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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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Ok, so our thread is finally too damn slow for our normal antics. Alas, we must bid adieu to the old and bonjour to the new.So it begins the FCP At Work Crew Part Deux.Edit: If you want to check out the original where it all began, click here:Where It All Began

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Ok, so our thread is finally too damn slow for our normal antics. Alas, we must bid adieu to the old and bonjour to the new.So it begins the FCP At Work Crew Part Deux.
Woo Hoo....I feel sorry for the newbies who have to read that whole other thread now :)At least for this one I'll be here from the beginning :club:.
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Ok, so our thread is finally too damn slow for our normal antics. Alas, we must bid adieu to the old and bonjour to the new.So it begins the FCP At Work Crew Part Deux.
Woo Hoo....I feel sorry for the newbies who have to read that whole other thread now :)At least for this one I'll be here from the beginning :club:.
That makes me happy. I'm glad you are on page one.
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so does this mean that i can get out of having to read the entire thread since it'd take me eleventy brazilian years to load each page?if so, i :club: you all even more:D
No, but you will be given some extra time allowance. You have until next Christmas to finish.
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Ok, so our thread is finally too damn slow for our normal antics. Alas, we must bid adieu to the old and bonjour to the new.So it begins the FCP At Work Crew Part Deux.
Woo Hoo....I feel sorry for the newbies who have to read that whole other thread now :)At least for this one I'll be here from the beginning :club:.
I bet you don't really feel sorry for those of us trying to read that whole other thread! (jk)
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so does this mean that i can get out of having to read the entire thread since it'd take me eleventy brazilian years to load each page?if so, i :club: you all even more:D
No, but you will be given some extra time allowance. You have until next Christmas to finish.
fair enough, thank you dear.i'll wait until we get a couple of pages deep in this to get into a topic i'd like some varied opinions on...expect a deep question in the next hour or so :D
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I gotta get in on page one. And, Pup, READ!I should just go ahead and post the new recruit spiel right here on page 1 where it's easily accessible.Attention new recruits. There are privileges to this army. With privileges come responsibility. First, you must read the whole thread. This includes this one and Part 1. I understand that this thread was founded upon slacking so I trust that you will use all your slacking tools to read the thread as quickly as possible. However, you must also be clever. Therefore, there will be a quiz upon your completion of reading. Don't worry the quiz isn't hard. The questions are much more in the vein of "who is Harry Potter's best friend" than they are "on what date and under what star sign was Harry Potter born". Now many of you will balk at this requirement but let me assure you it is to both yours and our mutual benefit. First, you will learn the history of this phenomenon we call the FCPHA. Second, you will be privvy to all the inside jokes that go on around here. Third, you will be "in" on all the cool outside this thread shit that we do. The benefit for us is that we don't have to stop and explain to your dumb ass what we are talking about that first came up on page 72. Feel free as you are doing your reading to come back to the present and post things that you find particularly funny or entertaining. We enjoy this very much. At some time while preparing for the quiz, taking the quiz or after completion of the quiz you will be required to submit a piece of original poetry. It doesn't have to be good. It doesn't have to rhyme. It doesn't have to make sense. We're kind of artistic around here and we like poetry. The importance is in the journey not the destination so don't agonize over this one either. Nikki especially likes dirty haiku so if you could do dirty haiku, that would be appreciated. Before starting the requirements above and before we can go any further with you we will need to know the following things: name age sex occupation location children? marital/relationship status That's my contribution to page 1. Welcome to the future, Soldiers.

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It's Tuesday so here's a little song:Cow Pattie By Jim Stafford From the Bad Lands came The Killer, he lived by the knife and the gun. He'd cut you just for standing, shoot you if you tried to run. He was big as a tree, and he did as he pleased, And eveything he did was bad. They said if you was to kill him, you'd only make him mad. From the good lands came the Cow Girl, Pattie was her name. She was hot on the trail of that Killer on a moped she called "Flame." Cause the killer had killed her daddy just for spittin' in the road. And you only had to killer her daddy once to get that gal Pee O'd. Yipee I a, Yippe I a, Cow Pattie. She roared into town to find the man that killed her daddy, Yippeee I a, (spoken) Cow Pattie. Killer hit town at daybreak, ate the door off the local saloon. He started to drink, you could tell he was thinkin' there'd be a show down soon. Pattie hit town in a cloud of dust, ole Flame was buzzin' like a saw. And the whole town got quiet as a church when the killer stepped out for the draw. Forty shots rang out, forty people fell, Pattie and the Killer missed each other. But they shot that town to hell. Yipee I a, Yippe I a, Cow Pattie. She roared into town to find the man that killed her daddy, Yippeee I a, (spoken) Cow Pattie. Killer took a step toward Pattie, said, "It's time I gunned you down." But he slipped in something that was laying in the street, And was shot before he hit the ground. Yes, the Killer slipped and it cost him his life, And Pattie said as she roared out of town, "You gotta watch your step when you know the chips are down." Yipee I a, Yippe I a, Cow Pattie. She roared into town to find the man that killed her daddy, Yippeee I a, (spoken) Cow Pattie. (spoken) Cow Pattie.

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Just to censored people off, I'm taking up a valuable page 1 spot.I see you babyWang in that ass
Who the fuck are you????
I am a Shimmering Wang.I dabble in haiku and music.Shouldn't address me. Just more space I'm'a get to waste in responseWang
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