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About ontpokrplayr

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    Poker Forum Newbie

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  1. I hope DN gets robbed for every cent he has lost 1/2 million so far.fn moron.It'll look good on him.sent his broke a ss back to toronto lol.FOOL thinks he's king s hit someone is gonna break him hahaha
  2. This forum is nothing but a joke.Most of you can only put up negative responses to any post .I was right in the 1st place when i called you's bingo players and morons .Because if any of you that write the stuipd s hit you's write are either kids or morons.I have said what i have seen and the people i have played with on this site so far are nothing but bingo players.And if that offends you then i guess you must be one of them,other wise it should not bother you in my opinion.I am glad i have cashed out of this site because you people make me sick and i only wish i had a chance to run into so
  3. This forum is nothing but a joke.Most of you can only put up negative responses to any post .I was right in the 1st place when i called you's bingo players and morons .Because if any of you that write the stuipd s hit you's write are either kids or morons.I have said what i have seen and the people i have played with on this site so far are nothing but bingo players.And if that offends you then i guess you must be one of them,other wise it should not bother you in my opinion.I am glad i have cashed out of this site because you people make me sick and i only wish i had a chance to run into so
  4. To who ever i have ofened or been rude to ,I just want to say i am SORRY.i am not a jerk and should not take my frustrations out on you people.I have not been having no luck alot of bad beats ,U people really do seem to be ok even though u have a habit of flaming us .I have been a miserable pr ick and i no it and i am man enough to say it.I hope you all a very merry x-mas and a very happy new yr's to all .and Good luck in your games .maybe i;ll get some now that i am changing my attitude about this site .It is a good site and yes there are bingo players which i should not let get to me ..So
  5. I never thought that i could find a site worse than party poker.But you all here are the fn worse players i have ever seen or played with.Is this a bingo site or a poker site??All i seem to run into is nothing but bingo players that chase and play anything.But then again i should of known better seeing as it's like poker room(another bingo site with morons) that don't no what they are doing either.Have any of you played a live game??Do you play bingo in live games to or is it just a online thing that seems to bringo out all the morons.Plus just by reading the post the you fools put up is sicke
  6. 1st of all i was not talking to any of you chumps and as for my spelling sorry that i don't sit and spell every word perfect for you.if your biggest concern is with other peoples spelling then you got some major issues.just goes to show what kind of people i have to play against and beat lol.
  7. I have not noticed any free rolls yet is the site going to be having free rolls any time soon
  8. Hey Daniel I no you won;t remember me but I am pretty sure we have played together way back when the charity casino's were running in T.O. plus a few others here an there.can't remember if you ever came and played with us guys at the blue heron casion in port perry or not.I am from peterborough ont.an I can say from me an my friends we are happy that you have come so far and done so good. I just wish i could of done as well .I'm still just a port perry player and online player but one day i hope to have a chance to play with you again.well from all of us here in canada/ontario have a very Merr
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