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I Called In Sick Today

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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The pupillary light response completely bypasses the lateral geniculate nucleus, instead running through the...oh shit...uh...oh yeah, the pretectile nucleus, Edinger-Wesphal nucleus, and ciliary ganglion, before hitting the eye via parasympathetics. The majority of fibers cross over at the optic chiasm as well as the central...something.
quick: there is one other target of fibers from the optic nerve besides LGN and the the tectum nuclei... what is it??
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You're wrong. It'll be quite excellent* (the movie, that is). And Facebook is more than just a fad.
no, I'm not wrong re: fad. facebook WILL go away at some point, just like myspace and a bunch of others.
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I sent my dad a copy of my CV to ask for some feedback. His input was to "be more positive", and the only changes he made were adding in little blurbs about what the companies I used to work for did... which seems totally irrelevant to me. Pretty much thinking he stopped reading after the first two jobs listed.

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I...don't know.Ah, the sleep-wake cycle. We haven't gone into that.
Yup, the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus, right above the chiasm. Fun fact about LGN: most of the fibers terminating in LGN are actually feedback projections coming down from visual cortex.
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I sent my dad a copy of my CV to ask for some feedback. His input was to "be more positive", and the only changes he made were adding in little blurbs about what the companies I used to work for did... which seems totally irrelevant to me. Pretty much thinking he stopped reading after the first two jobs listed.
How many jobs did you list?
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Yup, the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus, right above the chiasm. Fun fact about LGN: most of the fibers terminating in LGN are actually feedback projections coming down from visual cortex.
How much for you to take the exam for me? I'm sure you could reason out the animal-specific deficit testing stuff. For example, if you "knuckle" a dog's front leg by placing the dorsal part of the paw on the ground and he doesn't notice, where might you find a lesion and what tract is being affected?
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I know it's not that you don't remember if it was three or four, so I'm curious about why you don't really count one of them.
I can't remember if I sent the version that included my job as a till girl in a supermarket or not. For most jobs I apply to I am leaving it off because it doesn't look great. For cafe/shop work I'll include it.
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How much for you to take the exam for me? I'm sure you could reason out the animal-specific deficit testing stuff. For example, if you "knuckle" a dog's front leg by placing the dorsal part of the paw on the ground and he doesn't notice, where might you find a lesion and what tract is being affected?
Hmm. Is that supposed to hurt? If so, I'd say thats a spinothalamic tract issue (and the lesion is likely to be contralateral to the leg if it's in the cord). If that's supposed to throw him off balance or something then it would be dorsal columns (ascending ipsilaterally).
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Hmm. Is that supposed to hurt? If so, I'd say thats a spinothalamic tract issue (and the lesion is likely to be contralateral to the leg if it's in the cord). If that's supposed to throw him off balance or something then it would be dorsal columns (ascending ipsilaterally).
You're right and wrong. Actually, wrong and right (not that you need me to tell you you're right). It's actually not supposed to do either of those things, it's just a test of conscious proprioception*. So I guess maybe I shouldn't have said "tract", we're heading up the fasciculus cuneatus, crossing over as deep arcuate fibers, running along the medial lemniscus, synapsing at the ventral caudal lateral (maybe) nucleus of the thalamus, going along the internal capsule, and hitting the somatosensory cortex. Although, wait, I guess that is mostly the spinothalamic tract?*For everyone other than vb, that's the awareness of where your body parts are in relation to each other.
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Although, wait, I guess that is mostly the spinothalamic tract?
No, the pathway you are describing is what we call the dorsal columns system, because it goes up the dorsal part of the spinal cord to the medial lemniscus. In humans it carries fine touch and proprioception. The spinothalamic pathway is separate and carries pain/temperature and soft touch. Testers often try to get you on the distinction between these two pathways because the dorsal columns cross at the level of the medulla, while the spinothalamic neurons cross right away at their entry point to the spinal cord and ascend contralaterally all the way to cortex. Hey you can see my thalamus in this picbrain.jpgi feel so exposed!(btw remind me to tell you about the cool experiment we did with somatosensory cortex recently)
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the few seconds of preview I've seen for this new facebook movie make me want to strangle someone. no one gives a shit. stop thinking it's anything more than a passing fad.
you do realize, of course, that david fincher is, well...david fincher, right?
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Jesus, if this guy owned a funeral parlor nobody would die!
Lol'z. Didn't get a chance to see it. It is on the front burner.
It's overrated anyway. I've been on medical leave for the past 2 weeks and I'm kind of enjoying it. Well, other than the being ill part.This place is like a ghost town, even the general poker forum is dead. Where'd everyone run off to? FCP lost its luster apparently.
Brett Favre still sucks.
I sent my dad a copy of my CV to ask for some feedback. His input was to "be more positive", and the only changes he made were adding in little blurbs about what the companies I used to work for did... which seems totally irrelevant to me. Pretty much thinking he stopped reading after the first two jobs listed.
fluff...I concur with you.
Thanks Beans!236.jpg
Looks like a nice shower for El Sexo.13 User(s) are reading this topic (11 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)2 Members: leftygolfer, speedz99Shouldn't you be studying?
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Shouldn't you be studying?
Exam over, we'll see how it went in a few days.
I had a great idea for a Dexter spin-off show today. It's about a rapist who only rapes other rapists. We'll throw speedz' joke in there at the end of every episode as a punchline.
I wish I could take credit for that joke.
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