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I Called In Sick Today

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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I've had a migraine-esque headache all damn day. Managed to get some stuff done today but not near as much as I'd have liked.


Caved in and turned on the AC.


It's Mack's birthday today. I bought some fancy dog treats and was going to take him out to my brothers so he could play with his mom but it hurt too much to move that much.

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For Frau.







Wearing his new vest and posing with a new bed to shred and a bull from me and a frisbee from his BFF Honey.


Another view. I can't get the lighting right in my apartment and we haven't worked on stay as much as we should.




Close up of crown.




I felt bad about not being able to take him to the park and so I put on the long leash and sat on my patio and we played fetch. Some neighbor kids were outside and started running towards him and so I got up and met them halfway so it didn't look like I had two little boys disappearing into my apartment that's kind of secluded. Their dad was outside so I made sure it was OK and let them throw his frisbee. The bigger of the two, but still pretty small, wanted to hold his leash and so I warned him he had to hold tight and brace himself because he can pull pretty hard.


Well he half listened and when his brother threw it too far and Mack reached the end of his leash he sent the boy flying in the air like superman. And then Mack pulled again and he like leapfrogged again before I was able to intervene. He held on though. Even though I was saying "just let go just let go". Pretty funny to see.




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I know, but I felt nauseous and my head was pounding all day. We went to the park four times (including yesterday) this past week though and we've got a play date scheduled for Tuesday provided the weather holds.

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Napa, thank you for the updates. Mack looks both happy and stupid, which is what I want for all dogs.


My org had the day out-of-office on Friday, and got us downtown LA for a team building exercise at the Broad Museum. Gentlemen, I have been to the Infinity Room, and it's prettay cool. The room is small, and when you enter the staff member warns there is a shallow tray of water on the floor, which is part of the optical illusion. The door opens and you walk into a room that's no bigger than a broom closet. The moment the door shuts behind you, the optical illusion sets in, and the room really does look infinite--it felt like I was suspended on a green screen and flying. My brain always knew I was in a small space, my eyes and other brain parts saw the space in front of me as being infinite.


We also had a docent led tour of the third floor. The kid who led my tour had an adorable French accent and wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. He said some hilariously European racist things in front of Basquiat.


(You see here, he writes "nonsense" words. He is a great artist in the tradition of Matisse and Renoir...)


This same enlightened fool trotted us over to Barbara Kruger, and weighed in on how important the piece was.


(This is important, women's bodies are battlegrounds politically...)

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Question non-Frau division: If you could give up a year of your life to live in Frau's body for a month would you do it? If the same deal was offered for however long you wanted, what's the longest amount of time you would give up to be Frau?

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Question non-Frau division: If you could give up a year of your life to live in Frau's body for a month would you do it? If the same deal was offered for however long you wanted, what's the longest amount of time you would give up to be Frau?


Do I have to bang a dude?

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It's a conscious choice.


Edit: to round out this mental exercise


You either sleep with the mens I have been entertaining




You live the no cable/no broadcast/ ONLY faulty Netflix/PS3 no next gen game systems Apple computer life I've been leading.


To be clear, I am both sexually active and hetero, and I have been living a Netflix only with not great internet speed now for over a year. You have to pick one of these realities.

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Oh wow. You were way down almost to my Grandma's neck of the woods. About an hour from Beans.

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Oh wow. You were way down almost to my Grandma's neck of the woods. About an hour from Beans.


Still here. I was able to find a subway amongst the 20 mom and pop Mexican restaurants. Meeting isn't until 2 so I'm reviewing notes in my car.

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Just found out this morning I have 96 hours of PTO time I have to use or lose by the end of the year. Think the first four days I'll take will be the week of July 4th since its on a Monday this year.

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I was able to find a subway amongst the 20 mom and pop Mexican restaurants.


I assume you're partially trolling, but I also assume you really ate at Subway. You are doing a lot of stuff you're going to regret more than this shit down the line. You'll regret spending all your time working and watching TV. You'll regret not spending that time with friends, and you'll certainly regret not putting yourself out there more with women (or whatever gender(s) you'd ultimately decide were for you). But for some reason, the one that I find most offensive and repulsive is the way you eat. Every cold cut combo you choke down represents an experience you'll never live out. At least Firehouse gives you a pickle ffs.

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should i have rolled into some shit hole mexican place and risked food poisoning before a client meeting? come on son. i had an oven roasted chicken footlong and it was delicious.

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