationships for as long as I've known them, and they obviously don't remember what it's like to deal with the opening stages of this shit, so they're no help.
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can't win what you don't put in the middle, can't win if you don't play the game, etc.but really though, don't go after her. it's too much trouble. women are ridiculous, remember?

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and mexico: my life is incredibly boring, I don't dispute that.but also, my new job (you did no I got a new job right?) actually has a fairly nice gym on premises. the convenience plus being a young dude working out around a bunch of older ladies that I'm fairly sure enjoy watching young dudes work out is a pretty strong incentive to keep to the schedule. I like it.

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can't win what you don't put in the middle, can't win if you don't play the game, etc.
I know...this is why I hate myself. I need to just man up. Of course, there's the added shame factor (if she says no) of it being creepy that I asked in the first place, since I'm 7 years older than her.
but really though, don't go after her. it's too much trouble. women are ridiculous, remember?
See, this is what I need to hear.
but also, my new job (you did no I got a new job right?) actually has a fairly nice gym on premises. the convenience plus being a young dude working out around a bunch of older ladies that I'm fairly sure enjoy watching young dudes work out is a pretty strong incentive to keep to the schedule. I like it.
Do you notice wet spots spreading on their spandex when you start grunting?...gross.
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Happy Bday Napa.I'm tking Gson to the Pumkin Patch today. Damn I'm old.Speaking of working out I'vw finally fixes my injury woes with time off running and a bunch of erercises and ran a great 5K this morning. I am so excites about it. Like I said. I'm old. And boring. Damn now I'm depressed like speedz.

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