Balloon guy 158 Posted May 23, 2006 Share Posted May 23, 2006 I'm the exception to the rule, I never made it to high school and am now successful. Got the boot in 9th grade and was not even allowed to attend continuation school. Felony vandalism, drugs etc.But I have had two college graduates work for me, which is nice.Most school is vastly overrated. With exceptions of focused degrees, i.e. doctors, etc. I say etc. because I can't think of any other, maybe engineers.For a good example I will point out that every single lawyer went to school, so how good can it be if this is what it does to people.But without a degree, companies can't have a benchmark to judge unknown people, so a business degree is the benchmark that is used. So if you want to fast track your job life, a degree will help. But it doesn't mean much. Link to post Share on other sites
Norhas99 0 Posted May 23, 2006 Share Posted May 23, 2006 This hero worship thing is starting to take over here. It's like nobody is allowed an opinion that goes against DN.Surely people are allowed an opinion in the free world and mine is that bragging about not finishing high school and "beating the system" sends the wrong message to kids. Am I not allowed this opinion??Everyone is entitled to their opinion and if you disagree with me that's 100% fine with me, just don't tell people they are not allowed an opinion just because it is negative towards someone they clearly respect a LOT! Well I respect DN and like him a lot as well, I just happened to disagree with the way he talked about this one thing. I'm pretty sure DN would have a response to my criticism and I would like to hear it. However, I would be surprised if he told me I shouldn't even voice an opinion the way some people are implying here.Well said. Your opening statement is great. Link to post Share on other sites
llou 0 Posted May 24, 2006 Share Posted May 24, 2006 High school was hell for me, as it is for many people. But I stuck it out and did all the conventional things because that was what everyone (including me) expected of me. I won the awards, got the scholarship, went to a respected university, got a respectable job, and worked my way up the career ladder and through graduate school (twice.)One thing I noticed after I got my PhD was that academic degrees matter less to me now than they used to. I care more about a person's character and abilities than I do the letters behind their name.I respect and envy the people who had/have the balls to go the unconventional route -- and the ability to succeed on their own terms. I celebrate their success and can only dream of being one of them.As I get older and more professionally powerful, the thing I enjoy most is that I can sometimes break out of the conventional mold. The world tolerates it in me a little more now that I am one of the "greybeards." But I still wish I had more freedom and wish I had been able to have it when I was young. If there is one regret I have in life, it's that I followed the conventional, approved path too closely. I'm a little jealous of Daniel and his friends and wish them long happy lives -- living as they have chosen to live.llou Link to post Share on other sites
dereeekho 0 Posted May 24, 2006 Share Posted May 24, 2006 This hero worship thing is starting to take over here. It's like nobody is allowed an opinion that goes against DN.Surely people are allowed an opinion in the free world and mine is that bragging about not finishing high school and "beating the system" sends the wrong message to kids. Am I not allowed this opinion??Everyone is entitled to their opinion and if you disagree with me that's 100% fine with me, just don't tell people they are not allowed an opinion just because it is negative towards someone they clearly respect a LOT! Well I respect DN and like him a lot as well, I just happened to disagree with the way he talked about this one thing. I'm pretty sure DN would have a response to my criticism and I would like to hear it. However, I would be surprised if he told me I shouldn't even voice an opinion the way some people are implying here.You sir are getting two things crossed up. Daniel's words were meant as "yay, we didn't finish high school and we became suffess, and we defeated the 'system'". However, you sir interpreted as "kids shouldn't go to school, just look at me and my friends" and are flaming Daniel for it.We are allowed to criticize Daniel, but you sir have taken his words out of context. Go re-read the blog again. Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted May 24, 2006 Share Posted May 24, 2006 Two important things to add:1) When you play poker with someone and notice that 100 times in a row you called them on the river and they had the nuts, but on hand 101 you called them and they were in fact, bluffing- would you then change your opinion of that player to one that is a bluffer? The reason I bring this up, is that one of the posters said that his opinion of me changed based on a comment a made in my blog. In fact, it was the first time he EVER disagreed with anything I said in my blog. I don't plan on teaching you a lesson and don't want to be condesending when I say this, but you won't find another person on this earth that agrees with everything you say. If you "lose respect" for someone based on one comment, I'm afraid you'd end up having respect for no one.2) I am not proud of these guys because they dropped out of high school. I'm proud of the fact that they didn't quit on life, despite the fact that society looks down upon those that drop out of school and opt for another way. I'm proud of the fact that despite the MAJOR handicap they faced in making it in this world without a diploma, that they perservered. That they are not criminals. That they are not drug addicts. My blog may have not made that clear and I apologize for the confusion. Having said that, I would like to add that I'm not a fan of "The System." I think the student loan firms are much, much, worse than the mafia with absolutely no empathy whatsoever. I also do believe that in SOME cases that "life lessons" can be more valuable for some people then attending school. My message wasn't so much to get kids out of school. More so, the message I was trying to send was to that 24 year old kid who messed up in school and is working a dead end job... that there is hope. Just because you didn't do well in high school, that doesn't define your future successes. In closing, I totally see how my blog entry could easily be taken to mean that I'm condoning dropping out of school, or even possibly encouraging it. For that, I am sorry. Frankly, I didn't want to lengthen the blog with a lengthy explanation of what I meant by it. Link to post Share on other sites
nutzbuster 7 Posted May 24, 2006 Share Posted May 24, 2006 I'm amazed at how much some overreacted to this blog.Most of us "got it". Thanks for another great blog D. Link to post Share on other sites
Ron_Mexico 4,219 Posted May 24, 2006 Share Posted May 24, 2006 I just burnt my tongueedit:DN could write that he donated 1 million dollars to charity and some jerkoff would come on here and write that he only did it for the tax write offs or that he donated to the wrong charity.He can't win, yet he keeps playing.Petty people, keep your petty opinions to yourself.Does Charlie Sheen set a bad example by spending crazy amounts of cash on hookers? Yeah, I didn't think edit: My tongue is ok now. Link to post Share on other sites
getarealjob 0 Posted May 24, 2006 Share Posted May 24, 2006 I think what makes me ill about his recent blog, and most of his blogs in general (and yes, eventhough it makes me physically ill to read, I still read it--I'm a glutton for punishment what can I say), is that he has this know-it-all attitude about life. It's like he's a 70 year old who has everything figured out. He comes off as a really boring, complacent, self-centered guy.He is not well-travelled, and has a very myopic worldview. He has no true "life experience" like he embraces in his blog aside from the experience he got from hustling poker in card rooms or television.Anyway, this is my two cents. Based on his blog, (and I understand I can't truly know a guy from a blog, and I frankly don't ever care to know the guy), I really don't like Negreanu as a person. The protege thing is interesting and commendable. His contributions to poker are respectable, but otherwise he's a really unlikeable character; honestly you watch him on Superstars 3? He has Hellmuthian characteristics, but they are more repitilian and hidden by a really strained false modesty. Link to post Share on other sites
KONGOS 0 Posted May 24, 2006 Share Posted May 24, 2006 I think what makes me ill about his recent blog, and most of his blogs in general (and yes, eventhough it makes me physically ill to read, I still read it--I'm a glutton for punishment what can I say), is that he has this know-it-all attitude about life. It's like he's a 70 year old who has everything figured out. He comes off as a really boring, complacent, self-centered guy.He is not well-travelled, and has a very myopic worldview. He has no true "life experience" like he embraces in his blog aside from the experience he got from hustling poker in card rooms or television.Anyway, this is my two cents. Based on his blog, (and I understand I can't truly know a guy from a blog, and I frankly don't ever care to know the guy), I really don't like Negreanu as a person. The protege thing is interesting and commendable. His contributions to poker are respectable, but otherwise he's a really unlikeable character; honestly you watch him on Superstars 3? He has Hellmuthian characteristics, but they are more repitilian and hidden by a really strained false modesty.Wow...first of all, comparing him to Hellmuth is ridiculous. Second, please explain to me what a "true life experience" is, because that's another ridiculous accusation. I hope you're not serious. Link to post Share on other sites
nutzbuster 7 Posted May 24, 2006 Share Posted May 24, 2006 I think what makes me ill about his recent blog, and most of his blogs in general (and yes, eventhough it makes me physically ill to read, I still read it--I'm a glutton for punishment what can I say), is that he has this know-it-all attitude about life. It's like he's a 70 year old who has everything figured out. He comes off as a really boring, complacent, self-centered guy.He is not well-travelled, and has a very myopic worldview. He has no true "life experience" like he embraces in his blog aside from the experience he got from hustling poker in card rooms or television.Anyway, this is my two cents. Based on his blog, (and I understand I can't truly know a guy from a blog, and I frankly don't ever care to know the guy), I really don't like Negreanu as a person. The protege thing is interesting and commendable. His contributions to poker are respectable, but otherwise he's a really unlikeable character; honestly you watch him on Superstars 3? He has Hellmuthian characteristics, but they are more repitilian and hidden by a really strained false modesty.Soooooo...explain please.Why are you here? Link to post Share on other sites
Skyblue 0 Posted May 24, 2006 Author Share Posted May 24, 2006 In closing, I totally see how my blog entry could easily be taken to mean that I'm condoning dropping out of school, or even possibly encouraging it. For that, I am sorry. Frankly, I didn't want to lengthen the blog with a lengthy explanation of what I meant by it.Hi Daniel, I was the one who started the blog and if you look through my posts I always stated that I respected you and liked you. I also felt you would give a good repsonse and I'm happy to say you did. I'm sorry some people have used the thread I started as a way of making personal attacks against you but I'm sure you've heard it all before and it goes with the territory. I just wanted to say thanks for a good response and admitting you were a little bit at fault (with a good excuse I must say). My opinion of you is the same now as it was before your last blog - you seem like a good guy and keep writing the blog as I enjoy it.So basically everyone who had a go just because I disagreed with Daniel can you see it wasn't such a bad thing and he even admitted fault? No need to be so protective guys! lol Link to post Share on other sites
DMBroller 0 Posted May 24, 2006 Share Posted May 24, 2006 Only thing I can think to say here is that if a child or teenager sees a celebrity as a role model, and then acts on an impulse or incomplete idea because they think "Well, my favorite actor did it soo..."; well I think that points more to bad parenting than to the failure of a role model.Teach your children the difference between reality, semi-reality, made-reality, and full blown fantasy. Keep in mind these comments come from someone who only has a dog. For a reason. Link to post Share on other sites
Wandigo 1 Posted May 24, 2006 Share Posted May 24, 2006 He is not well-travelled, and has a very myopic worldview. He has no true "life experience" like he embraces in his blog aside from the experience he got from hustling poker in card rooms or television.So being in places all over the world and always on-the-go isn't being well-travelled? I'm pretty sure he's been to way more places than any of us could dream of. And please explain why you think he has a myopic worldview, I'd love to hear it. (Yes I know it's your opinion and I respect it, I would just some clarification that's all) Link to post Share on other sites
irishguy 14 Posted May 24, 2006 Share Posted May 24, 2006 Firstly I just wanted to say how well worded and classy I thought Daniel's response was in this thread. This is certainly an issue that is very close to me so I'm likely on a similar wave length here. I did not finish high school. I only had my OAC's(Canada's grade thirteen) to complete in order to get my diploma but, decided to take a different path. I worked three jobs for two years straight while most of my friends finished high school and went off to College. After the two years I really started to feel as though school may have been an easier path so I applied to and was accepted into college as a mature student. I attended a semester of college before stopping due to medical reasons. While attending college I obtained a part time job in a local restaurant and would spend the next seven years working there. I worked for minimum wage and upwards of a hundred hours a week often. At 23 years old while working as a server I bought my first house. Nothing glamorous but a house none the less. While a lot of my educated friends had completed school and were moving back into there parents homes. I strived to be the best I could be at my job and read countless books on hospitality while attending seminars all over North America in order to better my chances for success. Over time I started to develop my own management philosophy and very in depth financial understanding of the restaurant industry. I started to deliver small seminars to local industry folks all the while trying to implement new things into the establishment I was working. Often my ideas would get over looked and brushed aside because I was educated while my boss was a graduate of a hospitality program. I can't tell you how many concepts I tried to push only to be demeaned and have the same concept implemented when it came from an educated source. Being frustrated with the situation I attempted to get back into college. With a mortgage and responsibilities I didn't feel as though I could attend full time. I approached the college about whether or not I could simply pay the full tuition and right the exams. I was very confident with the real world experience and knowledge that I had gained I would have little problem passing them. My proposal was not accepted by the school however they did offer to cut my required courses in half and offered me a teaching position upon completion. Does that not seem ironic to anyone else. I declined the offer from the college and returned to my job. In 2004 I was offered the position of General Manager. The salary proposed to me was less then the current assistant and the reason given was my lack of education. The assistant at this time had a diploma but it wasn't in anything business related. I fought tooth and nail to finally get a starting salary that was the exact same as a person who would now technically be working under me. Within the first year as general manager I still had to report to my educated boss as he had become the hospitality directoor. I did everything possible to keep my boss out of the equation so that I could finally implement a strategy that I had been fighting for, for years. The previous year our net profit was $-5000, the year I took over our net profit was $150,000 with sales the same both years. I know this was long but the point is this everybody has there own path. I may have gotten to this level sooner with an education but then again I may not ever have. I believe that there are things I learned on my path that I never would've in school. I have read collectively 70 books on financial investing and have put me knowledge to the test against accredited advisors and held my own however I can't get a job in a bank but I can make a living in the markets. I find often people misunderstand the difference between educated and knowledgeable. The industry's that I have chosen to be involved in I feel as though I'm at the top of my game however, will always have to fight extra hard to get the respect of my educated peers. That is a reality of the path that I took. I learned lessons and built characher years ago that my educated friends are just starting to learn now. I hope they all get good jobs and have an easier time moving up then me but, I wouldn't be the quality of person that I am if I had taken that path. Nobody will advocate dropping out of school as it does make things harder but sometimes people need things to be harder in order to be pushed to reach there potential. Flame on. Link to post Share on other sites
Norhas99 0 Posted May 24, 2006 Share Posted May 24, 2006 I appreciate your response, Daniel. I believe I was a bit too quick to respond to your blog without fully thinking it out. By just reading your initial statement about high school, I was angered. I respect your work, opinions, and accomplishments, but that little statement just got me thinking. I have not lost respect for you, but will continue to keep up with your blogs and your work with an open mind. Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted May 25, 2006 Share Posted May 25, 2006 I think what makes me ill about his recent blog, and most of his blogs in general (and yes, eventhough it makes me physically ill to read, I still read it--I'm a glutton for punishment what can I say), is that he has this know-it-all attitude about life. It's like he's a 70 year old who has everything figured out. He comes off as a really boring, complacent, self-centered guy.He is not well-travelled, and has a very myopic worldview. He has no true "life experience" like he embraces in his blog aside from the experience he got from hustling poker in card rooms or television.Anyway, this is my two cents. Based on his blog, (and I understand I can't truly know a guy from a blog, and I frankly don't ever care to know the guy), I really don't like Negreanu as a person. The protege thing is interesting and commendable. His contributions to poker are respectable, but otherwise he's a really unlikeable character; honestly you watch him on Superstars 3? He has Hellmuthian characteristics, but they are more repitilian and hidden by a really strained false modesty. Hmmm... you know, I'm beginning to think that you don't like me very much? Or maybe it's just me, I dunno... Oh, and by the way, there is no way that my worldview is opic. No chance buddy, it couldn't possibly be since I have no clue what that means! Link to post Share on other sites
HangukMiguk 8 Posted May 25, 2006 Share Posted May 25, 2006 Hmmm... you know, I'm beginning to think that you don't like me very much? Or maybe it's just me, I dunno... Oh, and by the way, there is no way that my worldview is opic. No chance buddy, it couldn't possibly be since I have no clue what that means! myopia (n.) 1. A visual defect in which distant objects appear blurred because their images are focused in front of the retina rather than on it; nearsightedness. Also called short sight. 2. Lack of discernment or long-range perspective in thinking or planning: “For 3. Lorca, New York is a symbol of spiritual myopia” (Edwin Honig). Link to post Share on other sites
fleung22 1 Posted May 25, 2006 Share Posted May 25, 2006 I understand where the OP is coming from but like many others have's Daniel's blog.Does Daniel say he is zen-like or perfect? No.The blog is a place where he posts his thoughts and activities.I'm actually shocked that Daniel continues to post the blog with all the crap he gets all the time.I don't want to see him prefix every thing he writes with some sort of justification in order to satisfy the world.I think part of the attraction of the blog is that we're seeing life through a pro poker player's eyes.I've already noticed that Daniel IS more careful with what he writes as his popularity grows. Whether it's by design or sub-conscious I don't know.I just hope the blog stays and that Daniel doesn't find a need to censor himself because of what others might say. Link to post Share on other sites
nutzbuster 7 Posted May 25, 2006 Share Posted May 25, 2006 All you people slamming D just crack me up.Let me try to put this in the proper perspective...Daniel is a PROFESSIONAL GAMBLER! Get it? And this is a GAMBLING WEB SITE! Most of us visiting here gamble, love the site, and respect Daniel, his accomplishments and his blog. We understand it. We get it. We love it.But he's a GAMBLER!, Not a saint, not a high school or child role model. This is ADULT ENTERTAINMENT. And most kids have no clue who Daniel is! It's not like he's in the main stream prime time media everyday touting some twisted beat the system drop out agenda. He's simply telling a personal story...ON A GAMBLING WEB SITE!!!You haters are complete morons. You must be a riot to live with. Do you blow everything in your life this out of proportion? What a joke. Get a clue folks...Rock on Daniel. Link to post Share on other sites
delphi12 0 Posted May 25, 2006 Share Posted May 25, 2006 When i read DN's blog and saw that he didnt finish high school, it didnt shock me at all. The only Romanian I know that finished high school is my wife. None of her family - None of the friends of her family that I see at gatherings. None of them. Its a different culture. His mom, like all the Romanian women I know just didn't pressure him into it and let him do what he wanted - why? Because he's a man. Thats the culture.. Men are right.. When my wife was pregnant and we found out we were having a girl - what did all the romanians say, "its okay, you'll have a boy next time."It also doesn't shock me at all that he would put it in his blog. HES NOT VERY SMART. He doesn't think before he writes. Period. He still feels the need to brag about "riding home in a limo" when writing "I got a ride home because its not smart to drink and drive" would have been just as suffice. Why does he do it? Because he doesn't think. Maybe it comes from the fact that he didn't finish high school??? Ahh.. It all comes full circle. Link to post Share on other sites
kennyg1966 0 Posted May 26, 2006 Share Posted May 26, 2006 you guys have to stop taking Daniel's blog so serious. it is just his thought at the moment he is writing. Daniels has done very well for himself.You take the players now that quit school to play poker and do well..UNTILL they go broke, and then wish they had finished school.I have the good job that i have because of school..i have no regrets and never will! Link to post Share on other sites
SunDrop 0 Posted May 26, 2006 Share Posted May 26, 2006 I have only read some of the posts so I apologize if this is a repeat. I do sort of agree with what the OP is saying. Personally, I ****ed up college because I thought I could make it as a poker player, having no idea what that really meant. I don't think I'm alone.Remember that FCPers have a wealth of knowledge...but we are only a small, small fraction of the poker community. I guarantee there are thousands of people 17-22 who will screw up their lives because they think they can do it. There does need to be a greater effort by professionals as a whole to give a more accurate view of what being a professional means. The stories of wild Vegas parties, golfing with big names in Poker, etc. etc. don't help. I think they need the other hard DN and other pros have worked as well as the fact that it really is a grind. I've played 40 hours a week, on a much smaller scale, and I know it can become a grind. But accusing DN for the downfall of these people is just wrong. But perhaps a blog post, or series of posts, about some of the downsides of playing professionally would be a good idea?? Link to post Share on other sites
llou 0 Posted May 26, 2006 Share Posted May 26, 2006 But accusing DN for the downfall of these people is just wrong. But perhaps a blog post, or series of posts, about some of the downsides of playing professionally would be a good idea??Hmmm.... worth thinking about ... and I was sure this thread would have deteriorated to drivel by now.If you consider writing to be an art -- and not just a tool -- that changes the artist-writer's relationship to the writing and to the reader. If you consider the blog to be a tool for Daniel to use to "teach" or "recruit," etc. then his obligations to the reader are different than if you consider the blog to be the artistic impression of his thoughts about his life.Perhaps what I like best about Daniel's blog is that it is the written expression of an interesting life/lifestyle. I like it best when he doesn't avoid or disguise the the essence of that life/lifestyle -- whether it be the frustrations of losing or the glitz of the winning gambler's Vegas lifestyle. Both represent the life..... or is asking the readership to consider Daniel as a serious diarist and recorder of culture asking a little too much?llou Link to post Share on other sites
The Nuts 0 Posted May 26, 2006 Share Posted May 26, 2006 Heh, this hasn't blown out of proportion or anything.People can be successful without graduating high school, but it's rare. I don't believe Daniel would be irresponsible enough to condone that. I prefer giving Daniel the benefit of the doubt if it did sound that way. He is just stating a fact which has been taken the wrong way by a lot of posters here. Link to post Share on other sites
NarSARSsist 0 Posted May 31, 2006 Share Posted May 31, 2006 This hero worship thing is starting to take over here. It's like nobody is allowed an opinion that goes against DN.Surely people are allowed an opinion in the free world and mine is that bragging about not finishing high school and "beating the system" sends the wrong message to kids. Am I not allowed this opinion??Everyone is entitled to their opinion and if you disagree with me that's 100% fine with me, just don't tell people they are not allowed an opinion just because it is negative towards someone they clearly respect a LOT! Well I respect DN and like him a lot as well, I just happened to disagree with the way he talked about this one thing. I'm pretty sure DN would have a response to my criticism and I would like to hear it. However, I would be surprised if he told me I shouldn't even voice an opinion the way some people are implying here.This anti-"hero worship" thing is starting to take over too. It's like nobody is allowed an opinion that goes against someone speaking against DN, or the "Geez, nobody can go against DN" card gets dropped.Surely people are allowed an opinion in the free world and some people do feel that you came off a bit strong [but good that you seemed to have mellowed out ]. With the exception of the one "Hi, the jerk store called" it was quite [surprisingly, lol] civil. Are they not allowed this opinion?Everyone is entitled to their opinion and if you disagree with them that's 100% fine with them [and with you], but don't just go and toss out the hero card just because they felt that they wanted to express their opinions on your post just as you wanted to express your opinions on the blog. None [except one, good going ] showed any real ill-will to you. It's just their opinion on your comment, much as if I said "I don't like the current administration," someone will probably say, "But they have done ___, ____, and ____." It's not like the whole forum was against you, some of us were on your side. It just happened that some others didn't agree with you.I notice you wrote that he would have a comment for you *criticism*. What makes it so wrong then for others to criticize your comments? Nobody [again, darn it, why did there have to be an exception? ] is implying that you shouldn't have your own opinion. However, don't you think you're also implying that they are not allowed to express their opinions about your post?When DN posts his blog publicly, it is under scrutiny. However, just the same, when you make a post, it is also under scrutiny. Don't you think you're being a little too defensive? Link to post Share on other sites
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