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  • Rank
    Poker Forum Regular

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  • Location
    London, Ontario
  • Interests
    Poker, my kids, my friends
  1. Check it out!http://news.sympatico.msn.ctv.ca/TopStorie...showbyline=True
  2. MY Cat's breath smells like catfood


    I have spoken with Bret and he is interested in doing the show when we focus on Canadian Wrestlers on an upcoming show. UW actually changed his name to Warrior Warrior (no, that's not a typo). He has basically gone insane. The guy is a HUGE political figure now and does not do much if anything with regards to Wrestling.
  4. CANADAPart VII of the Canadian Criminal Code has the laws about gaming, betting, and gambling. Section 197 (sub-sections 1-4) defines the terms used in the Law. "Common betting house": This is where people get together and play games. There is no 'House' collecting and paying bets, but rather a group of people playing against each other in some game of skill and chance. The host does not collect and pay bets, nor does the host collect a 'rake', as described below. "Common gaming house": This is where people are enabled to conduct gaming against a second party. Take Home Craps, for example, whe
  5. Impossible to enforce. Didn't we already have this discussion!!!
  6. So, is the government going to also go to each house in America and remove people's hardware routers so they can get the IP address. And are they going to get access to databases of major online sites? (that's a lot of trips to Gibraltar). Oh, and the way the US has decimated the internet porn world (s.w.) I have the utmost confidence that the online Poker world has nothing to worry about!!!
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