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I Called In Sick Today

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but seriously, this is the home turf of jerry fallwell and liberty university. we don't take too kindly to funny people around here. leave them slim fit western shirts at the county line bub.
I've been there. Even eaten at the Liberty cafeteria. There's a train tunnel out there that leads to a really awesome bridge over a river. Very Stand By Me-ish.
and loogie: twitter&facebook + blow = :club:
Some blow would have been awesome. I'd have triple the followers by now!
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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Yeah, Deb is the financial wiz, not that I can't do it, but she probably physically couldn't let go of the doing the books without getting ill. Kinda works for me. My pay varies so I just stick whatever in there but neither of us really blow money. I've been battling for a week over buying a coat on sale for $99 that I really want, (not a need) but just can't pull the trigger. On the other hand I'll stop at Krogers and blow that in minute. Now that I'm writing this I think I really need to reevaluate some things.Oh, and we decided to go to New York on vacation this year and will need some help planning. Not that we'll actually do it, but you never know.

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Steve covered this well. I'd bet everything I have (which is currently in the negative six figures, so that ain't sayin' much) that if you got a puppy or kitten and it had a completely fixable issue at 3 years old that would cost $2k to take care of, you'd do it in a heartbeat, even if it meant putting yourself into some debt in the short term.
Our Morkie, Bax is just over 2 years old now and I'd easily spend a few thousand to fix an ailment.
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Yeah, Deb is the financial wiz, not that I can't do it, but she probably physically couldn't let go of the doing the books without getting ill. Kinda works for me. My pay varies so I just stick whatever in there but neither of us really blow money. I've been battling for a week over buying a coat on sale for $99 that I really want, (not a need) but just can't pull the trigger. On the other hand I'll stop at Krogers and blow that in minute. Now that I'm writing this I think I really need to reevaluate some things.Oh, and we decided to go to New York on vacation this year and will need some help planning. Not that we'll actually do it, but you never know.
I'm the same way about spending money. Dropping $100 for something I want causes internal strife but I'll stop at the grocery store on the wayhome and spend that same $100 without blinking. Same with buying something for the wife or daughters.Of course, at the end of November I went out on a Saturday and spent $6k on a Honda Rancher ATV which was more or less an impulse buy.Very seldom does it happen (thankfully) but once in a while a good splurge on yourself is necessary. Buy the Jacket Bones.
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I want to know what would possess someone to capitalize the "j" in "jacket". What was the thought process there?

oh snap, apparently we're going to a casino before we go to the tittie bar and they have poker there. this would be my first time ever playing poker in a casino (not to mention the first time even playing at all in like 2 years). any tips? hell, I don't even know how to buy in or sit down. shit. maybe I'll just stick to slot machines. and titties. later.
I'm looking forward to this story.
she is constantly checking the accounts to make sure everything was paid, nothing was overdrawn, none of her clients bounced her check, etc.
I guess that's nice to have around so you never have to worry about it.
Awful thought of the day:Once my parents die, my comedy career can finally take off.
Our Morkie, Bax is just over 2 years old now and I'd easily spend a few thousand to fix an ailment.
Oh, designer breeds. Slap a cute name on a mutt and you can charge an extra $500!Morkies are kind of cute for a kick-me dog though.
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cavachon_valter.jpgMy co-worker spent months researching dogs and going to see them. After everythign they bought a Cavashon for $500. It's a mix between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Bichon Frise. It lives long, doesn't shed, is hypo-allergenic.It's been a fucking terror and making their lives hell hahah
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Oh, designer breeds. Slap a cute name on a mutt and you can charge an extra $500!Morkies are kind of cute for a kick-me dog though.
Heh. He's bigger than average, 13 lbs now. Been at that weight for about a year. Love that damn dog.BlWl1R_GGjQPOVuhc1r1.jpghXX4vDIaynd7_rCtyrw3.jpg
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I want to make it clear... I love animals. I don't hunt, even though I'm from Iowa, and I've owned cats and fish my whole life. When my cat Butterscotch died, I cried. I'm not a hater of God's creation, but I'm an economist at heart. The opportunity cost of spending 5k on an animal that will be dead in 2 years is ****ing ridiculous. I don't even want my wife spend that money on ME if it would only extend my life a few months._________________I can't believe that that hippo saved that deer. (that was 3 that's) That was crazy awesome. (6!)

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I want to make it clear... I love animals. I don't hunt, even though I'm from Iowa, and I've owned cats and fish my whole life. When my cat Butterscotch died, I cried. I'm not a hater of God's creation, but I'm an economist at heart. The opportunity cost of spending 5k on an animal that will be dead in 2 years is ****ing ridiculous. I don't even want my wife spend that money on ME if it would only extend my life a few months.
In my opinion, most "animal lovers" are huge hypocrites. An animal lover should either admit that they simply love cute fuzzy adorable animals, or that person had better be a goddam vegetarian, maybe even a vegan. The idea that a cat or dog is more deserving of life than a cow is completely preposterous to me. Don't get me wrong - I totally love animals, particularly my cat, and I totally eat meat. I'm definitely a hypocrite, but at least I acknowledge it. But I feel like anybody who makes a campaign out of saving or helping animals had better not wear leather or eat meat (this puts you on thin ice speedz, but you can also claim an economic motive for being a vet, so you're not completely guilty).
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In my opinion, most "animal lovers" are huge hypocrites. An animal lover should either admit that they simply love cute fuzzy adorable animals, or that person had better be a goddam vegetarian, maybe even a vegan. The idea that a cat or dog is more deserving of life than a cow is completely preposterous to me. Don't get me wrong - I totally love animals, particularly my cat, and I totally eat meat. I'm definitely a hypocrite, but at least I acknowledge it. But I feel like anybody who makes a campaign out of saving or helping animals had better not wear leather or eat meat (this puts you on thin ice speedz, but you can also claim an economic motive for being a vet, so you're not completely guilty).
Oh yeah? How do you explain "hunting dogs"? Huh? Their owners love them for going out and helping them kill other animals! FACE!
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Oh yeah? How do you explain "hunting dogs"? Huh? Their owners love them for going out and helping them kill other animals! FACE!
Their owners surely classify themselves as dog lovers, not animal lovers, to rationally respond to your sarcastic post for some reason. I feel like you can't love something that you then actively try to kill for sport without being a hypocrite.
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I don't even want my wife spend that money on ME if it would only extend my life a few months.
In my opinion, most "animal lovers" are huge hypocrites. An animal lover should either admit that they simply love cute fuzzy adorable animals, or that person had better be a goddam vegetarian, maybe even a vegan. The idea that a cat or dog is more deserving of life than a cow is completely preposterous to me. Don't get me wrong - I totally love animals, particularly my cat, and I totally eat meat. I'm definitely a hypocrite, but at least I acknowledge it. But I feel like anybody who makes a campaign out of saving or helping animals had better not wear leather or eat meat (this puts you on thin ice speedz, but you can also claim an economic motive for being a vet, so you're not completely guilty).
That cow I ate last night only lived a few years because it was going to be killed for its meat. Would I be more of an animal lover if I preferred that the cow never be born in the first place? Ask a vegan if she's comfortable with the fact that if everyone went vegan, many of the animals they're trying to save would become endangered. Cows, pigs, sheep, goats, etc...they're brought into the world by humans for specific purposes. I of course believe that farm animals should be treated as well as possible while they're alive, which is why whenever I can I'm careful about what I eat in terms of where it comes from. I'm not sure eating meat is as hypocritical as you think it is. That said, I think it's possible that at some point in the distant future people will look back on meat eating as barbaric.Haha...an economic motive. Sigh.
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Their owners surely classify themselves as dog lovers, not animal lovers, to rationally respond to your sarcastic post for some reason. I feel like you can't love something that you then actively try to kill for sport without being a hypocrite.
Do you mean you "for some reason" you responded rationally or "for some reason" I was sarcastic? Or for some reason you missed out on the fact that I am pretty good at not being funny?Oh well, I don't think you have to be Jainist to be an animal lover.
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Incorrect. Of course, my hypothetical includes the important fact that we know I will be dead in a few months. If there is a chance of long-term survival by spending 5k, then that might change things a little.
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Five thousand dollars for a few months of life? LIE!
I put in an edit. But I'm not lying.(My personal feelings in this matter probably have something to do with not only being comfortable with dying, but looking forward to it.)
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But I'm not lying.(My personal feelings in this matter probably have something to do with not only being comfortable with dying, but looking forward to it.)
Yes, you are. You're lying...or you just aren't really think about this. There's no way you're selfish enough to request that your family save $5000 instead of getting to spend an extra few months with you.
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Speaking of animal cruelty, I have been reading the bible again for fun. In the first couple chapters of Genesis and Exodus they sacrifice animals like it's nobody's business. It's not just occasions it happens, it's random and neverending. Marraige, birth, lunch, war, dinner, party, breakfast, stoning whatever.

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In my opinion, most "animal lovers" are huge hypocrites. An animal lover should either admit that they simply love cute fuzzy adorable animals, or that person had better be a goddam vegetarian, maybe even a vegan. The idea that a cat or dog is more deserving of life than a cow is completely preposterous to me. Don't get me wrong - I totally love animals, particularly my cat, and I totally eat meat. I'm definitely a hypocrite, but at least I acknowledge it. But I feel like anybody who makes a campaign out of saving or helping animals had better not wear leather or eat meat (this puts you on thin ice speedz, but you can also claim an economic motive for being a vet, so you're not completely guilty).
Spend some time around cows and you won't feel that way. They aren't dogs. We scale our treatment of living things based on how similar their consciousness appears to ours, from monkeys to dogs to ants to corn. There's no reason we have to treat those things all the same way, and if you really want to get into it the difference between plant and animal is not as discrete as it appears. Domesticated animals have been bred specifically to respond to our social cues and behave in a way that is pleasing to us*. It makes perfect sense that we treat them differently from the animals we raise for meat. There's no hypocrisy there. *except for cats, which for some reason were bred to annoy us in a way that is attractive to old lonely women who hoard things
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