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I never thought that i could find a site worse than party poker.But you all here are the fn worse players i have ever seen or played with.Is this a bingo site or a poker site??All i seem to run into is nothing but bingo players that chase and play anything.But then again i should of known better seeing as it's like poker room(another bingo site with morons) that don't no what they are doing either.Have any of you played a live game??Do you play bingo in live games to or is it just a online thing that seems to bringo out all the morons.Plus just by reading the post the you fools put up is sickening,like a bunch of kids bit ching over spelling and crap like that.I'm not here to make friends so i don't care what you all think of this post.I just wish i could play some of you in a live game.So to all you bingo players or what ever the F you are.Pay back are a bi tch and one day you will get what is coming to you.I can just imagine what kind of replies this will get but i don't really give a F.Most of you morons are from the UK any how,and probally have never played in a live game in your life.And i am sure some one will say why do you play here then.Well i thought it would be a good site with good players so i put some money up.I won't be here for long thats for sure and it was a big mistake on my part,so good bye and up your azz with broken glass!!!!! put that in your pipe and smoke it...

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I never thought that i could find a site worse than party poker.But you all here are the fn worse players i have ever seen or played with.Is this a bingo site or a poker site??All i seem to run into is nothing but bingo players that chase and play anything.But then again i should of known better seeing as it's like poker room(another bingo site with morons) that don't no what they are doing either.Have any of you played a live game??Do you play bingo in live games to or is it just a online thing that seems to bringo out all the morons.Plus just by reading the post the you fools put up is sickening,like a bunch of kids bit ching over spelling and crap  like that.I'm not here to make friends so i don't care what you all think of this post.I just wish i could play some of you in a live game.So to all you bingo players or what ever the F you are.Pay back are a censored and one day you will get what is coming to you.I can just imagine what kind of replies this will get but i don't really give a F.Most of you morons are from the UK any how,and probally have never played in a live game in your life.And i am sure some one will say why do you play here then.Well i thought it would be a good site with good players so i put some money up.I won't be here for long thats for sure and it was a big mistake on my part,so good bye and up your azz with broken glass!!!!! put that in your pipe and smoke it...
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I never thought that i could find a site worse than party poker.But you all here are the fn worse players i have ever seen or played with.Is this a bingo site or a poker site??All i seem to run into is nothing but bingo players that chase and play anything.But then again i should of known better seeing as it's like poker room(another bingo site with morons) that don't no what they are doing either.Have any of you played a live game??Do you play bingo in live games to or is it just a online thing that seems to bringo out all the morons.Plus just by reading the post the you fools put up is sickening,like a bunch of kids bit ching over spelling and crap  like that.I'm not here to make friends so i don't care what you all think of this post.I just wish i could play some of you in a live game.So to all you bingo players or what ever the F you are.Pay back are a bi tch and one day you will get what is coming to you.I can just imagine what kind of replies this will get but i don't really give a F.Most of you morons are from the UK any how,and probally have never played in a live game in your life.And i am sure some one will say why do you play here then.Well i thought it would be a good site with good players so i put some money up.I won't be here for long thats for sure and it was a big mistake on my part,so good bye and up your azz with broken glass!!!!! put that in your pipe and smoke it...
Pay back.... LMAO... what happend did you lose your last $15 on a hand you got sucked out on? Here is a box of tissues and some panties .... BINGO..you crybaby
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David Sklansky says....Going all in preflop is the bet way for less talented players to reduce the skill factor of hold'em....he's a douche, but that's not the point....

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and then I get a Pm from this cry baby.. funny chit....From: ontpokrplayr To: Stugots Flush Posted: Sat, Dec 17th, 1:39 pm Subject: my point is made As i said BINGO players and i'd bet that you are one also,i new i should of added fn yanks in there which i hate more than those UK er's so any time censored because if i were to see you in a live game that's just what you would be ..My censored..

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Firstly, its insane to complain about bad players - sure, youre gonna suffer a few beats, but think of all the money you make when they chase their gutshot to the river and it doesnt hit...Secondly, I'm from the UK, and we probably play more live poker than anyone, because half our bank accounts dont work with poker sites OR neteller etc. (and unless you use ladbrokes, you have to play in $, which = getting shat on by the exchange rate). And nearly every town has a cardroom which is friendly, and in which not everyone thinks theyre in the ME. And because holding home games (even with a rake) isn't cracked down on.And call us Brits, Limeys, Poms, imperialist dogs, monarchist a-holes...anything, but "UK'ers"....

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I don't get it, I would like nothing more than to play against bad players all day everyday! Thats where the money is, your complaining is ridiculous. Sounds to me like somebody needs a good old fashion man raping...Bingo!

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I never thought that i could find a site worse than party poker.But you all here are the fn worse players i have ever seen or played with.Is this a bingo site or a poker site??All i seem to run into is nothing but bingo players that chase and play anything.But then again i should of known better seeing as it's like poker room(another bingo site with morons) that don't no what they are doing either.Have any of you played a live game??Do you play bingo in live games to or is it just a online thing that seems to bringo out all the morons.Plus just by reading the post the you fools put up is sickening,like a bunch of kids bit ching over spelling and crap like that.I'm not here to make friends so i don't care what you all think of this post.I just wish i could play some of you in a live game.So to all you bingo players or what ever the F you are.Pay back are a bi tch and one day you will get what is coming to you.I can just imagine what kind of replies this will get but i don't really give a F.Most of you morons are from the UK any how,and probally have never played in a live game in your life.And i am sure some one will say why do you play here then.Well i thought it would be a good site with good players so i put some money up.I won't be here for long thats for sure and it was a big mistake on my part,so good bye and up your azz with broken glass!!!!! put that in your pipe and smoke it...
leave canada please.
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After reading the OP, I am almost sorry to admit I am Canadian. Please believe me, we aren't all as bitter and misguided. The funniest thing I notice about people who come into a game, website or post like this and complain about the donkeys around them who can't play poker, is that they are usually the first one to lose all their chips.It is obvious from this post that he is one of those people. "I lost all my money but it isn't my fault, it's the bad play of others." One of my greatest joys in poker is losing a bad beat to someone who obviously shouldn't have been in the hand in the first place. This tells me I can, and ususally do, clean this person out of their chips with a little time and patience.The reason I can do this is because I never blame others for my losses but look to see what I could have done differently and where I went wrong. Through this inflection I have become a better player.But I guess it is just easier to go blame everyone else.

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I never thought that i could find a site worse than party poker.But you all here are the fn worse players i have ever seen or played with.Is this a bingo site or a poker site??All i seem to run into is nothing but bingo players that chase and play anything.But then again i should of known better seeing as it's like poker room(another bingo site with morons) that don't no what they are doing either.Have any of you played a live game??Do you play bingo in live games to or is it just a online thing that seems to bringo out all the morons.Plus just by reading the post the you fools put up is sickening,like a bunch of kids bit ching over spelling and crap like that.I'm not here to make friends so i don't care what you all think of this post.I just wish i could play some of you in a live game.So to all you bingo players or what ever the F you are.Pay back are a bi tch and one day you will get what is coming to you.I can just imagine what kind of replies this will get but i don't really give a F.Most of you morons are from the UK any how,and probally have never played in a live game in your life.And i am sure some one will say why do you play here then.Well i thought it would be a good site with good players so i put some money up.I won't be here for long thats for sure and it was a big mistake on my part,so good bye and up your azz with broken glass!!!!! put that in your pipe and smoke it...
Hhahahahah post of the year.Try Gamesgrid, that seems more your style.... I'm sure you'll do MUCH better there...he he he he he..
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I love it when people loose there bankroll and blame it on the incompitence of the OTHER players. If you r really that good u would love a site full of "bingo players". Instead u complain. I suggest u arent as good as u think u are because if u were u wouldnt b running down your customers.when someone takes the wrong price on a draw and gets lucky dont complain just say nh and take note.

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I love it when people loose there bankroll and blame it on the incompitence of the OTHER players. If you r really that good u would love a site full of "bingo players". Instead u complain. I suggest u arent as good as u think u are because if u were u wouldnt b running down your customers.when someone takes the wrong price on a draw and gets lucky dont complain just say nh and take note.

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OK guys I think we should all leave this guy alone. We all know that you never hit bad beats in "live" games. I feel bad, hes probally a world class player who got sucked out on because of online poker being rigged. He then went on tilt and blew the rest of his bankroll on bingo. I would be mad at bingo players to.{sw}

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