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Brian Fidler (wsop Lake Tahoe Final Table Live Updates)

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A true competitor!! I totally get bein upset about missin first place regardless of what second paid. All the same though...i'd find it pretty easy to sleep now with that 200k pillow under my head!!Again way to go Fid!!

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A true competitor!! I totally get bein upset about missin first place regardless of what second paid. All the same though...i'd find it pretty easy to sleep now with that 200k pillow under my head!!Again way to go Fid!!
don't i wish i could sleep!and what do you think guys? i think "fidpoker" should replace "poker forum newbie"
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don't i wish i could sleep!and what do you think guys? i think "fidpoker" should replace "poker forum newbie"
Yes you definately need the "FidPoker" below your avatar.Also cant wait to read your next blog Im sure its gonna be packed full of good stuff.Edit - Fidler's Hendon Mob page is already up heres the link...http://pokerdb.thehendonmob.com/player.php?a=r&n=66886
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Well heck....I got a Hendon Mob page... :club:Big Mike's Hendon Mob Page*Looks at totals...$3000 for BMW...$200K plus for Fidpoker* :D:D Seriously tho...mucho Congrats Mr. Fidler. Your performance makes indeed those of us with dreams to make it in this game all the more plausible. Work hard...work with the best(DN)...and it'll happen. Now get that bracelet, boss! :D

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don't i wish i could sleep!and what do you think guys? i think "fidpoker" should replace "poker forum newbie"
I think you should get whatever phrase or nickname you want after that terrific performance!Congratulations!I can't wait to see the broadcast ... and all those other broadcasts when you make future final tables. :club::D:D llou
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let me be the next to extend a congrats in your direction, Fid. Helluva tourney.I completely understand about being bitter over 2nd place, but that just proves your fire burns hotter inside. Nothing short of first is good enough, and that's the "stuff" you have to have.Good job, and enjoy the cash--you damn well earned it.Hey DN....nice work with Fid...the coaches never get the credit sometimes, when they should at least get a pat on the back.

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Let me jump on the Fidpoker bandwagon and offer my congratulations. Among all the advice Daniel is giving you, make sure to ask about tax shelters!!!! :club: Now you have enough to st in the big game for a night and make some BIG money!!!

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Interesting. This one 2nd place finish nearly puts fidpoker into the top 100 for the year. Take down the next one and it'll cinch it.Congrats on the victory. From what we heard it seems like you played really well and that's what counts more than anything. The best news is that you took DNs advice and he learned a number of your weaknesses that he can now correct. I doubt DN could help anyone that much with a few hours of sitting around talking about poker but after watching that person play for many hours I'm sure he'll have tons of stuff to say.

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don't i wish i could sleep!and what do you think guys? i think "fidpoker" should replace "poker forum newbie"
Anything you want man.... however what is the correct spelling for fidpoker?... Is it "fidpoker", "Fidpoker", "FidPoker" or "Fid Poker"?
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Anything you want man.... however what is the correct spelling for fidpoker?... Is it "fidpoker", "Fidpoker", "FidPoker" or "Fid Poker"?
This one is correct due to the fact that Daniel's screen name is KidPoker... and I belive we're going for emulation.
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Congratulations Brian!I hope that DN shares his dissection of the final table play. GL in your next tournament.

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