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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

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First hand of a $5 MTT. I decided I was gonna play really loose to get chips early. So whose play was more donkish?NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM $5+$1 (Real Money), #627,519,290 5+0.5 NL Holdem Multi Table Tournament, 20 Jun 2006 10:46 PM ET Seat 1: Whiskey 16 ($1,500 in chips) Seat 2: sweet2pete ($1,500 in chips) Seat 3: JTL3 ($1,500 in chips) Seat 4: brent4224 ($1,500 in chips) Seat 5: the_jimmys38 ($1,500 in chips) Seat 6: shredder23 ($1,500 in chips) Seat 7: DeBrit ($1,500 in chips) Seat 8: BigSplashin ($1,500 in chips) Seat 9: calsue1 ($1,500 in chips) Seat 10: RiverRatRush ($1,500 in chips) ANTES/BLINDSbrent4224 posts blind ($10), the_jimmys38 posts blind ($20).PRE-FLOPshredder23 folds, DeBrit folds, BigSplashin folds, calsue1 calls $20, RiverRatRush folds, Whiskey 16 bets $80, sweet2pete folds, JTL3 folds, brent4224 folds, the_jimmys38 bets $200, calsue1 folds, Whiskey 16 calls $140.FLOP [board cards 3C,AD,JD ]the_jimmys38 bets $400, Whiskey 16 bets $1,280 and is all-in, the_jimmys38 calls $880 and is all-in.TURN [board cards 3C,AD,JD,6H ]RIVER [board cards 3C,AD,JD,6H,3S ]SHOWDOWNWhiskey 16 shows [ 6D,5D ]the_jimmys38 shows [ QS,KD ]Whiskey 16 wins $3,030. First hand of a $5 MTT. I decided I was gonna play really loose to get chips early. So whose play was more donkish?

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First hand of a $5 MTT. I decided I was gonna play really loose to get chips early. So whose play was more donkish?
we'll call it a draw, nevermind I didn't see you had a flush draw. He made a pretty bad bet on the flop and basically pot committed himself with a gutshot. He wins
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Hey Renae.... I heard you could suck so good, you could wake a dead man... well, chop chop.. milton berle's boring my *** off in hell...
fuck off and never come back.thanks.joke accounts are boring.
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fuck off and never come back.thanks.joke accounts are boring.
I really miss that JustinMailboy kid. He was really something special.
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we'll call it a draw, nevermind I didn't see you had a flush draw. He made a pretty bad bet on the flop and basically pot committed himself with a gutshot. He wins
Come on, his call with KQ for the rest of his chips has to be a little worse, right?
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fuck off and never come back.thanks.joke accounts are boring.
big 2ndget the fuck out!
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I really miss that JustinMailboy kid. He was really something special.
i think there's a difference between random joke accounts like bob hope and al gore and an inside joke here in the thread.Do you see the difference?Good luck.
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i think there's a difference between random joke accounts like bob hope and al gore and an inside joke here in the thread.Do you see the difference?Good luck.
If I don't, are you gonna make me? And no shit Bob Hope isn't from this thread. He called you a young Punk. Bwahahahahaahaha.
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1st hand from my SNG tonight
Poker likes you tonight. :club:
Hey Renae.... I heard you could suck so good, you could wake a dead man... well, chop chop.. milton berle's boring my *** off in hell...
Bwahahahaha! Have you looked up Lucille Ball? Maybe she's more your speed.
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My roommate is a blessing. She made dinner the last two nights in a row, and it was ready when I got home from work, and she had the Heat/Mavs game on when I got home too.

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First hand of a $5 MTT. I decided I was gonna play really loose to get chips early. So whose play was more donkish?NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM $5+$1 (Real Money), #627,519,290 5+0.5 NL Holdem Multi Table Tournament, 20 Jun 2006 10:46 PM ET Seat 1: Whiskey 16 ($1,500 in chips) Seat 2: sweet2pete ($1,500 in chips) Seat 3: JTL3 ($1,500 in chips) Seat 4: brent4224 ($1,500 in chips) Seat 5: the_jimmys38 ($1,500 in chips) Seat 6: shredder23 ($1,500 in chips) Seat 7: DeBrit ($1,500 in chips) Seat 8: BigSplashin ($1,500 in chips) Seat 9: calsue1 ($1,500 in chips) Seat 10: RiverRatRush ($1,500 in chips) ANTES/BLINDSbrent4224 posts blind ($10), the_jimmys38 posts blind ($20).PRE-FLOPshredder23 folds, DeBrit folds, BigSplashin folds, calsue1 calls $20, RiverRatRush folds, Whiskey 16 bets $80, sweet2pete folds, JTL3 folds, brent4224 folds, the_jimmys38 bets $200, calsue1 folds, Whiskey 16 calls $140.FLOP [board cards 3C,AD,JD ]the_jimmys38 bets $400, Whiskey 16 bets $1,280 and is all-in, the_jimmys38 calls $880 and is all-in.TURN [board cards 3C,AD,JD,6H ]RIVER [board cards 3C,AD,JD,6H,3S ]SHOWDOWNWhiskey 16 shows [ 6D,5D ]the_jimmys38 shows [ QS,KD ]Whiskey 16 wins $3,030. First hand of a $5 MTT. I decided I was gonna play really loose to get chips early. So whose play was more donkish?
ISAP so take this for what it's worth but there's a saying that goes around poker. The range of hands you can raise with is much larger than the range of hands you can call with. He called off a lot of chips.
Come on, his call with KQ for the rest of his chips has to be a little worse, right?
Hey! I got it right and I didn't read ahead.Yayyyyyyyy me.
i think there's a difference between random joke accounts like bob hope and al gore and an inside joke here in the thread.Do you see the difference?Good luck.
I agree. Plus Justin is hot.
My roommate is a blessing. She made dinner the last two nights in a row, and it was ready when I got home from work, and she had the Heat/Mavs game on when I got home too.
Why haven't you asked this girl to marry you?
Thank you darling. That's high praise from you.
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Why haven't you asked this girl to marry you?
I tried. Ain't happening. She's getting her own place when our lease is up. :(It's sucks because I'll miss home cooked meals and always having company that I get along with (we never argue, really), but I do look forward to living alone again.
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So someone in our adjoining building received a golf promotional package today. The package contained a canister of bear repellent. The cannister was accidentally openned and building evacuated. It was all over the news. :club:
what's in bear repellent that would neccesitate the buliding to be evacuated?
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