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what is the biggest leak in your game right now?

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My leak is that...wait a minute...i'm a winning player right now i'm not leaking lol...Nah i'm sure i'm censoring something up somewere and don't realize it. Probably not waiting the same amount of time when i make bets or not shifting my betting range enough of something.But as of late my game has been on and i've been very tight/aggressive even at the lower limits which is a feat in my book lol

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I play way too aggressively with 4 ppl left in STT's hoping to take advantage of those trying to sneak into the money. I think this helps my 20% win rate, but may actually be losing me money, because I also finish 4th 15-20% of the time. Perhaps if I upped the number of times that I finished 2nd and 3rd (with a slight decrease in my 1st place finishes) I would increase my ROI.

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My biggest leak is when I raise UTG and I don't have a very good hand so people call me and when I try to bluff by betting big at the pot they call me down all the way to the river. Please don't call me down if you're playing me, I'm sure to have nothing and you'll bust me.And I have a bridge to sell you...

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My biggest leak is when I raise UTG and I don't have a very good hand so people call me and when I try to bluff by betting big at the pot they call me down all the way to the river. Please don't call me down if you're playing me, I'm sure to have nothing and you'll bust me.And I have a bridge to sell you...
I hate when I bluff at the flop, and they call, then I bluff the turn and they call, then i bluff the river and they move all in. They are suppose to raise after the flop and not let me keep betting. It would save me a ton. :club:
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My biggest leak is when I raise UTG and I don't have a very good hand so people call me and when I try to bluff by betting big at the pot they call me down all the way to the river. Please don't call me down if you're playing me, I'm sure to have nothing and you'll bust me.And I have a bridge to sell you...
I hate when I bluff at the flop, and they call, then I bluff the turn and they call, then i bluff the river and they move all in. They are suppose to raise after the flop and not let me keep betting. It would save me a ton. :club:
Bwahaha. Slowplaying bastards.
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Getting bored when I am getting cold decked and watching all the fish get the money...
The term "cold deck" is not when you aren't getting any cards (that's called "card dead"), but when someone makes a ridiculously unlikely better hand when you have the near nuts. For example, you hold AA, the flop comes AQQ, and your opponent turns over QQ.
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Probably my biggest leak is when I have a large chipstack, generally dominant at the table, and I then get overconfident about being able to push around the smaller stacks. I'll lose 3K here, 5K there, next thing you know, I'm human again and struggling to finish in the money. I usually do better when I have to fight like a dog to get chips and survive each passing round of blinds.

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Getting bored when I am getting cold decked and watching all the fish get the money...
The term "cold deck" is not when you aren't getting any cards (that's called "card dead"), but when someone makes a ridiculously unlikely better hand when you have the near nuts. For example, you hold AA, the flop comes AQQ, and your opponent turns over QQ.
Interesting, I thought cold decked meant what dbrent though too. I wonder if enough people think something means a particular definition, than it really does, even if it wasn't originally meant to.Like today, "dork" means closer to "nerd" or "dweeb" instead of the original "penis".Or, "cool" means "50 cent" and not "MC Hammer".
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- not value betting on the river when I have position and a winning hand- letting the amount I'm up (or down) drastically affect my hand selection- playing out of my bankroll
^^^^ What he said
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Lately my issue has been after seeing a flop wher eno one has shown any strength, no raises pre-flop checks around to me.I then bet trying to steal the pot even though the flop has missed me COMPLETELY. More often than not I get one or two callers. This has cost me some money lately.Tilt has been an issue. I have taken some pretty sick beats lately. AA vs AK, AA vs KK, KK vs JJ, KK vs A9 - with money all-in preflop on ALL of them. has cost me about $140 of my bankroll. God damn donks keep sucking out....
Assuming your opponents had the worse of the hands you mention, what makes them donks for playing AK, KK, JJ and A9?
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Just wondering if I would get any responses to this question. I think my biggest flaw is letting a hand go when I know I have just been donked out on. (i.e. someone hits runner runner for a flush when I flopped trips and didn't improve AND did not give them near the right odds to chase.) I find that laying these down are much easier at higher limits, but when I go down levels it just enrages me so much that I get tilted. This is what I am working on shearing up right now. Any one else?
Calling raises when I've got TPTK and I just *know* the other guy flopped a set.So if you know it why do you still call, you donkey?Exactly.
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I hate when I start winning alot of money at a juicy game, so I loosen up my play in an attempt to win more money, but end up donking most of my profit back to the fish.... :x I need to end my sessions the same way I started: tight/aggro!!!

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My biggest leak is that I play to alleviate my boredom far too often. Which means I'm often playing spur of the moment without getting into the right mindset. So my brain is still thinking about work and what i'm gonna fix the kids for dinner, but I'm trying to play poker. Doesn't usually turn out well.

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My biggest leak is probably paying people off when I flop top pair with hands like AK and AQ and they flop sets or two pair. I seem to always donk off my stack this way in tournaments. Or, the blinds and antes will start getting high and I'll get impatient thinking I'm gonna get blinded off and I'll push a substandard hand too hard at a bad time.

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My biggest leak is Bankroll ManagementIf I bring $100 and play 3/6 limit and turn it into $250 I don't leave I go play 6/12.And if I lose I go back to 3/6 next time. If I win I go back the next day but I burned a hole in my wallet the night before on food, bar, movies, buying drinks for friends.I'm like Mike Matasow with a lot less money

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