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High Stakes On Gsn

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Been watching GSN's High Stakes Poker? It would be a lot more interesting and entertaining, to me at least, if there was no commentating. I would much rather be able to listen, unimpeded, to the players' table-talk. What do you think? We should petition GSN, as the viewing public!

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That would be good for us, but not a normal audience. They do a lot of explaining about things that some people need so they know what's going on.I would like it though if we could hear them better when they are doing the normal banter. I can't count how many times I've re-wound it on my TiVo so I could try and hear what they are trying to say. In my mind: "Shut up Gabe, I wanna hear what Brunson just said to Sheik!"

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Been watching GSN's High Stakes Poker? It would be a lot more interesting and entertaining, to me at least, if there was no commentating. I would much rather be able to listen, unimpeded, to the players' table-talk. What do you think? We should petition GSN, as the viewing public!
I think it's one of those things that hardcore poker players would want, but the general viewing public wouldn't. I dont think they'll ever make uncommentated (is that a word?) poker on tv, as there are a lot of people that wouldnt be able to follow.And how are you supposed to follow the action when you run to the washroom? Pumping up the volume wont tell you hole cards.
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I think they do a lousy job of giving the chip counts, too. It would be more fun to know who was up and who was down without using a pencil. They kinda gloss over it at the end, not enough.I'm sick of crap like on the WPT, every time Sexton uses a poker expression they pop up a definition. If you don't know what a straight, or, big blind is, you prolly aren't watching poker on tv anyway.

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lol, washroomcall it the crapper, at LEAST bathroom.
oh, this is a can/am kinda thing.i always find it weird when people in a restaurant ask where the bathroom is when there is zero expectation of finding a bathtub in there. now i know.
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What we need is a Poker Cable channelAll Poker All the TimeThen we could have poker tv the right way.They got a golf channel, now time for poker channelPlus we could get alot more tournaments on and see more of the good ones, like final two tablesAND we wouldn't be stuck with 19,000 episodes of Poker Superstar II being rerun every othe weekand we need a good $2 cigar

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I think Gabe is great, AJ, well not so much.Doyle is getting everyone to live straddle, and my bother thought everyone put in $1200 preflop. They had explained it but not very well, he hasn't got a clue mind you. If they didn't have commentary he wouldn't be able to follow the show.

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"I can't count how many times I've re-wound it on my TiVo so I could try and hear what they are trying to say. In my mind: "Shut up Gabe, I wanna hear what Brunson just said to Sheik!" Yes! Thank you! I thought I was the only one. The commentary is fine, just crank up the volume of the ambient sound so we can hear the table talk clearly. It's half of the fun.I also agree on the chip counts. I have spent almost entire shows wondering what the chip count was. Very frustrating.Oh, and I could be mistaken, but I could have sworn I heard something about a poker channel in the works.

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I like Gabe Kaplan, but AJ Benza says some pretty idiotic things. Most of all I despise when this situation occurs:Farha bets 30,000 into a 20,000 pot. No one calls and Mr. Benza says that Sammy took down a 50k pot. That is so misleading and just drives me crazy. Sorry, just venting. :club:

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Been watching GSN's High Stakes Poker? It would be a lot more interesting and entertaining, to me at least, if there was no commentating. I would much rather be able to listen, unimpeded, to the players' table-talk. What do you think? We should petition GSN, as the viewing public!
I agree, that the table talk is very interesting, and I would like to hear it better, but Kaplans commentary is insightful too, the way GSN is doing it is alright in my opinion.
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