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Ok im 1 for 13 in coin flips tonight. Im going to be done for the night but this got me thinking... Say I was in a tournament where I HAD TO STAY, but was running like I just described what methods do you use to get yourself back together and if you were a large stack and took a cooler and are now average, how do you make yourself just focus and play good solid poker?

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play small buy-in tourneys until someone who plays terribly remarks on how awful you play. shake your head & realize that you've been playing bad hands in a forlorn belief that SOMETHING has to finally go your way. get a good sleep, wake refreshed, and go back to playing reasonably smart poker.

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I'm assuming this is the general consensus... My biggest problem by far is TILT. I can have a big winning session and go on major tilt after someone hits a one outer for a small percentage of my stack. I just go insane. I can't control it. I start calling/raising every hand and just can't control the rage. If I could I would be much more consistent. RAGE!

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I'm assuming this is the general consensus... My biggest problem by far is TILT. I can have a big winning session and go on major tilt after someone hits a one outer for a small percentage of my stack. I just go insane. I can't control it. I start calling/raising every hand and just can't control the rage. If I could I would be much more consistent. RAGE!
You managed to throw your mouse through your wall? Jesus man whats your mouse made out of? or you live in a tent or something?
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How Not to tilt : Don't make a topic saying how not to tilt followed by a topic saying "im quitting poker" 10 minutes later.

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it sort of helps to have your roll across a couple sites. sometimes running bad on site A is offset by nice results on site B. without this, pokerstars may have driven me insane.how goes the roll, doug?

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I crushed a spare pair of glasses in frustration last night (only 15$ at the drugstore).I flop top pair, guy has quads, out.Flop trip A's (flop is AA7), guy has pocket 7's, natch. Out.Bag a gutshot str8 when an 8 falls on the turn (board J987, i have a T), two other guys go all-in, I call, both guys have a T as I though, but one has a Q also. Out.The other two tourneys I was in I kept getting 62o, 84o, stuff like that in my blinds, only PP's were 44, beaten by 77 and something else, obv.Not necessarily bad beats, but you get to feeling like you can't win a race and often get sucked out on with the best hand or that someone always has the perfect pocket cards to beat you.In other words, I know tilt. I AM tilt.I could use some luck, a few cookies and a hug. Volunteers?

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I crushed a spare pair of glasses in frustration last night (only 15$ at the drugstore).I flop top pair, guy has quads, out.Flop trip A's (flop is AA7), guy has pocket 7's, natch. Out.Bag a gutshot str8 when an 8 falls on the turn (board J987, i have a T), two other guys go all-in, I call, both guys have a T as I though, but one has a Q also. Out.The other two tourneys I was in I kept getting 62o, 84o, stuff like that in my blinds, only PP's were 44, beaten by 77 and something else, obv.Not necessarily bad beats, but you get to feeling like you can't win a race and often get sucked out on with the best hand or that someone always has the perfect pocket cards to beat you.In other words, I know tilt. I AM tilt.I could use some luck, a few cookies and a hug. Volunteers?
DUDE...what happened to that apology thread and about getting control of that anger problem!?!Go reverse. Stay calm online and you can freak out live at my place. I like seeing grown men cry...turns me on :club:
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DUDE...what happened to that apology thread and about getting control of that anger problem!?!Go reverse. Stay calm online and you can freak out live at my place. I like seeing grown men cry...turns me on :club:
You sicko...Playing live, I feel more responsible and I'm usually playing with friends and their friends, so I'm more concerned about negative impact. And that thread had more to do with cursing people out online. Anyway, I'm a major work in progress and I have a 6 month dry stretch without a decent tourney cash, so that's what's eating me.
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I've had bad days like that, its just something that people go through. In the lnog run it will work out.P.S. I love how people keep track of their really bad runs but you never see a thread where the person says I've won 10 of 12 coin flips today

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I've had bad days like that, its just something that people go through. In the lnog run it will work out.P.S. I love how people keep track of their really bad runs but you never see a thread where the person says I've won 10 of 12 coin flips today
I've won 5 out of 7 coinflips that I can remember today and have cashed in 6 of my 7 previous SNGs. Are you happy now?
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How not to tilt:Get up, take a small break. Go to the bathroom, wash your face. Start telling yourself that this is a new start. What's happend has happend, and this is a new independant situation. Take a look at your stack/roll and start playing accordingly. E.g. If you had 32k and were chip leader, but now have 20k and are still above ave., just play normal poker. Don't feel under pressure to get back up to 32k, just play as if you had 10k and just doubled up.My 2c

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I crushed a spare pair of glasses in frustration last night (only 15$ at the drugstore).I flop top pair, guy has quads, out.Flop trip A's (flop is AA7), guy has pocket 7's, natch. Out.Bag a gutshot str8 when an 8 falls on the turn (board J987, i have a T), two other guys go all-in, I call, both guys have a T as I though, but one has a Q also. Out.
Ummm.... all of those sound like fairly trivial folds, except maybe the trips hand if you had a huge kicker.
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Ok im 1 for 13 in coin flips tonight. Im going to be done for the night but this got me thinking... Say I was in a tournament where I HAD TO STAY, but was running like I just described what methods do you use to get yourself back together and if you were a large stack and took a cooler and are now average, how do you make yourself just focus and play good solid poker?
Take a pee break.
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How not to tilt:Get up, take a small break. Go to the bathroom, wash your face. Start telling yourself that this is a new start. What's happend has happend, and this is a new independant situation. Take a look at your stack/roll and start playing accordingly. E.g. If you had 32k and were chip leader, but now have 20k and are still above ave., just play normal poker. Don't feel under pressure to get back up to 32k, just play as if you had 10k and just doubled up.My 2c
QFTtake a deep breath too...music also seems to help me.
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How not to go on tilt:A quickie, a beer, a cigerette, and put on a good comedy when you start playing. The quickie to remind you that there are better things in life than money, the beer and smoke to relax and get your mind back in the game, and the comedy to watch so the next time you get a bad beat you can just turn your attention to the movie and laugh a little bit. When the quickie isn't readily available porn is almost as effective.

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I think it's a combination of experience and will power. I used to have problems with tilt, now it's pretty minor. Actually, what I watch for now is when I drift off and instead of playing my A game, I shift into automatic bot mode. Then I take breaks.Putting in the hands to get used to the swings, telling yourself to think about the longterm instead of short, not playing out of your limits, and especially thinking about how much money you would've had in your account if you didn't tilt the other day helps.

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