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I Called In Sick Today

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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I love small towns; especially if they are relatively close to a nice city.


I grew up in a town of 500. My school was K-12 in one building. It was great. I started on the football, baseball, and basketball teams, which wouldn't have been a possibility at a bigger school. I wouldn't have even made the baseball team, if I went to a bigger school. I also was in musicals, drama, choir, and band, which wouldn't have been possible at a bigger school either.


Des Moines (which many of you would consider a small town, but that's because you haven't been there lately): Was only about 15 minutes from our driveway, so we had quick access to Malls, Lowes, bars, whatever.


I'm with Speedz on this one. (Also, if Speedz is back for real, I might cry with happiness)

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Yeah, Des Moines is kinda cool at times.


I, too, grew up in a small town (<2000; high school of about 350 due to combining lots of nearby little towns) and I only wrestled on high school and was always varsity, but that was because I was really good. I would have been varsity at almost any school.


I tell myself that I'd like to get a small farm outside of a decent sized city or town someday where I could have some animals but man, it sure is convenient living in the city and I fear I've grown too accustomed to it.

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I don't know how much beef exactly. I just know my dad called me and said he's getting a cow butchered and he wants to give us kids a bunch of the meat. And since there's three of us kids that' dont' live at home I figure I'll get between 1/8-1/4 of it. I'm pretty excited. I Just wish I had a better grill. They don't allow charcoal and I'm too cheap to buy a decent propane one even though guapo pointed out a ton of them on craigslist for me one night. HAVE NO PROBLEM SPENDING $300 CLOTHES SHOPPING THOUGH.



if your dad knows the butcher fairly well, see if he can hook you up with a cut called a rib cap.


This is the site I've gotten it from before:





This is stupid good when I've had it.

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my town is like 70k. pretty terrible though. nothing to do.


Heh. The subburb I live in is around 170k. Surrounded by other subburbs of 170k. 40 minutes (with no traffic, lol) from 4.3 million people. You win.

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aaaand I'm back to fully ignoring her again. no real news, other than we haven't talked since Friday, and I am in a terrible, terrible mood. brv was probably right about me being bipolar.


have no access to anything at work and can't do my job without horribly inconveniencing others. it's great.

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Was curious about my cities pop. 20,437. Only 2 registers sex offenders in my city. Last city I lived in had like 8 in the square mile around my house.


The children must be hideous there then, because 2/20,437 sounds improbable. Or maybe the perves are just extremely good at getting away with it.

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The children must be hideous there then, because 2/20,437 sounds improbable. Or maybe the perves are just extremely good at getting away with it.


I could be wrong but I think there are a bunch of reasons


One of the nicer citiesinthe area. High median income, high avg home cost. But that assumes sex offenders are poor. But the poorer areas around have much higher sex offender populations.


Lots of top tier private schools. Isn't that stuff more tolerated in private school? I don't really now.

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I could be wrong but I think there are a bunch of reasons


One of the nicer citiesinthe area. High median income, high avg home cost. But that assumes sex offenders are poor. But the poorer areas around have much higher sex offender populations.


Lots of top tier private schools. Isn't that stuff more tolerated in private school? I don't really now.


Catholics seem to report molestation to the church instead of the police for some reason. There is probably some kind of advanced metric that could be used to estimate molestation frequency based on priest turnover or something, but then we get into that hackneyed territory of Catholics jokes, even thought I'm half-serious.

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I had more reasons but a 3 yr old started climbing on me and I forgot.




I did remember what made me think of goat a couple weeks back.


Local radio had a 3 hr fight about putting ketchup on hotdogs.

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Local radio had a 3 hr fight about putting ketchup on hotdogs.


I absolutely adore local radio. My absolute favorite format is FM morning drive time talk radio, on a top-40 station. No matter what city you are in, you can count on two terrible white guys and one terrible white girl to make a big deal about things they saw on Facebook. I was just treated to an hour on whether kids should get trophies even when they don't win. I.e. the world's least interesting soapbox. I find it disturbingly compelling, though. It's like one of those old vibrating football games where the pieces just sort of slide around a little and everyone loses interest long before anything happens, but somehow fat people keep calling in to add their thoughts.

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The F'uck was everybody today?

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