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I Called In Sick Today

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Berkshire published its annual letter this morning. I recommend reading the non-insurance related stuff. Phenomenal writing.


Doing tons of Excel programming lately to shore up my project. Was a pretty satisfying Friday on that front, as my process flagged an enormous, unintentional liquidation from an employee of the other firm (and we were able to bust it). My firm is making $1.3k/day on this thing, so confidence-inspiring incidents like these are extremely big for us.

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Berkshire published its annual letter this morning. I recommend reading the non-insurance related stuff. Phenomenal writing.


I haven't read this years letter (thanks for the reminder, off to get it now) but even the insurance stuff can be interesting as hell.

My mother has a place in coastal Maine, because of the shit I learned from Berkshire letters, I was able to make a hasty audit of her flood insurer, realize that they were under-capitalized as ****, their resurance was bush league and got her onto a plan that stood a chance of paying out if they ever got walloped. This was right after Sandy when there was major chaos in that particular insurance niche.

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Two of the chicks at Napa's weekend looked super cute. Third wasn't bad.


I DID NOT like Napa's shirt AT ALL.



Mostly I just posted that to irritate him. Mostly.

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I'm just gonna say it. I liked Napa's AMERICAN flannel shirt.


However, I'm not a fan of the horse/unicorn head. That joke seems really played out to me.

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I'm just gonna say it. I liked Napa's AMERICAN flannel shirt.


However, I'm not a fan of the horse/unicorn head. That joke seems really played out to me.


I dunno if I agree, Brvy. If you mean the old "godfather horse head in bed" joke, well that shit's just plain funny. But if you mean the "horse head mask at a social" joke, well that shit's Hilarious.

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if you mean the "horse head mask at a social" joke, well that shit's Hilarious.


It appears I'm in the minority.

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I wish JJJ was still alive so that we could talk about Steph.


He engages on Twitter. Please, he had a Haralabob reply and retweet the other day



And yes, brvy described the shirt perfectly

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At least Leo finally won. The rest of the show was a Hindenburg.

I think hydrogen dirigibles got a bad rap. They were safely flying for decades and didn't have that many accidents/deaths. Planes and cars are death traps by comparison.

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colby, you just don't understand a good reference. napa felt me, he knows my references are off the chain.


had to go to the DMV today to register the NEW WHIP. if i could have blown us all up it might have been worth it. probably could have taken out 30 trump voters and 20 hilary voters easy.


but then i went to get a haircut at SPORTSCLIPS, and the head massage with shampoo and conditioner was nice. i haven't been touched like that IN YEARS.

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The worst thing about the oscars, besides a bunch of egotistical nimrods jerking each other off for 4 hours, is these same nimrods thinking anybody gives a fvck about their social or political views just because they made a damn movie.


Leo preaching about climate change, while owning multiple mansions and a big ole yacht is but one example.

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Do we know that he owns multiple mansions and a yacht? If he does, Do we also know they they don't have solar panels and water capturing devices or that they might be self sustaining?


Is there anything really wrong with pushing an agenda that would be good in the long run, regardless if you believe climate change or not? He has the platforms, he has no anonymity, might as well take advantage


Just asking

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