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Poll Nnedd


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  1. 1. drink or dump?

    • drink it
    • dump it

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a fly landed in my beer and diedits a brande new beer...sould i drnk itor dumo it?
The HouseflyEggs.The mature female housefly lays many batches of eggs with 100 to 150 eggs in each batch. Decaying organic matter such as manure heaps, faeces, or almost any exposed food material, are selected as breeding grounds.The eggs are white, elongate ovals, about one millimetre long and with two rib-like thickenings down each side. They hatch after eight to twenty-four hours according to the temperature. The bacteriological fermentation that goes on within a manure heap usually keeps the temperature high and fairly independent of external changes so that development proceeds rapidly.DiseaseIt is largely as a result of their indiscriminate feeding habits that houseflies spread disease. They may settle and feed on decaying organic matter which contains many bacteria. If later the flies alight on food for human consumption, harmful bacteria are deposited on it. There are many ways in which the bacteria may be carried. They may adhere to the hairs on the fly's legs or body; they may remain in the pseudotracheae or oesophagus, to be flushed out on to food with the next salivary flow. They may be deposited in vomit spots of semi-digested food which has come from a source of infection, or the bacteria may enter the digestive system and pass through it, unharmed, and fall on food with the faeces of the fly.Each fly being able to carry up to five million germshousefly1cs7.jpg
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i voted dump it. I'm a pu$$y B1tch though.

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I'd hit it....
BOO YAAA!!But yea, drink and be sure to chew the fly. The alcohol in the beer will kill any germs.
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It kills me when I have to empty a solid 3 inches of beer left over in a bottle from the night before, I have a pet peeve for wasting beer, beer should never be wasted. I found a completely untouched open beer after a party once so I refrigerated it and drank it. I would definitely drink the fly beer if after the removal of the fly nothing was still floating in the beer. The amount of beer left is an important factor also, 2/5 or less could be wasted because of the fly (depending on the beer). Eating the fly is out of the question.

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Quote Cosillian beer should never be wasted. Many a beer comercial could be written around that line. My mother has a pic of me around 1.5 years old draining the Pilsner emptys with a friend. Good times.

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Well if it's American beer I dump it anyway, fly or no fly, because American beer sucks. If it's real beer, then suck it up and drink it.
look at my sig..then decide if you want to withdraw the questionlol
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Is a fly in your beer like a worm in your tequila ?Will the alcohol kill the bacteria ?
Its about alcohol content, beer doesn’t have enough so it would probably disintegrate. When looking for alcohols to preserve insects I would go by the rule that if it can catch fire, it can preserve bugs. Somebody should wiki quote me on that.
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