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I Called In Sick Today

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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I really feel like I should say something just to keep the conversation flowing in here considering how dead it's been lately but just don't have anything. well here's something: I've been congested all day with sinus problems so I just took a nyquil pill to help me sleep and the damn thing's already kicking in, but I'm still eating dinner. what a conundrum!

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if i really need to sleep i take a motrin PM at 7:00. that way i can be asleep by ten or eleven. its a mild sleeping pill. i'd try harder stuff but im afraid i'd become dependent on it.

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holy crap that's a lot of elapsed time. usually only takes me 45 minutes to an hour, max. I try to stay away from the nyquil because it does tend to leave me groggy in the morning, and I think it is a little more addictive than others. you should try the natural stuff, where it's just made out of melanin or melatonin or which ever one isn't what makes darkies dark. stuff I have is called altiva or altriva or some shit like that; comes in a yellow and white box. pretty good stuff. give it a go.seriously, I'm half asleep as I'm typing this.

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Anyone who watches It's Always Sunny must watch

. I posted it in the appropriate thread, but I wanted to make sure you all saw it. And anyone who doesn't watch the show should find it hilarious as well, and hopefully it'll get you to start watching. I'm a big fan of blooper reels, and this may be my favorite of all time.As for sleeping pills, go with Simply Sleep. It's OTC sleeping meds without any accompanying unnecessary drugs. If you can't find it, look up the active ingredient and buy one of the generic options.
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As for sleeping pills, go with Simply Sleep. It's OTC sleeping meds without any accompanying unnecessary drugs. If you can't find it, look up the active ingredient and buy one of the generic options.
I matter!PS: A friend of mine -- really more of a friend of my girlfriend's, but still an actual friend of mine -- overdosed tonight, and I had to leave the Tigers game. Please don't do heroin, people.
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is there anywhere I can watch sunny online without a huge delay and without paying for it? hulu's got it but it's on a month delay (don't think new season's even started yet there) and I don't really want to pay $1 to $2 an episode from amazon; that seems a bit steep for sunny. need to get that started for dexter though. oh man, get to finish up breaking bad and go right into dexter! how exciting!and you know, I think I probably should go buy me some heroin. I've always said that if I heard the world was ending or some shit like that, I'd just give up and do a bunch of heroin for the last little bit. I mean fuck it then, right? but now I just realized, shit, I have no idea where to get heroin. so if the world is ending, I'm sure as hell not going to be able to find a heroin dealer and still have time to shoot up and all that before the asteroid hits/zombies attack/mothra eats me. probably need to work on getting my "end of world stash" built up now. ammo and smack. that's the way to do it.oh, sorry about your friend, wang.

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has anyone else seriously considered building some kind of bomb shelter / bunker to survive in below the surface if things go wrong up here? i mean i've thought about it but i obviously lack the means currently to do anything about it. i think its something i'll look into later in life. maybe shake and i could go in on this together. really load up on guns and water and devil's candy. i dont know.

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tell you one thing though, there is one positive to this whole debacle: I'm taking this girl from work out tonight, and before I was all worried, like what if somebody from the company saw us and how would that affect my career and all that. fuck that noise; now I'm ready to bang her on a desk in the middle of the office during business hours. fuck 'em.
Did you say how this turned out somewhere? I started skimming a lot of the job stuff. That shit is why we don't let anyone know how much anyone else is making.
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PS: A friend of mine -- really more of a friend of my girlfriend's, but still an actual friend of mine -- overdosed tonight, and I had to leave the Tigers game.
If one of my friends left that calibur of a professional sports game, I'd be pissed. I woke up, so it could have waited. And if I died he didn't have to bother anyway.Really, the odds that you'd get there in time to speak to him one last time before he died weren't worth you leaving.Although I guess you probably did it to support the girlfriend. Meh.
and you know, I think I probably should go buy me some heroin. I've always said that if I heard the world was ending or some shit like that, I'd just give up and do a bunch of heroin for the last little bit. I mean fuck it then, right? but now I just realized, shit, I have no idea where to get heroin. so if the world is ending, I'm sure as hell not going to be able to find a heroin dealer and still have time to shoot up and all that before the asteroid hits/zombies attack/mothra eats me. probably need to work on getting my "end of world stash" built up now. ammo and smack. that's the way to do it.
Not doing heroin will be one of my greatest regrets when I die...assuming I die without being medicated for some horrific chronic illness with an opiate nearly as strong as heroin...but that doesn't even really count. It must be incredible, it's too bad about the whole instant addiction thing.
has anyone else seriously considered building some kind of bomb shelter / bunker to survive in below the surface if things go wrong up here? i mean i've thought about it but i obviously lack the means currently to do anything about it. i think its something i'll look into later in life. maybe shake and i could go in on this together. really load up on guns and water and devil's candy. i dont know.
If I end up living in a city I'll have a shack somewhere out in the country where I can go in case of [insert apocalypse here].
I'd be to busy raping to worry about shooting up if the end of days was coming, so,I'm probabaly out.
Oh Napa, always with the rapin'.
and how dare you skim my posts!
That's more than he does for most people.
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guess what I had for lunch
Wendy'sHYPOTHETICAL SCENARIOIf you met a magic genie (what other kind is there?) who said that he could offer you one experience and then afterwards take you back in time so that it's like it never happened except that you had the knowledge of what that experience was like, which would you choose: rape or heroin?
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i was gonna make the 'to busy raping' joke, but it seemed so obvious for this crowd i thought it bad form. CALLIN YOU OUT NAPY.
What's that? I couldn't hear you with you being all up so high in your ivory tower. And to DA...can I choose neither? I feel awful after watching a porn where the girls not 100% into it and so I'd imagine I'd feel a large amount of remorse for raping a chick (or dude?!) even though, it never happened? And I'd imagine the heroin would be awesome and I'd want to try and experience it again and would end up ruining my life. That being said, I'd go with the heroin.
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And to DA...can I choose neither? I feel awful after watching a porn where the girls not 100% into it and so I'd imagine I'd feel a large amount of remorse for raping a chick (or dude?!) even though, it never happened? And I'd imagine the heroin would be awesome and I'd want to try and experience it again and would end up ruining my life. That being said, I'd go with the heroin.
I suppose we can open it up to anything at all, but I was just trying to stay topical.Edit: Oh hey, look at everybody gettin' all self-righteous about the rapin' now.
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Randy: Joke, source.Speedz: Joke.Randy: But seriously.Speedz: Randy: Joke, source. Speedz: Joke. Randy: But seriously.
Yeah, I started to segue into something else funny that happened but got caught up in well stuff and then got busy and it never happened, and still probably won't. It's hell to get old.
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guess what I had for lunch
Oh yeah, I forgot to report back. I took 4 days off last week to get settled in the new house and got the Wendys burger twice during that time. Not bad. Was a little disappointed but it might have been an issue with the Wendy's I went to. There are not many left in my area and I have to go to the slummy side of town. First one was tasty but the bun was meh. The second one the meat was not cooked through which made me weary since it was fast food meat but the bun was better. I am liking the red onion though.And it needed mustard.
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