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if you talk strat at the table, seriously stop. i have seen so much damn strat talk at the table between players it's stupid. seriously do you like making players even a smidgen better?it is really pissing me off./rant

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love when people berate a bad player. I always just ask "would you rather they didn't put all their money in drawing almost dead?"then they explain to the person how they should play it next time.

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It's one of my pet peeves ... it either makes the bad player leave the table(lost money) or it makes the bad player start to play more aggressive and fold 3rd pairs(lost money). It's lose-lose.

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The better they play the longer they'll stay you short minded donkey. No one gets so much better from tips at the table that they can all of a sudden beat you. You guys are jokes that need to let go of the insecurities. :club:
Is the "Insta IP Ban" button not working properly? That's the only explanation for this guy still being around. If tech support could get on that it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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if you talk strat at the table, seriously stop. i have seen so much damn strat talk at the table between players it's stupid. seriously do you like making players even a smidgen better?it is really pissing me off./rant
You're all missing the point... Bad players need to feel right at home at the table. THEY ARE YOU CUSTOMERS! Make them enjoy themselves and be cool with the fact that any given night they can crush you. It'll keep them coming back and it will keep your bankroll growing until you take your shot to tp/mm like woah with the wpt and the wsop and the **** n' balls
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hahait def. is annoying to have people talk strat at the table but this is the conclusion i've come to:Unless they really plan on working on their game, it's pretty insignificant. Whatever concept they're 'taught', they'll either get carried away with it and forget about it completely. If they start raising for free cards, then you exploit that and charge them more money until they get frustrated and consider whatever it is they're thinking to be a useless strategy.>:club:

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when a good player starts with a fish:start saying stupid things. make fun of them. call them whinny crybabies. make unfunny jokes. tell the guy hes wrong and explain it trying to sound like you learned what youre saying from the WPT.take the attention away from the fish and put it on you. its better if everybody things youre dumb anyway. now when two fish go at it I just sit back and laugh.

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I agree... and also, I'd like people to stop pulling up people's stats on Sharkscope etc in the chat box, after a losing player beats them.This will only make them more aware that they are playing badly, and they can even go and get their stats removed.Why let them know, it's not advantageous to you.

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I agree... and also, I'd like people to stop pulling up people's stats on Sharkscope etc in the chat box, after a losing player beats them.This will only make them more aware that they are playing badly, and they can even go and get their stats removed.Why let them know, it's not advantageous to you.
thank god I don't play tournaments this would drive me insane.
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I only berate good players and those f-cking annoying shortstacks that ruin my HU games. In an unrelated rant, can't sites please make the min buy in 100 sb's?erac

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I hate it when people berate bad players or just people who make bad plays. Most of the time the people who are berating them aren't even that good or have very poor sharkscope/thepokerdb stats. I generally don't say anything unless they keep going on and on.I find it very disrespectful when people keep berating other players based on how they play that hand. Some people do play poker to have fun and chat with other people, not to be insulted for hours after a suckout they pulled on someone else who then berates them in the observer chat until they bust.

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Those people don't take advice, they will keep playing the same way over and over. I play at a casino where I am on the table with players I have played against many times. Most that played poorly a year ago still play poorly today, in spite of the fact that they have been berated and advised by many other players. In their minds they think they are good. Afterall, they get lucky and win a few hands from time to time. That's how most of them view poker, as a game of luck and not skill. And the ones giving them advice are usually giving out bad advice. It's the way things have always been. It's a good thing.Oh yeah, there's another type player that let's the above two types of players agitate them. Those people don't take advice either. They are too busy looking for something to be mad about rather than staying on their game.

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thank u to all the great players that have criticized my play it has made me change my ways and play better i now actually win sometimes i try not to chase those flush and straight draws as much ..i have become almost a break even player were i used to lose like $500 a weekso thats a great improvement for me I owe to all the good players that told me i was a sucker chasing draws so much and calling all ins with just 1 pair ..'thanx u saved my poker life dookie i shat on u all

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Why even bring this up? Are that insecure you have to ask people to stop talking trash... what you don't want your feelings to get hurt.Take it like man, hom0sexual or bitiach whichever you are. Stop whining people are going to talk trash thats a indisputable fact. :club:

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if you talk strat at the table, seriously stop. i have seen so much damn strat talk at the table between players it's stupid. seriously do you like making players even a smidgen better?it is really pissing me off./rant
I talk strat at the cash games ALL the time, usually missleading in one way or the other though, like "yea shoving the turn is a good move, I mean, if I dont hit the gutshot theres no way I can call even though I had u beat on the flop...if you shove the flop though I instacall.." Strat talk makes donks feel smart even if you're telling the truth, you're obviously not supposed to go into detail about why u make a specific play, but you can certainly talk strat with no real risk. If you're better than your opponent you'll talk strat to get info about how he thinks and use that to outplay him later, even if he learned a little something from the chat.so...yea, I disagree completely.
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I talk strat at the cash games ALL the time, usually missleading in one way or the other though, like "yea shoving the turn is a good move, I mean, if I dont hit the gutshot theres no way I can call even though I had u beat on the flop...if you shove the flop though I instacall.." Strat talk makes donks feel smart even if you're telling the truth, you're obviously not supposed to go into detail about why u make a specific play, but you can certainly talk strat with no real risk. If you're better than your opponent you'll talk strat to get info about how he thinks and use that to outplay him later, even if he learned a little something from the chat.so...yea, I disagree completely.
obv if i was as good as you i probably wouldnt care either.im not.
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