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I Called In Sick Today

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Ya know, this brings back a memory or three...Way back yonder when I was building my first house, a guy brought over a potato gun and demonstrated it in the front yard. Always one to outdo things, I jumped on the backhoe and buried a ten foot piece of twelve inch PVC about three feet deep at a forty five degree angle toward his houseAfter a run to the local grocery store for small pumpkins....it was Halloween.... I experimented with hairspray and other propellants until almost dark without much successThe pipe was ignited with a propane torch pointed toward a quarter inch hole in the side at ground level.... at the best I was able to propel the orange projectile approximately two feet with the Final Net stuff, so I did what any self respecting hoodlum would do.... I broke out the black power and oxygen/acetylene gear Needless to say, I did launch a pumpkin or two completely out of site and in the yard of the potato show off guy...Unfortunately, when the pipe gave out I was standing right beside it with the ignition source in my handI still have a scar or two on my forearm to this day....twenty years laterYeah, I still think about a redo every Halloween.....BeansCam© anyone???
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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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I mean, when everybody registers for the league, they have to put up a certain amount of money before their team is active. The site holds the money. On the site you can make any kind of prop bets on the league and the money gets automatically transferred to the winner, but none of it gets cashed out until the very end. If you don't have the money in your account, you can't make anymore bets. Man, this is like FACEBOOK, only better.
I think they've got something like this. It's called, like, FantasyVault or something? Either that or it was an idea I had when I was drunk years ago. From the site's perspective, you can charge a very small amount, then earn interest on the money. Could be profitable, for sure.
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I pretty much blacked out the entire NBA finals after game 7 ended, and just didn't spend any time at all thinking about. With the season starting up in two months, I started to think about it more and more, and had to remind myself the Celts were actually up 3-2 in the series, and got depressed again. On NBA TV they are reliving game 7 for me right now, and it just sucks so very much.

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I pretty much blacked out the entire NBA finals series after game 7 ended, and just didn't spend any time at all thinking about. With the season starting up in two months, I started to think about it more and more, and had to remind myself the Celts were actually up 3-2 in the series, and got depressed again. On NBA TV they are reliving game 7 for me right now, and it just sucks so very much.
And it's all downhill going forward with your AARP line-up.
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Whoa, what? You never got that? PM me a Tilt account and a mailing address and I'll get it to you by Monday. If I can ship it via Tilt (not sure if I've got money there, still), you'll get it that way, but if not I'll probably have to Moneygram and/or send it via Money Order.
I was reading your back twitter posts... didn't you have 10k on FT a month ago? Was there a backstory posted here about that?
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Things are getting RESOLVED up in here. (Up in here.)
Usually I leave these for Wang, but here you go.
Ya know, this brings back a memory or three...Way back yonder when I was building my first house, a guy brought over a potato gun and demonstrated it in the front yard. Always one to outdo things, I jumped on the backhoe and buried a ten foot piece of twelve inch PVC about three feet deep at a forty five degree angle toward his houseAfter a run to the local grocery store for small pumpkins....it was Halloween.... I experimented with hairspray and other propellants until almost dark without much successThe pipe was ignited with a propane torch pointed toward a quarter inch hole in the side at ground level.... at the best I was able to propel the orange projectile approximately two feet with the Final Net stuff, so I did what any self respecting hoodlum would do.... I broke out the black power and oxygen/acetylene gear Needless to say, I did launch a pumpkin or two completely out of site and in the yard of the potato show off guy...Unfortunately, when the pipe gave out I was standing right beside it with the ignition source in my handI still have a scar or two on my forearm to this day....twenty years laterYeah, I still think about a redo every Halloween.....BeansCam© anyone???
Is there anything oxygen/acetylene doesn't make better? Better break out your Xmas survivor kit.Speaking of Potato guns. In high school we sat on my buddy's front porch and launched them out into the distance over the houses in front of us for about 15 minutes. He lived in a typical suburb. There is no possible way those things didn't do thousands of dollars of damage.
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I was reading your back twitter posts... didn't you have 10k on FT a month ago? Was there a backstory posted here about that?
I am getting staked in some tournaments, but I moved most of the stake to Stars, and shipped almost everything I had on Tilt back to the staker, because I really didn't need that much. I'm not going to play anything very big until I get decent at tournaments. I'm even so far, which is good news. I'm a terrible poker player, though, which is very, very bad news.
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I pretty much blacked out the entire NBA finals after game 7 ended, and just didn't spend any time at all thinking about. With the season starting up in two months, I started to think about it more and more, and had to remind myself the Celts were actually up 3-2 in the series, and got depressed again. On NBA TV they are reliving game 7 for me right now, and it just sucks so very much.
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I think they've got something like this. It's called, like, FantasyVault or something? Either that or it was an idea I had when I was drunk years ago. From the site's perspective, you can charge a very small amount, then earn interest on the money. Could be profitable, for sure.
Hmm, fantasysportsvault.com apparently. But it doesn't look like it has prop bet capabilities, which is where the real appeal in my site lies.
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I think In and Out has lost some luster and where is Shake Shack? Fuddruckers is too high, White Castle is too high, Jack in the Box and McD's should be low because their best stuff is not the burgers, don't know of Burgerville.Five guys > In n Out for me but I like Shake Shack better than both of those at this point.
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If the Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger is still a buck, Burger King is way too low on the list. Also: Hardee's is really good, and isn't it the same thing as Carl's, Jr in all but name? I think Fuddrucker's is probably too high, perhaps due to lack of West Coast locations and the contrast with In-and-Out?
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If the Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger is still a buck, Burger King is way too low on the list. Also: Hardee's is really good, and isn't it the same thing as Carl's, Jr in all but name? I think Fuddrucker's is probably too high, perhaps due to lack of West Coast locations and the contrast with In-and-Out?
Jr Bacon Cheeseburger is at wendy's and is still a buck AFAIK.Whopper Jr is a BKCarls Jr = HardeesThere are a lot of Fuddruckers around here, but it's not fast food, so I am not sure why it's included.
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Jr Bacon Cheeseburger is at wendy's and is still a buck AFAIK.Whopper Jr is a BKCarls Jr = HardeesThere are a lot of Fuddruckers around here, but it's not fast food, so I am not sure why it's included.
When I was in college, BK had a $1 Jr. Bacon Cheesie, too. I think. Either way, Wendy's is slotted correctly, near the top of the National Shitty Chain Fast Food Restaurants. Oh, and you know what sucks? F***ing White Castle.
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Oh, and you know what sucks? F***ing White Castle.
Thank you. They are worse than McDonalds. That decently funny movie convinced everyone that white castle is good. It's not the burgers suck and the mini-chicken sandwiches are below average. Just terrible.
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Thank you. They are worse than McDonalds. That decently funny movie convinced everyone that white castle is good. It's not the burgers suck and the mini-chicken sandwiches are below average. Just terrible.
You guys are nuts. You've obviously never been drunk and hungry at 3AM.
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Like saying that Babe Ruth is the best baseball player, I have to go with the obvious choice and say In-n-Out is the best hamburger.A McDouble shouldn't be last though, right strategy?

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You guys are nuts. You've obviously never been drunk and hungry at 3AM.
Yes, I have and I am grateful that my choices have always extended beyond white castle. I went to college in Philly so cheesesteaks were pretty standard. My favorite late night drunk food is a noodle bar followed by a jersey diner.
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The Gap outlet store?
.... I broke out the black power and oxygen/acetylene gear
let me just go ahead and stop you right here. or not, you know.aaaalso, you'd be happy to know that both my projects have been successfully completed (outlet and water line) without anyone dying OR losing a limb. at least one of them was illegal for me to do it, no? water line has to be done by a licensed guy right? hope so. makes it more awesome.
look at this guy posting shit. this fucking guy right here.
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